Group 7-day waking average?

Ecstatic with a 6.5 this morning.
I lost control of my eating last night after taking the Freelander to feed the GGs because my body ached all day yesterday. That felt like cheating and I also worried about losing the routine I was trying to stick to which really helps me mentally. Ended up comfort eating and drinking.... 2 small glasses of G&T, a dark choc ginger biscuit and then I got the jar of peanut butter out of the cupboard and mixed in a teaspoon of honey and sat and ate it from the jar with a spoon, with a couple of squares of 85% dark choc.... maybe 3 squares.... as I wasn't paying too much attention and every now and then I injected a bit more insulin which I guessed might cover it, but all totally flying by the seat of my pants really. Oh and I also ate some chilli and a chunk of blue stilton to try to limit the damage.... Decided on 2 units of Levemir since I hadn't had as much exercise and I am embarassed to say it all worked out far too nicely, with an almost straight line in the 5s and 6s both whilst I was eating and throughout the night. Went to bed with stacked active insulin, so really very naughty in all respects and a very undeserved and lucky result, is all I can say! (embarrassed emoji!)

@eggyg Can't believe you got another one! Yesterday's looked a bit more spikey but some of the earlier ones were safe as houses. Just amazing! If you get one tomorrow, you are officially a diabetic genius! Hope I haven't jinxed you! 🙄 You are right though, the more success you have, the more you want, so it focuses you more. Good luck!
-1 (feels like -5C) here this morning and a middle of the road 5.5 for me.🙂

Stay warm and safe folks.

Ecstatic with a 6.5 this morning.
I lost control of my eating last night after taking the Freelander to feed the GGs because my body ached all day yesterday. That felt like cheating and I also worried about losing the routine I was trying to stick to which really helps me mentally. Ended up comfort eating and drinking.... 2 small glasses of G&T, a dark choc ginger biscuit and then I got the jar of peanut butter out of the cupboard and mixed in a teaspoon of honey and sat and ate it from the jar with a spoon, with a couple of squares of 85% dark choc.... maybe 3 squares.... as I wasn't paying too much attention and every now and then I injected a bit more insulin which I guessed might cover it, but all totally flying by the seat of my pants really. Oh and I also ate some chilli and a chunk of blue stilton to try to limit the damage.... Decided on 2 units of Levemir since I hadn't had as much exercise and I am embarassed to say it all worked out far too nicely, with an almost straight line in the 5s and 6s both whilst I was eating and throughout the night. Went to bed with stacked active insulin, so really very naughty in all respects and a very undeserved and lucky result, is all I can say! (embarrassed emoji!)

@eggyg Can't believe you got another one! Yesterday's looked a bit more spikey but some of the earlier ones were safe as houses. Just amazing! If you get one tomorrow, you are officially a diabetic genius! Hope I haven't jinxed you! 🙄 You are right though, the more success you have, the more you want, so it focuses you more. Good luck!
I’ve jinxed it! Had a hypo this morning. I’d just lifted my brekkie to my lips when my alarm went off. 3.8! I thought it wouldn’t register as that quite often happens. But it blooming did. :( 97%!
But on the whole been a good week so far.


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I’ve jinxed it! Had a hypo this morning. I’d just lifted my brekkie to my lips when my alarm went off. 3.8! I thought it wouldn’t register as that quite often happens. But it blooming did. :( 97%!
But on the whole been a good week so far.
Oh Bummer! What a shame.... especially as I know how ill hypos make you feel.
Are you going to make a big blown up copy of that TIR and frame it and hang it on the wall? I think you should! I still think you qualify as a diabetic genius. Even these high faluting (sp?) closed loop systems can't achieve that sort of result. You are my unicorn hero!
As some of you know, I like analysing stuff and have written an App to enable me to do just that. My relationship with diabetes and with my health in general has been significantly improved by my 'hobby/obsession/interest'.

The thing I like the best about the App is that I can change a meal or a days meals as I need to. Nothing is fixed in stone!

I started off two years ago after leaving hospital, by just analysing calories and carbohydrates, getting my raw data from the internet and discovering that it is not an exact science. I found it all very confusing at first. Especially when I discovered that the American data and British data regarding Carbohydrates was different !!

I discovered this web site and everyone here has help me steer through the mire of mis information and confusion. And, more importantly, you have all kept me motivated. Thank you.

