Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 12.6
Good cold cold cold morning everyone. Brrrrr!!!

BG this morning 5.5 I need a telescope to see my house this morning ! 🙂
BP boringly but happily normal 120/79
Pulse typically low at 55

Today a shortish walk, rest and keeping warm.

The church sound system was mostly very good yesterday except when a tie mic battery died at a critical moment. It irritated me that I had checked with the last user that the bsttery had been changed and they said that it had. Untrue. However, the egg landed on my face. Doh!!! Lesson learned. There was a little appreciatiob for much improved sound during the praise and worship though. Phew. Glad about that. It needed to improve.

Oh yes, today I make the steak and kidney pie. (And eat some of it). Ohhhh yessss.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning 8.0 today

have a great day everybody, today I need to remember to chase up some hospital appointments
and in between also do some work, Have a great day everybody 😎
Morning yawning. 5.3.

I feel so tired today, could have slept on but we’ve got the whirlwind today. Half way through our three day a week stint. As, at last, we haven’t any ice or snow we’ll be going to the park, followed by the chemist to pick up prescriptions for us both, then Aldi for bits and bobs. It will be nice not to have to worry about slipping. First time for a week.

Have a Happy Monday all. 🙂
Why would cheese cause your levels to rise? There are a lot less carbs in cheese than milk. Negligible really, although you will get a rise from the protein in the eggs and cheese about 2 hours later if you didn't have any obvious carbs with the meal and no bolus insulin.
I have seen rises after omelettes and assumed it was the cheese, but you’re right, negligible carbs with eggs and cheese. The omelette only had mushrooms and onions, so no carbs with the meal. So it must be the rise from the protein, I didn’t take any bolus so that must explain the rise. This Libre is great to help show what different foods do 🙂
@ColinUK Very nice but so pleased you got the loo rolls too! That looks a bit spikey as an alternative!. 😱 ....Might work as a loo brush though!
I was thinking the exact same!
Good morning folks! I’ll just leave this here . . . 🙂

Reading your Libre v BG comparisons @rebrascora, I did one myself this morning. A good time to check after a nice flat overnight line and allowing for a little rise which I get after waking (I only get little dawn, not big dawn). BG at 06:51 was 6.2, then another scan 15 minutes later 5.9. So I’m ok with that. I did start thinking about doing a day of hourly finger stick testing and match that graph against the Libre, but to be honest it would most likely drive me mad as they wouldn’t ever totally agree, so decided on the more sane option of just going with the Libre! I hope you get on well with your Libre 2 and that it behaves as well for you as your old Libre 1s have done!

We did go to the garden centre yesterday and indeed it was a coffee in the cafe after a wander around the place (mostly the indoor bit). Definitely worth a return visit in the Spring, especially as I suspect we will need to replace some plants in the one border which sadly seem to have been killed after the recent -10 C cold snap :(. Seem to have lost a large Hebe, a Ceanothus and a lovely large potted Callistemon (bottle brush plant). I’m now worried about the Olive Tree which has lost some leaves after the frosts. Oh well, I guess that’s just the way of nature.

Have a good Monday everyone!
5.5, going to try swimming on an orange today

6.5 and an unwelcome wave of melancholia as an accompaniment.

Heating is on and yet the flat is cold.

And I’m hungry.

The melancholia might be related to the hiatus in my therapeutic journey. My therapist has now left IAPTS and I’m waiting for the next step in my ongoing trauma recovery to crystallise.

I am thinking of booking a trip away for sometime in spring. Perhaps New York. I’ve looked at flights and hotels but I don’t ever recall them being quite so expensive before!

I honestly can’t find any decent accommodation in New York for less than $250/night and there’a not much to close at that level.

