Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. A so close, but so far, 5.3, and ( whispers) another unicorn day. I have checked my readings with my meter, I also changed my sensor on Tuesday, so it is just me being a top notch diabetic.😛 Just one more tomorrow and it’ll be a straight week of them. I think in a way when you’re doing well you want to keep at it so are very careful, a bit like when you’re on a diet. I suppose that’s why the Libre is such a good piece of kit, there’s no hiding from it.

Retinal screening went ok, although left eye remained very blurry for about seven hours.

A rare day at home today so I’ll be cooking up a storm. First loaf of bread already in bread maker, will make another one when that’s finished. A ragu to make and conchiglioni to stuff with mascarpone, mozzarella, garlic and basil, that’s tonight’s tea. I got a huge cauli half price in Tesco yesterday, I used some last night and I’m going to make a huge pan of cauliflower cheese soup for lunch, and the freezer. If I’ve time I’ll make a gingerbread. We have family visiting from Yorkshire on Saturday and it’s nice to offer some homemade goodies. By Saturday it’ll be lovely and sticky.🙂

Have a good day. Still cold up here, snow still laying and it’s -2 at the moment. Brr!!

I forgot to post yesterday’s unicorn so here it is, along with this mornings.


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Not had one of these for a while… 6.9 :rofl:

After seeing Tár yesterday I’m thinking of going tomorrow evening to hear Mahler’s 5th at Barbican.

I’m not sure if it might be too much though. As in cultural overload. I’ll think on it today and decide later.
Go for it. Mahlers 5th is an amazing piece of work
Good morning this cold and dark morning.

Ice outside. Just put the bins out. I'm frozen now.

Still a nice 5.1 BG this morning.

Got to get out to the shops later on to get my tea. The hill between my house and town is tretcherous when its icy!!!

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all, 6.7 here. Had my review yesterday, not much to discuss, as I’d already looked up my blood results on line. Listened politely while she ran through in general terms 'Your cholesterol's fine, your kidneys are fine..etc etc.' felt my nose growing longer as I answered her tick boxes..yes of course I always use a fresh needle, yes of course I check my sites for lumps once a week (does anyone do that? I mean, yes of course I keep an eye on my sites, normally when I'm about to inject, but I don’t make an appointment with myself for a full weekly inspection).
One good thing, it saves me making a separate appointment for an annual medication review, she can tell the doctor that everything’s fine and the GP can tick the box without wasting an appointment.
Go for it. Mahlers 5th is an amazing piece of work
I’ve booked. Tickets are not a lot of money so if I don’t feel up for it tomorrow it’s not a big deal.

Sometimes I forget about art house cinemas but then I check Flick or Flicks and that shows every screen nationally showing a film. Maybe worth checking that out rather than taking my previous suggestion seriously.
Don’t think we have an independent cinema locally and the chain one I have a monthly pass for isn’t showing it. Going to visit family soon and they have an independent so I’ll see if it’s on there
Don’t think we have an independent cinema locally and the chain one I have a monthly pass for isn’t showing it. Going to visit family soon and they have an independent so I’ll see if it’s on there
It is coming to streaming services but honestly, if you can, see it at the cinema.

If you can’t find a screening then I’ll happily go and see it again and just imagine I’m you. That’ll work right?
11.1 this morning. Swam in the evening yesterday, with food and no bolus as I did with great success on Monday morning, and well it was a disaster. I’ll post the graph elsewhere.
It is coming to streaming services but honestly, if you can, see it at the cinema.

If you can’t find a screening then I’ll happily go and see it again and just imagine I’m you. That’ll work right?
Found somewhere showing it this weekend!
Morning all, 6.7 here. Had my review yesterday, not much to discuss, as I’d already looked up my blood results on line. Listened politely while she ran through in general terms 'Your cholesterol's fine, your kidneys are fine..etc etc.' felt my nose growing longer as I answered her tick boxes..yes of course I always use a fresh needle, yes of course I check my sites for lumps once a week (does anyone do that? I mean, yes of course I keep an eye on my sites, normally when I'm about to inject, but I don’t make an appointment with myself for a full weekly inspection).
One good thing, it saves me making a separate appointment for an annual medication review, she can tell the doctor that everything’s fine and the GP can tick the box without wasting an appointment.
Well I do always use a fresh needle but don’t really check my sites and never, ever in 20 years has anyone even asked me let alone looked. That said I would notice a lump I guess so maybe it’s no big deal.
Well I do always use a fresh needle but don’t really check my sites and never, ever in 20 years has anyone even asked me let alone looked. That said I would notice a lump I guess so maybe it’s no big deal.
It’s not always a lump, it can just be a more subtle hardening under the skin
12.7 despite over 20,000 steps and various other exercises.

Disappointing after being sub-9 in the previous two days.

In fact yesterday was a really good day but one where I unfortunately ate a lot of chocolate by myself in the morning and then late at night.

This is the problem with not keeping a food diary because I don't analyse or challenge what's going on when I mechanically repeat bad food habits.

The solution is an app called Recovery Record but which I haven't properly set up on my new phone. I will do so today and start using it.
5.1 this morning amazingly after yesterday afternoon, evening and night! I’m planning on doing a basal test today for the period 1pm to 6pm to see what’s happening. I think I can manage that, as long as my BG plays ball up to lunchtime!

Here’s yesterday’s miserable chart lots of correction jabs throughout the evening but at least it did sort of stay under some sort of control!

Have a good day everyone!
11.1 this morning. Swam in the evening yesterday, with food and no bolus as I did with great success on Monday morning, and well it was a disaster. I’ll post the graph elsewhere.
My midday swim was a BG disaster too @Lucyr - I was correcting all afternoon and evening. Last week was much better, fleurggh. I love swimming too much to quit tho. Roll on next Wednesday!

Morning all. 🙂 9.9 here. My new much-more-random routine is playing havoc with my BG. I’m sure it’ll settle down eventually... 🙂

@Robin reminded me - I’m still trying to track down my November blood test results. It took half an hour to get thru to my surgery (at 2.30 on a Wed afternoon - eh?) but no results in the system. Apparently, if the hospital order the test, the results go back to the hospital...EH? But, but...surely my nhs history is all there in one computerized file? Who knows?
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It’s not always a lump, it can just be a more subtle hardening under the skin
Good to know. You do realise you have made me look at my tummy :rofl:

7.1 this morning, really tired struggling with working every morning, not sure how I will do next week when I have to do 3 whole days and 2 mornings.

very bright, cold and frosty here, but thankfully no snow.
Found somewhere showing it this weekend!
It’s intense. Enjoy! And share Lucy’s

(And don’t worry when it starts because that’s not actually the end and you haven’t missed it)

7.1 this morning, really tired struggling with working every morning, not sure how I will do next week when I have to do 3 whole days and 2 mornings.

very bright, cold and frosty here, but thankfully no snow.
Just because it’s what’s been agreed doesn’t mean it’s what you have to do.
Do what’s right for you and do it when it’s right for you to do it.
Good to know. You do realise you have made me look at my tummy :rofl:
I believe feeling it might be more helpful.
What a swat you are using a new needle every time... Show off :rofl: