Group 7-day waking average?

5.4 for me too this morning, but I had several alarms through the night, 2 within the first hour.... a low followed by a high and then about 4am and 6, I had more lows. Most were genuine but there was one compression low which I wasn't certain if it was genuine or not but couldn't be bothered to get BG meter out and warm it up enough to work and sure enough it came back up without treatment so pretty sure it was a slight compression. I think perhaps I was just a bit too keen to get a unicorn on my first full day of Libre 2.... but I am pleased to report that I did....
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I am finding there is a little more of a delay in response to changing BG direction with the Libre 2 than the original so I need to hold my nerve a little longer before I react to it sometimes. No doubt I will learn to adjust to it in time.

Went to see Giovanni Pernice in his show at Durham Gala theatre last night and it was excellent. An amazing cast of extremely talented young people, who were fantastic singers as well as spectacular dancers. The cast also came into the auditorium, in character and costume, before the show started and interacted with some of the audience which was a nice touch. One girl (Lauren the new Strictly professional) had a suitcase with her and a map and was asking directions to Sicily (the show was all about Italy) and another was dressed as a flower seller and giving out red roses to people (my sister was a lucky recipient!) and another was an artist pretending to be offering to do portraits of people. Anyway, it was a great night!
I went to the live show in Birmingham the year Tom Chambers won 2008, it was fabulous. I can't believe it was so long ago.
I went to the live show in Birmingham the year Tom Chambers won 2008, it was fabulous. I can't believe it was so long ago.
This was a totally professional show last night, so very different format to the Strictly shows which are of course a competition. This was just showcasing amazing young professional singers and dancers with an Italian theme and Gio hosting (as well as dancing of course) in his very tongue in cheek style.
We are going to see the "Strictly Live Tour" next week at Newcastle Arena.
Tom Chambers was one of my favourite Strictly winners along side Camilla Dallerup.
Good morning! 5'3 today. Raised to 6'2 in the 20 minutes I took to get dressed and make breakfast.

I find 2 slices of LivLife bread with a bit of peanut butter are not causing me to spike, even with no insulin (I'm walking 25 minutes after tho). Unfortunately don't want to get used to it because it's not cheap or easy to find where I live.

I also coped well with a small portion of pasta last night, but next time I won't have it so close to bedtime. I'm a slow cook and finished my Bolognese sauce later than planned :D but I'm happy I cooked it yesterday because I made for few days and I won't have much time to cook again until the weekend.
5.9 🙂
Gentle decline from 10.5 at bed (lowest 4.4 at 06:00)
Unlike previous day. 14.3 at breakfast :(, fairly steady increase from 7.6 at bed then spent all day over 10 despite minimal carbs and corrections.
Erratic readings make dosing estimates difficult, possibly caused by poor injection sites.
4.3 then 6.4 fotf (fp tests)
libre2 was bouncing 3.1 then 5.4 then 3.2 in space of 10 mins, then settled down
Morning all - unusually cold for down here, +7c but that's positively tropical compared to the temps of -6c we've been experiencing up-country for the last 6 days. Stayed with friends in two different million+ £££ Surrey mansions, but blooming heck they were cold! Our little 3 bed semi might be modest, but at least it's warm! We did have a super time though, visited Brooklands aviation museum and did the Concorde experience (though I went on it years ago in BA hangars when it was still in service), we also visited RHS Wisley, which was wonderful and I took lots of flower photos, particularly in the tropical dome, saw Avatar in 3D (great! - all our party were entranced). Had lovely Eggs Benedict for Sunday brekkie at our other friends' local pub followed by a cold, but very scenic walk and saw my god-daughter for the first time in 6 years as she came to Mum and Dad's on Sunday and finally we were introduced to Costco before we drove home!!! LOL!

Yesterday, though it hadn't snowed, the trees were ethereally white just with layers of frost. The whole landscape looked like a christmas card. I attach a photo, only taken from the car unfortunately and not so good, but it will give you the idea. Also the Dancing Hares at Wisley... and us with Concorde.

