Group 7-day waking average?

5.8 for me but only because I injected a 2 unit correction an hour earlier along with my Levemir when it was 7.7.
I hypoed late last night just as I got in the house after feeding the horses (3.8 with a vertical downwards arrow 😳) and over treated it because I was at Ian's and he had some little flapjack bites which were very sweet and moreish! Needed 2 stacked corrections afterwards even though I only had 3..... or maybe it was 4. 🙄 Anyway, I spent the first half of the night in double figures, despite another 1 unit Levemir increase to 3.That will teach me! Must do better!
You should have had Ian throw the flapjacks to you, the carbs just fall away whenever food is thrown through the air didn’t you know? :rofl:
And todays spider chart...all good
Hi Gwynn. What are the units (0.0-1.0) on your chart? I guess they're being normalised. What's being measured where?
Afternoon folks

8.something for me this morning

Currently waiting on a joiner to come and sort the leak at the front door that was reported last year, we were booked in for afternoon but we had a long lie (Bruce is off because he took it off as its his birthday today) and they had been round early, phoned up and the lassie had no idea what had happened so she was sending out another joiner

I was testing a new wax scent for a vendor on Sunday and the product testers had to suggest a name for it, on launch it will be called Tropical Bubba Burst which was my suggestion and a truly stunning scent it is too xxxx
You should have had Ian throw the flapjacks to you, the carbs just fall away whenever food is thrown through the air didn’t you know? :rofl:
Learn something new every day!
Just collected this month’s prescription and I did get another 2 sensors. So that now means I have some spares. It seems like nobody in my surgery checks that closely, but they won’t go to waste and I’m really grateful to have some buffer stock!
I have a buffer of four because a month or so after getting the first ones, had a rash of sensor failures, one in less than 24hrs. for a short while I was "without sensor" while waiting for Abbot to replace the failed ones and before my script came up for renewal.
Further to the work update I just want to say I’m fine with it no matter what the outcome.

The role was never more than just a job and it is/was exhausting. Throw in the mix the varied medical, legal and therapy appointments I’ve had and I’m rarely able to work more than 14 or 21 hours per week.

I’d be happy to carry on doing that if they want me to. I’d even be happy going on extended leave (unpaid) for a few months and review it then. However what I’m not prepared to put up with is being stonewalled when I email them, not having shifts confirmed and not being told why not.

It’s also crystal clear that they’ve not adhered to the company rulebook going back to when I first reported my trauma(s).

I also have a paper trail of me repeatedly asking when I was going to hear the outcome of occupational health suggestions. That’s been something I’ve been chasing for over a year with never any reply.

My email which prompted this “let’s have a meeting” reply used the phrase “As I’ve mentioned on a number of occasions (citing various emails and attaching them) this silence feels like I’m being penalised for taking necessary time off sick, time which has been over certificated*.
I am not saying that I am being forced out or sidelined but it is what it feels like.”

We’ll see what transpires but again I just wanted to let you good folks all know that I’m ok with whatever the outcome is.


*over certificated in this respect is because even when I have been able to self-cert I’ve always provided a fit note from the GP

Ooh! As a side bar I was at an OA meeting last night and chatting with someone afterwards and they suggested coming to this forum because “they’re all great”!

I said I’m here already and agreed with the collective greatness thing!
re-evaluating my previous answer
A "target" is a specific level you are aiming for when you do a correction. You obviously can't stay in the 8s all day, or if you can you are a genius! That is just what you are aiming for when levels are not where you want them to be and yopu are calculating a correction.
yeah, upon thinking a bit more deeply about it, that makes sense despite my initial impression of what he meant by "target"
Libre alarms are not your "Range" they are set to stop you from going too far out of range. The standard "Time in Range" settings are 3.9-10.0 because these are levels that most non-diabetic people keep their levels between most of the time. Some people reduce that range a bit but there is no real advantage in that and most of the research suggests keeping your levels in that 3.9-10 range 70% of the time suggests both a good HbA1c result and reduced risk of complications, so if I were you I would adjust your range (usually the green strip on your Libre graph to reflect that.
Good morning! 5'3 here.

I'm back to work today. Scheduled for 13 hours, what a gentle transition from my holidays! o_O
Good morning everyone.

Cold and dark here but I feel great.

Out at the church at 8am for a mens breakfast AND I have been asked to 'man' the sound system at the service tomorrow. All good.

BG this morning at 5:15am 5.1. How about a nice HS house but with the keep or one of the stables missing?

BP 117/77 excellent
Pulse 57
Oxy 99 (I doubt that. Probably 98 or 97)

My big update of my App went well yesterday (new functionality). It was a long, tedious and complcated change. My first two strategies were just not good enough but I kept going and won through at 10pm last night. It's better than any PC game although the graphics are not as slick (but they do the job and are good enough ... and there are no monsters chasing me !!!).

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
Colin’s Cultural Corner - today sponsored by Sudafed

Mid afternoon yesterday I felt like crap. Freezing cold up my very core, constantly shivering. That was even with paracetamol and ibuprofen coursing through my veins.

I had a ticket for Mahler 5 at Barbican and was completely torn about going or not.

I meditated on the responsible decision - whether to go and spread my germs or stay home and go to bed. I decided the noble thing to do was go to bed.

I made soup (chicken and veg) and dosed up on medical miracles again and laid down on the bed.

