Group 7-day waking average?

Well I was in a right grump yesterday about how unfair it is that type 2 on MDI get much worse treatment than type 1, even though having some insulin production actually just makes your BGs more erratic not less, so CGM would be of even more benefit not less. And anyway, no one can be convinced to even test to find out if you’re type 1 or 2 they just assume type 2.

The grump stemmed from having a few appointments recently - dr in December (awful), dietician this week (nice and encouraging but need to improve bg through fingerpricks and exercise and insulin adjustment not cgm), and DSN next week (not sure what that’s for really but local guidelines are no CGM for T2s).

It needed out of my system anyway, I didn’t bolus for dinner as I was too busy grumping and got to 18 afterwards, but am down to 10 so far this morning.

Might try and learn how to go to a different swimming pool with my new gym membership today. As I’m autistic I need to learn the steps to any new places and a friend has offered to come with me to find out the process.
Well done @eggyg on the House Special. 🙂
My reading was a round 6 this am.

Morning all. 🙂 8.6 here.

Yeah, I don’t understand the “no CGM for type 2s” @Lucyr either, especially since you’re basically on the same treatment as a person with type 1 AND you would so obviously benefit. Makes no sense. Enjoy your swim!

It’s a 3-hour Welsh session this morning and tomorrow - it’ll make up for not having hit the books all week (too busy).
Good morning. 6.2. Rather surprised it wasn't higher as I was attacked by the munchie Monster at 02.30hrs and surrendered. Sitting up in bed, kindle on knee, large bowl of yoghurt raspberries and almonds...

Had a brilliant round trip yesterday: feed merchant, chemist, mammoth food shop and 36 miles driving without having to rush to find a loo every half an hour. Felt remarkably well - legs not weighing a ton as though at end of marathon. Found on return home that in my usual morning haste to get animals done I had managed to drop my furosemide pill on the work surface when taking my matutinal handful of pills....
Wonder if I need to reduce the dose? Shall have to add taking BP every morning for a week and see if a) if leg ache and weariness return on full dose and b) what the BP is c) if the wonderful relief from the piddling urgency immediately ceases. If it does I'll be trying to get an urgent GP appointment and presenting my evidence.

Have a good day everyone - hope the forecast thaw gets to you all - its damned cold here as yet.
Totally and utterly delighted with a 5.3 this morning as I went to bed 12.6 with 3 stacked corrections in my system as BG just suddenly started to rise last night and didn't show any signs of responding to my first or second correction. Slept better than I have for a while but woke up feeling rough/hungover despite no alcohol. and certainly no hypos. Injected my Levemir and Fiasp for breakfast and swung my legs out of bed, then realized I hadn't logged the insulin on my reader so scanned again and I was already 6.0. Thankfully the Fiasp has stopped it going any higher.
Must get to the shops today as I am almost totally out of animal feed and Barbara feed!

Many congratulations to @eggyg on yet another wonderful diabetic achievement! Wow! You really are on a roll! Good to hear your appetite is coming back.
Good morning - 8.8
Morning all, and it’s a 5.2 for me this morning.
Good morning, 4.4 for me today.

Failed to do my final bit of basal test yesterday thanks to going low immediately beforehand. Oh well, one for another day and probably not a weekend when we tend to be out more and have different meals and mealtimes. I only want to check 7pm to 10pm so that would be last food and bolus no later than 3pm, so should really be do-able.

Congratulations @eggyg on your HS and flatfish overnight!

Loved CCC @ColinUK and glad you managed to get to the concert in the end.

Hope everyone has a great day!

8.1 a few bits planned but nothing major, just waiting in for a parcel that should have come yesterday,

@eggyg and @Barrowman congrats on your HS.
Good morning! A fair 7.3 for me this chilly morning. Decision do I go outside for a short period in shorts (postie says I am his hero! 🙂) or for a longer period with a blanket (so ageing)!

Note for newbies. I have a LBKA and spend most of my waking hours in a wheelchair!
Morning all and 7.2 for me on the libre which is due for a change tomorrow. I was hoping to be on a Libre 2 but the pharmacy said only a request for test strips had come through. Looks like a phone call on Monday.

Had to get in the car via passenger door this morning as drivers side firmly frozen shut

Have a good day everyone.
Passport has arrived. Took a week to get the new one so no complaints.

I can go back to bed now!