Group 7-day waking average?

How about for a bit of fun if people who test in the mornings post their waking levels? I think it would be interesting to see what the average works out at after a week 🙂

I'll start with mine - I was 6.0 when I woke up this morning 🙂

(please don't let me be the only person to enter one! 😉)
Mine was a scary 16.8 which is coming down but after a long viral infection it’s refusing to reduce - going to try some very reduced carb days see if that helps - I take metformin and Trajenta already
Good morning - 3.2

A lot of stress and limited sleep these past few days so my levels have been quite bad… oops
Morning all. 4.9. Considering I went to bed on 9.4 I’m really surprised.

Another child care day, plus daughter number one invited herself for lunch as her electric is off all day for scheduled maintenance in the area. Always a houseful! Think I’ll go back to work for a rest! 🙄

Have a good day everyone. 🙂
Good morning 5.5 that’s much more respectable today

Sleeping much better, although my good nights sleep is out of a box
having spoken to a GP a few weeks ago.

In the end I didn’t have to chase up hospital, as reminder texts came through unexpectedly yesterday
confirming appointments (one of which is actually this Thursday)

Have a great day everybody 😎
7.0, not a swim day today thankfully as feel like I need a recovery day
Good morning everyone.

The steak and kidney pie last evening was excellent AND my wife invited my friend over for tea, which is amazing since she struugles with anyone else in the house (trying to harm her - in her mind). A great evening.

I just logged on to my energy supplier web site and 1. Entered the latest energy saving day (where energy saved gets converted to money back to me) and, 2 redeemed all the energy saving points earned so far. Well worth the effort too.

And yet another very useful update to my App this morning, nearly completed it too this morning at 8:30am.

And BG 5.1 excellent
BP 122/76 ok
pulse 55 ok
oxy 98

So, a great start to the day

And, it's the rest of the steak and kidney pie this evening. I found it really hard to get any kidneys too. Almost gave up after a week of trying.

And for the rest of today... rest, walk, keeping warm AND another energy saving early evening

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
5.6 for me today. 🙂
It's a tropical 8C outside this morning - nice to see green grass again.

And it’s a happy 5.3 for me on another sunny but frosty morning.
Morning all, good news...

A 5.4 for me this morning and the result of my HbA1c blood test on Friday has thrown up a figure of 44.
Happy with that, down from 50 so the plan is to keep on doing what I've been doing, around 800 cals per day, carbs under 130g a day and more exercise. It would be good to shed a few more pounds, I think. I also look forward to being back swimming at my local Lido when it reopens in the Spring, now the previous operator is no longer involved. Quite enjoyed swimming 1-2k a day, six days a week and have to say I've missed doing that...

7.8 which considering I was at Bakeclub yesterday evening and had an allergic reaction to something, so have been itching and covered in hives all night I thought it would be worse.
6.1 this morning for me after a night in the 6s.

Lots of low 5s from people this morning, very impressed!

Busy work day today, nothing else planned. Have a great day everyone!
5.4 for me too this morning, but I had several alarms through the night, 2 within the first hour.... a low followed by a high and then about 4am and 6, I had more lows. Most were genuine but there was one compression low which I wasn't certain if it was genuine or not but couldn't be bothered to get BG meter out and warm it up enough to work and sure enough it came back up without treatment so pretty sure it was a slight compression. I think perhaps I was just a bit too keen to get a unicorn on my first full day of Libre 2.... but I am pleased to report that I did....
I am finding there is a little more of a delay in response to changing BG direction with the Libre 2 than the original so I need to hold my nerve a little longer before I react to it sometimes. No doubt I will learn to adjust to it in time.

Went to see Giovanni Pernice in his show at Durham Gala theatre last night and it was excellent. An amazing cast of extremely talented young people, who were fantastic singers as well as spectacular dancers. The cast also came into the auditorium, in character and costume, before the show started and interacted with some of the audience which was a nice touch. One girl (Lauren the new Strictly professional) had a suitcase with her and a map and was asking directions to Sicily (the show was all about Italy) and another was dressed as a flower seller and giving out red roses to people (my sister was a lucky recipient!) and another was an artist pretending to be offering to do portraits of people. Anyway, it was a great night!