Not wanting to leave the ticket unused (and this now being an hour before the baton fell on the support piece rather than the Mahler I messaged a few people I know who could have made it in time for M5 if not the whole thing.

No sooner had I sent the messages my head cleared and I felt right as rain. And toasty warm.

I unsent all the offers of the ticket and sent myself.

By the time I’d got there I was sweating like a <insert aphorism> and was desperately in need of water. Barbican doesn’t sell bottled water so I bought two cans of Diet Coke and knocked them straight back. No chaser.

I decided, as I was already there, to go in and take my seat. Depending on how I felt at the interval I would decide to stay or go.

Row G so tonnes of legroom (it’s one of the main cross hall aisles and used by wheelchair users so it is wide. My seat was very much off to the side. If I go again I’ll pick a seat more central and further back so the auditory experience is better and I can see the whole orchestra.

The first piece. A debut of a new work. I’ll not bother finding the name so hopefully you won’t ever have to hear it.

Suffice to say we had to endure 30 minutes of discordant harmonies with a soprano singing notes that had nothing obvious in common with the music the orchestra was playing. The libretto was four apparently famous poems about Christ and his life, death and resurrection.

No doubt it made sense to some but not to me.

20 minute interval before the main event which saw a flood of people coming to take their seats. I didn’t know it’s generally ok to turn up just for the main event and perhaps it’s something I’ll do in future.

Mahler 5 was, to me anyway, a stunning performance.

The 4th movement is special. It’s the “Death in Venice” movement and it was famously used at Bobby Kennedy’s funeral when Leonard Bernstein conducted and he slowed it right down to a previously unheard of 12 minutes I think.
Tonight it was just about under 10.

Behind me was a conductor and some musician friends of his who ripped tonight’s conductor a new one pretty much. After the final note I hasten to add.

They were saying that the conductor was “just hitting the notes” rather than “adding anything more”.

They also commented that it was clear that the orchestra wasn’t enjoying themselves until the 5th moment but by then it was “too late”.

I didn’t let their musings detract from my enjoyment.

Would I go again to see a classical concert? Maybe.

I’d be more tempted if they threw in some pretty dancing or maybe some singing.
Good morning everyone.

Cold and dark here but I feel great.

Out at the church at 8am for a mens breakfast AND I have been asked to 'man' the sound system at the service tomorrow. All good.

BG this morning at 5:15am 5.1. How about a nice HS house but with the keep or one of the stables missing?

BP 117/77 excellent
Pulse 57
Oxy 99 (I doubt that. Probably 98 or 97)

My big update of my App went well yesterday (new functionality). It was a long, tedious and complcated change. My first two strategies were just not good enough but I kept going and won through at 10pm last night. It's better than any PC game although the graphics are not as slick (but they do the job and are good enough ... and there are no monsters chasing me !!!).

Have a great day today whatever you are doing.
You seem to be open to a fixer upper with a 5.1 and this fits the bill!

6.1 this morning. Not going anywhere until TNT deliver my new passport today (between 7 and 7).
@ColinUK a quick lick of paint will sort out the minor blemishes. My final design in my head looks a bit like this :- (might take a bit of work but the basic structure is there I think. Thanks Colinuk)

@Gwynn one of your most endearing qualities is your modest tastes :rofl:
Oh, that image was just the granny flat. The main building is a little more, er, grand.

Thanks. Nice to be appreciated ! 🙂
Morning all. 6.4 after a high overnight which was probably caused by a delayed reaction to all the dextrose and juice i had yesterday afternoon/evening to keep up levels.

Hair cut/colour this morning then cleaning and washing to do. Have a good day whatever you do.

@ColinUK i hope you're feeling better this morning. I'm loving the CCCs
Good morning lovely people another 6.9 for me this morning, following no disturbances from next door for the second night running, plus something on a prescription from GP to aid sleep.

I had a great day yesterday, but no news on the bungalow yet, still can’t really believe the vendors didn’t either have a insurance policy, or turn the water off and drain down the system…hey as they say in this world it takes all sorts 🙂

@ColinUK hope your feeling better & @Gwynn loved the beach hut you were awarded for your .. nearly

Have a lovely day & weekend everybody 😎
Morning all. Drum roll please. 5.2! And an almost flatfish. I won’t mention that my meter read 6.4, it’s still -/+ 15%! 😉 I think this sensor is reading a wee bit low TBF, but I’m still taking it! No unicorn day, “just” 97%, after a week of not feeling like eating much, I had the munchies yesterday and did spike a couple of times. But hey, I’m only human after all.:rofl:

Got visitors this afternoon, our eldest niece, from Yorkshire, her husband and their newly adopted little boy, we haven’t met him yet. Looking forward to seeing them.

@ColinUK glad you’re feeling better, must have been your special Jewish penicillin. Hope you remain well. And I hope your passport comes sooner rather than later then you can get out of the house for some more “culture”. I must say Mahler isn’t my thing but it’s right up Mr Eggy’s street. He’s the classical music buff in this household. We watched a film on Netflix the other night, The Father, Antony Hopkins, Olivia Colman, when it finished he immediately got his phone out to check what the music was that Antony Hopkins’ character was listening too! He still hasn’t found it but suspects it was Mahler. He won’t rest until he finds out!

Have a great day folks. It’s still cold and frosty up here but I can just see the sun rising and it’s looking fantastic. I’m off into the garden with my camera. 🙂


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