Then I broadened my App to include as many basic nutrients as possible: protein, fats, saturated fats, fibre, salt, cholesterol, fruit portions

I started an exercise regime and lost a signifcant amount of weight.

It all helped me get my diabetes under control and improve my general health. HbA1c quickly went from 140 to 37 and stayed there.

It was then that I discovered (from someone here on this forum mentioning it (thank you whoever you were)) that the PPI meds I was taking every day was messing up several minerals and vitamins. I had to adjust for that and it made interesting reading (to me). No one in the NHS had told me...frightening that.

However, more recently I broadened the analysis to include macro nutrients: vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, C, D, E, K and some minerals: Boron, Calcium, Copper, Chromium, Iodine, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Phosphorus, Potassium, Selenium, Sodium, Zinc, and a few oddities: Choline, Beta Carotene, Omega 3, Omega 6.

The purpose? To see if there were any shortfalls or excesses. Where I found 'problems' then a change of the days foods or a supplement was the order of the day.

I now 'balance things as best I can. Every day.

So what have I discovered? Over the two years of analysis: I did have an indicated shortfall in vitamin B7, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Beta Carotene and my Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio was way out of line.

The shortfalls were not major, the worst being Phosphorus and Potassium which were continuously low (below the NHS recommended daily requirement), also vitamin B7 and Beta Carotene were constantly just borderline.

I also double checked against my blood test results from the GP.

The outcome of all this ?

I now have meals and supplements (as few as possible) that give the best possible nutrition balance day to day. AND (far far more importantly) my overall health and energy have significatlly improved and my minor tingling in my feet has gone completely And I just have this 'wellness' feeling that I have not felt for many many years.

Not everything is improved. My tinitus is as bad as ever.

It's been a huge amount of effort. Was it worth the effort....ABSOLUTELY, YES

I just wish it hadn't just been up to me but a part of my surgeries oversight of my health (or at least provide the tools to enable me to manage it). Ahh my soap box topic. I wish the NHS was into providing lifetime oversight into everyones health as well as (as they do now) helping us with stuff that goes wrong with our bodies.

Attached is todays Spider chart. Unfortunately it sows that the O3/O6 ratio is a bit high at 1 : 2.07 (a result of a change in my tea (a small pizza). It's still below the limit of 1 : 4 though.

Sorry for the long post I just felt it right to show you all what you have helped me with.