Also who made the wind more powerful or the planes heavier or whatever? In my head LON-NY should take about 5hrs rather than the 8 the airlines say it does. Are they flying up hill?!
Good morning folks! I’ll just leave this here . . . 🙂

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Reading your Libre v BG comparisons @rebrascora, I did one myself this morning. A good time to check after a nice flat overnight line and allowing for a little rise which I get after waking (I only get little dawn, not big dawn). BG at 06:51 was 6.2, then another scan 15 minutes later 5.9. So I’m ok with that. I did start thinking about doing a day of hourly finger stick testing and match that graph against the Libre, but to be honest it would most likely drive me mad as they wouldn’t ever totally agree, so decided on the more sane option of just going with the Libre! I hope you get on well with your Libre 2 and that it behaves as well for you as your old Libre 1s have done!

We did go to the garden centre yesterday and indeed it was a coffee in the cafe after a wander around the place (mostly the indoor bit). Definitely worth a return visit in the Spring, especially as I suspect we will need to replace some plants in the one border which sadly seem to have been killed after the recent -10 C cold snap :(. Seem to have lost a large Hebe, a Ceanothus and a lovely large potted Callistemon (bottle brush plant). I’m now worried about the Olive Tree which has lost some leaves after the frosts. Oh well, I guess that’s just the way of nature.

Have a good Monday everyone!
Hard prune the callistemon and it’ll likely recover. Hebe and ceanothus are often very robust as well. Give them time before you decide if they’re gone out not. You can also hard prune olive trees and they’re surprisingly resilient.

Congrats on the house special! Staying with the horticultural bent here’s the Temperate Plant House at Kew. (They call it a house so it fits the criteria for a HS!)

I have seen rises after omelettes and assumed it was the cheese, but you’re right, negligible carbs with eggs and cheese. The omelette only had mushrooms and onions, so no carbs with the meal. So it must be the rise from the protein, I didn’t take any bolus so that must explain the rise. This Libre is great to help show what different foods do 🙂
Onions are 8 carbs per 100gms. So some carbs in the meal.
Not contributed on this thread for a while but something odd is going on.

Since dropping the gliclazide a year or so ago my morning readings have been routinely 6's and 7's but over the last four days they have been 8,8,9,8 and yesterday I tested a few times during the day and only got one reading below 8, three in double figures including a 14. I am beginning to think something is going on. Nothing changed in terms of diet, not noticeably ill and have taken a bit more exercise that i have done of late.

Will keep monitoring to see if the change is permanent or just a blip but no chance of a posh house for me. This will have to do.

Good morning! Woke to a 4.2 feeling shake - BP and HR were up 10 notches bit O2 99%. Had a couple of cups of tea with two Rich Tea and before breakfast was 6.1. Assume I hypo'd but not enough to wake up! :(

Bright and cold with a touch of mistiness with a dash of frostiness! 🙂

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Good morning folks! I’ll just leave this here . . . 🙂

View attachment 23879
Reading your Libre v BG comparisons @rebrascora, I did one myself this morning. A good time to check after a nice flat overnight line and allowing for a little rise which I get after waking (I only get little dawn, not big dawn). BG at 06:51 was 6.2, then another scan 15 minutes later 5.9. So I’m ok with that. I did start thinking about doing a day of hourly finger stick testing and match that graph against the Libre, but to be honest it would most likely drive me mad as they wouldn’t ever totally agree, so decided on the more sane option of just going with the Libre! I hope you get on well with your Libre 2 and that it behaves as well for you as your old Libre 1s have done!

We did go to the garden centre yesterday and indeed it was a coffee in the cafe after a wander around the place (mostly the indoor bit). Definitely worth a return visit in the Spring, especially as I suspect we will need to replace some plants in the one border which sadly seem to have been killed after the recent -10 C cold snap :(. Seem to have lost a large Hebe, a Ceanothus and a lovely large potted Callistemon (bottle brush plant). I’m now worried about the Olive Tree which has lost some leaves after the frosts. Oh well, I guess that’s just the way of nature.

Have a good Monday everyone!
My olive tree goes in the shed in October and comes out in March. I rarely water it ( out of sight, out of mind) and it still survives. Maybe I should pop up and see it today just incase it hadn’t this year!
Oh, big congrats on your HS.