Group 7-day waking average?


Off to therapy. We’ll catch up with you all later. And that includes you @Gwynn you cheeky scamp asking for what a bungalow? A tent? A lean-to?!
Morning all. 🙂 7.9 here.

Lots on today - knitting then Welsh then maybe a trip into Carmarthen to buy bits n pieces for work.

Well done @TinaD on getting your results - I still haven’t been able to access mine. What a waste of our time / nhs resources. Ho hum.

6.8 so an improvement. Had a really bad sleep last night, which is strange as I had been to rest and restorative yoga yesterday evening.

@Bloden - enjoy your knitting, I would love to go to knit and natter near me, but unfortunately work gets in the way, oh well only 7 years and 1 month until I can retire.
5.9 for me today. 🙂

3.4 this morning! Obviously yesterday’s basal test annoyed the DF and she’s going to get her own back today! Still pre-bolused my breakfast by 30 minutes and the peak so far is 8.3 and the graph is just starting to head down so fingers crossed I’ll be ok.

Planning to do a basal test for 6pm to 10pm today, but pretty sure the Levemir is holding for me as I continued yesterday’s test until 7pm when I bolused for dinner and BG was still flat at around 5 then as it had been all afternoon. Really pleased as this suits me to continue with a single levemir at night.

Hope everyone has a great Friday!
5.8 for me but only because I injected a 2 unit correction an hour earlier along with my Levemir when it was 7.7.
I hypoed late last night just as I got in the house after feeding the horses (3.8 with a vertical downwards arrow 😳) and over treated it because I was at Ian's and he had some little flapjack bites which were very sweet and moreish! Needed 2 stacked corrections afterwards even though I only had 3..... or maybe it was 4. 🙄 Anyway, I spent the first half of the night in double figures, despite another 1 unit Levemir increase to 3.That will teach me! Must do better!
Morning all, and it’s a 5.6 for me on another sunny frosty morning. Now where’s my porridge I’m starving.
@Leodis Redding yup that is the pipe organ I used to play. Sadly the church has all but closed and the pipe organ neglected and no longer useable. I do miss playing it.

BG this morning 5.3 how about an 'HS plus a bit' (bigger house? 🙂 )
BP good at 120/72
Pulse low, as normal, 55

Thinking through an awkward update to my App today...Might get out for a chilly walk later on.

And todays spider chart...all good

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Here you go!Beach-hut-1.jpg
As some of you know, I like analysing stuff and have written an App to enable me to do just that. My relationship with diabetes and with my health in general has been significantly improved by my 'hobby/obsession/interest'.

The thing I like the best about the App is that I can change a meal or a days meals as I need to. Nothing is fixed in stone!

I started off two years ago after leaving hospital, by just analysing calories and carbohydrates, getting my raw data from the internet and discovering that it is not an exact science. I found it all very confusing at first. Especially when I discovered that the American data and British data regarding Carbohydrates was different !!

I discovered this web site and everyone here has help me steer through the mire of mis information and confusion. And, more importantly, you have all kept me motivated. Thank you.

Then I broadened my App to include as many basic nutrients as possible: protein, fats, saturated fats, fibre, salt, cholesterol, fruit portions

I started an exercise regime and lost a signifcant amount of weight.

It all helped me get my diabetes under control and improve my general health. HbA1c quickly went from 140 to 37 and stayed there.

It was then that I discovered (from someone here on this forum mentioning it (thank you whoever you were)) that the PPI meds I was taking every day was messing up several minerals and vitamins. I had to adjust for that and it made interesting reading (to me). No one in the NHS had told me...frightening that.

However, more recently I broadened the analysis to include macro nutrients: vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, C, D, E, K and some minerals: Boron, Calcium, Copper, Chromium, Iodine, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, Selenium, Sodium, Zinc, and a few oddities: Choline, Beta Carotene, Omega 3, Omega 6.

The purpose? To see if there were any shortfalls or excesses. Where I found 'problems' then a change of the days foods or a supplement was the order of the day.

I now 'balance things as best I can. Every day.

So what have I discovered? Over the two years of analysis: I did have an indicated shortfall in vitamin B7, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Beta Carotene and my Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio was way out of line.

The shortfalls were not major, the worst being Phosphorus and Potassium which were continuously low (below the NHS recommended daily requirement), also vitamin B7 and Beta Carotene were constantly just borderline.

I also double checked against my blood test results from the GP.