Spider 2 for 19th Jan 2023.jpg
Morning all, 6.7 here. Had my review yesterday, not much to discuss, as I’d already looked up my blood results on line. Listened politely while she ran through in general terms 'Your cholesterol's fine, your kidneys are fine..etc etc.' felt my nose growing longer as I answered her tick boxes..yes of course I always use a fresh needle, yes of course I check my sites for lumps once a week (does anyone do that? I mean, yes of course I keep an eye on my sites, normally when I'm about to inject, but I don’t make an appointment with myself for a full weekly inspection).
One good thing, it saves me making a separate appointment for an annual medication review, she can tell the doctor that everything’s fine and the GP can tick the box without wasting an appointment.
I don’t use a new needle everytime for bolus but for some reason I have to for basal. Levemir just doesn’t seem to like a used needle. So usually three needles a day if no corrections. Which is just as well as when I picked up my latest prescription I only got one box of needles instead of the usual two. Plus they’ve changed the brand and each box now has only 90 needles instead of 100. So if I was a good diabetic using five needles a day I would be ordering a box every 18 days! How ridiculous. 😡 As it is I’m using a box every 30 days when everything else on my prescription ( apart from Libre) is eight weeks worth. It’s no wonder I get mixed up sometimes and leave myself short. I need to sort it.
Oh Bummer! What a shame.... especially as I know how ill hypos make you feel.
Are you going to make a big blown up copy of that TIR and frame it and hang it on the wall? I think you should! I still think you qualify as a diabetic genius. Even these high faluting (sp?) closed loop systems can't achieve that sort of result. You are my unicorn hero!
I didn’t feel this hypo at all, I pre bolused my usual 45 minutes before. By the time I came downstairs my BGs were 6.5. I checked as I started to make breakfast 4.4! I thought “whoops”. Then as I said, 3.8. Ooh I’m annoyed! :(
I don’t use a new needle everytime for bolus but for some reason I have to for basal. Levemir just doesn’t seem to like a used needle. So usually three needles a day if no corrections. Which is just as well as when I picked up my latest prescription I only got one box of needles instead of the usual two. Plus they’ve changed the brand and each box now has only 90 needles instead of 100. So if I was a good diabetic using five needles a day I would be ordering a box every 18 days! How ridiculous. 😡 As it is I’m using a box every 30 days when everything else on my prescription ( apart from Libre) is eight weeks worth. It’s no wonder I get mixed up sometimes and leave myself short. I need to sort it.
Im sure if my nurse looked at my insulin regime and looked at my prescription..she’d realise it didn’t add up!
I do use my Levemir needle twice, once last thing at night, in bed, and then again in the morning before I get out of bed. I mean, what is it going to have got up to, just sat on the bedside table? I do have to watch the morning air shot, though, because sometimes it has blocked up overnight and I need a fresh one.
I also reuse if I'm doing a split bolus at mealtimes, or leave the needle in if I think I might need a correction between meals.
I didn’t feel this hypo at all, I pre bolused my usual 45 minutes before. By the time I came downstairs my BGs were 6.5. I checked as I started to make breakfast 4.4! I thought “whoops”. Then as I said, 3.8. Ooh I’m annoyed! :(
That doesn't count then! Libre was obviously exaggerating because you are really sensitive to hypos. It does spoil your unicorn evidence though! 😡
I too find Levemir can clog on reused needles, so like @Robin, I watch the air shot closely, but rather than replace the needle if it is clogged, I just give it another air shot and that almost always clears it. I tend to just use a single or even half unit air shot and just watch for the insulin beading at the tip of the needle so no extra insulin wastage.
Since I am confessing my sins today, Sunday and Wednesday are needle change days for me and that was a compromise from weekly needle changes. No lumps or infections. Get the odd bruise, but then I believe most of us do. My litre SharpSafe box lasts at least 2 years. I hate all the plastic waste generated by my diabetes and the cost to the NHS and the environment, so this is my attempt to limit it.
Morning all, and it’s a 5.4 for me this sunny but cold morning.
Morning all. 5.1 for me this morning. Things seem to have sorted themselves out . Levels been steady last 24 hours . Might rise today taking the dog to get his coat cut Have a good day folks
Is that likely to be the stress from an unwilling dog or the bill 😱 ?
Good morning. 5.6.
Brilliant sunshine, still air, very crunchy underfoot after had frost last night. Hoping for a bit of a thaw or Louie's owners may not make it up the hill - do not want to have to muck him out - he can crap for Wales.

Nothing planned for the day but hoping to avoid unexpected visitors - old friend who came yesterday insisted on "helping" do the GGs last night and managed to panic the foal who hit me at full speed before stopping - fortunately I was close to a wall so not knocked down and rather chuffed that she stayed standing and puffing next to me. Definitely think I am getting through there - wish I was doing better with the humans!
Awaiting HbA1c results somewhat fearfully - too many naughty eats recently.

Wishing everyone a good day.
Hi everyone! 7'1.

Back in the UK now. Trying to take it easy today, I need to collect Libre sensors from the pharmacy and buy some food, as the only things in my fridge are insulin, Spanish jamón and a tiny old apple. I also might take down the Christmas decorations today. I know, I know! Seems like ages ago but it was barely new year when I left the house:D

This time my flight was to London and I spent a few hours there, between the airport bus and the train home. I got this LivLife low carb bread for the first time, it is okay. They didn't let me in Harrods because of my suitcase, I was not dressed for the occasion but it is an amazing building in my opinion. With my budget I look at it more like a museum than a store. You can also see the rich people in their habitat :rofl:
Hi everyone! 7'1.

Back in the UK now. Trying to take it easy today, I need to collect Libre sensors from the pharmacy and buy some food, as the only things in my fridge are insulin, Spanish jamón and a tiny old apple. I also might take down the Christmas decorations today. I know, I know! Seems like ages ago but it was barely new year when I left the house:D

This time my flight was to London and I spent a few hours there, between the airport bus and the train home. I got this LivLife low carb bread for the first time, it is okay. They didn't let me in Harrods because of my suitcase, I was not dressed for the occasion but it is an amazing building in my opinion. With my budget I look at it more like a museum than a store. You can also see the rich people in their habitat :rofl:
LivLife bread is really rather good. It makes great toast!