Group 7-day waking average?

JB induced 5.1 this morning.
More basal tweaking needed. My needs have gone down and I wonder if it might have something to do with being more on top of fluid levels and doing my water tablets daily. Have got to the point of switching from 2 tablets (usually crisis management) down to 1 (maintenance) again.
All it takes is life getting in the way of taking them for more than a few days (illness or being out where there is no access to a toilet) to throw it all off and its a lot of time and effort to get back on top of it all again.

Anyway gotta get some housework and bits done and decide what I'm doing with this mince for dinner. Thinking lasagne as my lot can just grab some when they want it 🙂
5.8 this am. warm croissants for breakfast made the unicorn fly away
Afternoon all. It was 5.6 for me this morning. I'm very late today, i overslept this morning and ended up rushing about.
Congratulations @harbottle on your HS, and a very nice eco one @ColinUK has awarded you too!

@Gwynn - seriously impressed with your research and record keeping! Wow! Really great that you have felt the difference too - it just goes to show we are what we eat!

Doing my own bit of research today, a basal test for the period 1pm to 6pm. Not had anything to eat since breakfast at 8am, so be kind to me :rofl:

Really pleased with the results so far and pleased to say it does look like my Levemir is lasting at least for this period.

It will be really interesting testing the next period from 6pm to 10pm (which is roughly when I take my single dose of Levemir, 28U which works out to be 0.3U/kg). I was expecting it to run out by 3pm so this is definitely a worthwhile test. Needless to say the 6pm to 10pm test is for another day as I will definitely be eating very soon:rofl:
Congratulations @harbottle on your HS, and a very nice eco one @ColinUK has awarded you too!

@Gwynn - seriously impressed with your research and record keeping! Wow! Really great that you have felt the difference too - it just goes to show we are what we eat!

Doing my own bit of research today, a basal test for the period 1pm to 6pm. Not had anything to eat since breakfast at 8am, so be kind to me :rofl:

Really pleased with the results so far and pleased to say it does look like my Levemir is lasting at least for this period.

View attachment 23836
It will be really interesting testing the next period from 6pm to 10pm (which is roughly when I take my single dose of Levemir, 28U which works out to be 0.3U/kg). I was expecting it to run out by 3pm so this is definitely a worthwhile test. Needless to say the 6pm to 10pm test is for another day as I will definitely be eating very soon:rofl:
Wow! That is an impressive basal test result! Nice one!
LivLife bread is really rather good. It makes great toast!
That's an experiment for tomorrow's breakfast! When I will also be able to see the effect in my BG. My previous sensor finished this morning and I applied the new one just 30 minutes ago.

I collected my first batch of Libre sensors from the pharmacy and I'm surprised to have 5 of them at once. Of course not complaining, but I'm curious. Does people usually get this amount each time?
collected my first batch of Libre sensors from the pharmacy and I'm surprised to have 5 of them at once. Of course not complaining, but I'm curious. Does people usually get this amount each time
I'm allowed two per month.
That's an experiment for tomorrow's breakfast! When I will also be able to see the effect in my BG. My previous sensor finished this morning and I applied the new one just 30 minutes ago.

I collected my first batch of Libre sensors from the pharmacy and I'm surprised to have 5 of them at once. Of course not complaining, but I'm curious. Does people usually get this amount each time?
Same for me, just 2 per month. Although just before Christmas my pharmacy, through staff absences, ended up submitting my repeat order twice within two days of each other. So, my collection on Friday Dec 23rd was a double lot with 4 sensors! I’m due to collect my January prescription tomorrow, so it will be interesting to see if I get a further 2 sensors! They’ll all get used of course and I’m using them in expiry date order (although those dates are all way off in the future) and it’s really good to have some spares just in case of any issues!
Good morning - 7.7
Good morning 6.9 today

neighbours weren’t noisy at all last night which was a relief
I guess the message got through the day before.

I need to get back on a stricter diet as weight is creeping up again
to many carbs I know,
I’m reasonably active with a fair bit of walking at work.

Looking forwards to the weekend, but first let’s do Friday
have a fantastic day everybody 😎
@Gwynn - very impressive stuff. Are those church organ pipes I see in your picture? I do like a choral evensong.

I'm getting a lot of motivation from a "Daily Health" Google spreadsheet that I have created.

One of the numbers is "Housework", something I have neglected in the past. I managed 131 minutes yesterday.

This morning's number is 8.6, a welcome improvement on yesterday's 12.8. Filling out my food diary app as I went along helped.
Morning all. 5.7 today. But unfortunately no unicorn day. The ones I had have all disappeared in a puff of smoke! Thank goodness as they’ve churned my lawn up, little tinkers. :rofl:

Back to child care today. Wish those other grandparents would get theirselves back from the Caribbean, three full days is hard work. She’s a good little thing on the whole, although the terrible twos are creeping in a month early. By the end of the day she becomes very defiant and gets a bit demanding, should we say. We are hoping to get out for a walk today, but it’s still very cold and icy. But sunshine is on the horizon, so we’ll get wrapped up and try and expend some of that pent up defiance! It might do Zara good too! 😉

Have a fabulous Friday. 🙂
A 4.9 for me.
After a 3.6 after walking back from the pub last night.
@Leodis Redding yup that is the pipe organ I used to play. Sadly the church has all but closed and the pipe organ neglected and no longer useable. I do miss playing it.

BG this morning 5.3 how about an 'HS plus a bit' (bigger house? 🙂 )
BP good at 120/72
Pulse low, as normal, 55

Thinking through an awkward update to my App today...Might get out for a chilly walk later on.

And todays spider chart...all good

Spider for 20th Jan 2023.jpg
Good morning. 5.8.
Very cold here.
Spent half of yesterday chasing my blood results round the NHS - some idiot had sent my HbA1c off to rheumatology along with the stuff tested for them. So not sent to GP. 7 phone calls, each with an automatic queueing system. I won't go into details but it was a 3 hour demonstration of an administrative system clearly devised by a Bedlamite. I don't wonder we can't afford to pay our medical staff given the obvious wastage in an incompetent system.
I still haven't got the results - policy prohibits their release save by "medically trained" staff - but a friendly mole is dropping a print out to my physical letterbox!! Nice to find a drop of the rebellious spirit still runs on the veins of the West.
Have a good day everyone - wrap up warm.
6.6, just eaten my banana without bolus so better get to the swimming pool