The outcome of all this ?

I now have meals and supplements (as few as possible) that give the best possible nutrition balance day to day. AND (far far more importantly) my overall health and energy have significatlly improved and my minor tingling in my feet has gone completely And I just have this 'wellness' feeling that I have not felt for many many years.

Not everything is improved. My tinitus is as bad as ever.

It's been a huge amount of effort. Was it worth the effort....ABSOLUTELY, YES

I just wish it hadn't just been up to me but a part of my surgeries oversight of my health (or at least provide the tools to enable me to manage it). Ahh my soap box topic. I wish the NHS was into providing lifetime oversight into everyones health as well as (as they do now) helping us with stuff that goes wrong with our bodies.

Attached is todays Spider chart. Unfortunately it sows that the O3/O6 ratio is a bit high at 1 : 2.07 (a result of a change in my tea (a small pizza). It's still below the limit of 1 : 4 though.

Sorry for the long post I just felt it right to show you all what you have helped me with.

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Well done I am so envious of you I have to resort to pen and paper to work out my calories and carbs. I am not very good with the computer. I think you’ve done a fabulous job with all your charts. I just wish I could do the same but never mind I get the same results with my pen and paper.

6.8 so an improvement. Had a really bad sleep last night, which is strange as I had been to rest and restorative yoga yesterday evening.

@Bloden - enjoy your knitting, I would love to go to knit and natter near me, but unfortunately work gets in the way, oh well only 7 years and 1 month until I can retire.
Retiring at 40 eh! What a life!
Final therapy session with this brilliant therapist.
3 month break until the next run whatever that may be.

We hugged. I cried.

I have an invitation to see her privately with I will consider.

On other matters I suspect I’m about to lose my job. Comes as no real surprise as they’ve not allocated me any shifts for a while and haven’t responded to emails until today.

They’ve suggested a meeting and said they’d be in touch with a meeting invite. I replied with my availability over the next two weeks “for work and therefore for meetings” and my hope that the bosses diary has matching free time.

They know I am disabled under the law and have made zero adjustments be they reasonable or otherwise.

It’s worth noting that I don’t need this job (especially after PIP being confirmed) but I do genuinely enjoy it. Most of the time.

Let’s see what transpires.
@freesia @Eternal422 that's what I expected, 2 or 3 sensors at a time. But in my prescriptions it doesn't specify how often I can order something (e.g. once a month), just says the quantity I get each time I order. So getting more of something means less trips to the pharmacy.
Afternoon all, been busy all morning.

7.2 on the libre this morning. Managed to get confirmation that my prescription has been changed to libre 2. Should be a couple to pick up tomorrow.

Have a good day everyone.
Hi everyone. 5'9 this morning.

I activated the Libre low alarm a few days ago and tonight it woke me up twice. Finger prick showed a BG of 6 so looks like a fake alarm but the graph shows I was close to the 4 line all night.

Yesterday was a relaxed and productive day. Got the groceries and pharmacy sorted, went for a walk and later watched Avatar in the cinema near me. Bought small salted popcorn in the same cinema, which I haven't done in many years. Not bad but for this price, next time I'll bring a bag from the store like always :D Nice to see my BG didn't raise much, might be the previous walk.
hi, 4.1 FOTF (am i doing this right) 3.8 on libre. Maybe the unicorn will decide to graze.
@freesia @Eternal422 that's what I expected, 2 or 3 sensors at a time. But in my prescriptions it doesn't specify how often I can order something (e.g. once a month), just says the quantity I get each time I order. So getting more of something means less trips to the pharmacy.
Just collected this month’s prescription and I did get another 2 sensors. So that now means I have some spares. It seems like nobody in my surgery checks that closely, but they won’t go to waste and I’m really grateful to have some buffer stock!
On other matters I suspect I’m about to lose my job. Comes as no real surprise as they’ve not allocated me any shifts for a while and haven’t responded to emails until today.
So sorry to hear about potential bad news with your job. A couple of years ago I went through that almost every year with various “restructures”, etc. I managed to hold onto my job through all of them and then ended up being TUPE’ed over to another company when they outsourced a chunk of IT. But it does get very tiring and stressful. These last 3 years have been very stable, but would now be more than happy to get a nice pay off and retire!

Getting your PIP is really good timing and at least it sounds like it will take some of the pressure and stress off you! I hope whatever happens works out well for you.