8.4 this morning, no surprise as I had no insulin last night with the butter chicken and rice courtesy of Costco, due to being 3.7 pre-meal. BGs have been all over the place whilst I was away!

It took me the whole drive back down, some 5.5 hours, to catch up with this thread alone! Now to catch up with washing!

Congrats to all those lucky people who got HSs whilst I was away. Have a good day all.


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Not contributed on this thread for a while but something odd is going on.

Since dropping the gliclazide a year or so ago my morning readings have been routinely 6's and 7's but over the last four days they have been 8,8,9,8 and yesterday I tested a few times during the day and only got one reading below 8, three in double figures including a 14. I am beginning to think something is going on. Nothing changed in terms of diet, not noticeably ill and have taken a bit more exercise that i have done of late.

Will keep monitoring to see if the change is permanent or just a blip but no chance of a posh house for me. This will have to do.
Could you be very slowly coming down with something? Mid-December, me and my OH came down with the most almightily rotten cold (just like lots of people). I'd been feeling slightly off but not ill from the start of December - it was brewing for about 2 weeks before it finally struck. o_O Obviously, I really hope you're not coming down with anything, but it might be the cause.
PS. I meant to add, regarding Olive Trees... they do not like being over-watered so it is possible, that even if they are in pots, they may have been receiving too much water due to rain/snow sitting on the earth in the pots and melting. Even in mid-summer we only water once a week (ours is in a pot) and you can get olive tree fertilizer which works wonders.
Good morning! BG 6 today. Seem to be the first one to post, although I'd gladly give this honour to someone else and go back to bed!

Due to senior waiters on holiday this week and my manager taking his only day off, yesterday I was "in charge" in the restaurant. It was stressful. And I finished around midnight so not enough sleep before going again this morning. And the breakfast manager is taking her day off this morning. AND we are supposed to have a visit from big bosses of the company. This people couldn't find a better time! 🙄
Good morning. 5.4 and very tired. It seems whatevrr time i go to bed, i never get enough sleep to feel energised.
Good morning - 9.4
Good morning 9.0 today

probably down to some biscuits whispering to me late yesterday evening
still they’r all gone now, so they won’t tempt me again, I know I should eat nuts cheese & apples when the smack urge kicks in, but yesterday the biscuits won.

take care everybody 😎
Morning. 4.4 at 6.50. Did basal and bolus ( 5 units for one slice of toast) and jumped in the shower and got dressed as British Gas engineer coming to service the boiler, anytime between 8am and 6pm! BGs now 5.8! That’s one heck of a big foot on a big floor!
***edited to add*** alarm just gone off, 3.8 going down! I’m already eating my toast.

Have a good day all.🙂

@Elenka_HM hope your day goes well.
@freesia I’m always the same, never feel refreshed. :( It’s rubbish isn’t it?
8.8 this morning, swimming stuff ready so off i go i think for a short swim. Nackered this week so lowering my target to 15 minutes from 20 minutes.

Ripped the libre sensor off on a door frame. Haven’t bought any more yet so that’s me back on a libre break. Have filled in the form for a replacement but it will probably come whilst I’m away.
Morning all, was 6.0 with a gently upwards arrow an hour ago, 2.3 with a plummeting arrow just now, and now I’ve got 'try again in 10 minutes'. I think I was lying on the sensor fairly comprehensively when the alarm went off, and it’s gone to sit in the naughty corner while it learns not to tell porkies. Talk amongst yourselves while it sorts itself out.
Good morning - 7.3. Not sure where that came from but too high for me.

Nothing planned except catching up with housework. Quite amazing just how much hay accompanies one into the house or bark escapes a log basket. Let Henry take a day off and its like living in a barn.

Have a good day.
Good morning everyone

Dark and cold here. Means I don't get out for an early morning walk. Sigh

BG 5.0

A bit of App tweaking today. It is so helpful in my diabetes management

Have a great day today whatever you are doing