Group 7-day waking average?

Hello everyone - where do the days go and how have I been AWOL again for so long? I had my HbA1c done a couple of weeks ago and as I suspected it's gone up quite significantly, due to me trying to pretend I'm not now diabetic in the evenings. I've got a telephone appointment with the surgery diabetic nurse tomorrow. She's lovely and very switched on but I'm expecting that she'll look at the numbers and say that I should start the insulin that they first prescribed in March last year, but then told me not to start using because I very quickly got my BG coming down. It was Humulin and I was going to take one lot (sorry I can't remember how much) in the evening so that it was a slow release through the night. I really don't know whether to give in and say yes, I'll use insulin or to buckle back to low carb and no sweet things and control it just with metformin. The consultant when I saw him seemed really positive that I could carry on without having to start insulin with the third of pancreas that I have left because I had got my HbA1c down to 52, but this last one was up to 68. A little bit of advice, experience would be great. Do any of you "only" use insulin in the evening like has been suggested for me? Sorry to be so needy xxx (good news though, my cholesterol has gone right back down to 4.1 from the low dose statins that I've been on for the last 3 months)
I agree with Barbara, get on the insulin. Unfortunately, your pancreas is not going to grow back and that teeny weeny bit you’ve got left will eventually atrophy and will be as much use as a chocolate fireguard! It’s certainly nothing to be ashamed of, I was the same, thought I’d let myself down by not being able to do it by myself. When I think about it now it was ridiculous. I was started on Humulin I, that’s a mixed insulin, it was maybe a year later I was on MDI, multiple daily injections, basal/bolus regime. Best thing ever to happen.

How’s the house sale coming along?
I really don't know whether to give in and say yes, I'll use insulin
As others have said, yes. It’s not “giving in” or being weak, if it’s what is needed then that’s what it is. No shame or feeling a failure. I had the same sort of feelings when going onto insulin first, but it made such a difference to how I felt and gave me so much flexibility.
Thank you SO MUCH for your kind words @rebrascora . It's not like I asked for this responsibilities, they get thrown at me and I have to deal with them! Now that I come to think about it, it sounds a bit like our old D friend :confused: Actually, when I was getting a bit overwhelmed I told myself "Elena, you went through a diabetes diagnosis after a difficult year, a few customers waiting or a chef getting angry is not the end of the world".

Breakfast shift went really smoothly. Don't have feedback from the big boss yet but I met him and he seems nice (they all do in the beginning tho). Feeling better after a shower, long nap and some of the leftover vegan bolognese. Is so convenient to have something to microwave in days like this. Have one more portion left but don't want to repeat tomorrow so will have to make an effort and put together a salad. Maybe even scrambled eggs, if I can be bothered to use a pan. Ah, this give you all an idea of the high level of cooking that I usually do :D:rofl:
I agree with Barbara, get on the insulin. Unfortunately, your pancreas is not going to grow back and that teeny weeny bit you’ve got left will eventually atrophy and will be as much use as a chocolate fireguard! It’s certainly nothing to be ashamed of, I was the same, thought I’d let myself down by not being able to do it by myself. When I think about it now it was ridiculous. I was started on Humulin I, that’s a mixed insulin, it was maybe a year later I was on MDI, multiple daily injections, basal/bolus regime. Best thing ever to happen.

How’s the house sale coming along?
Thanks @eggyg - I think the crux of the matter is that I'm scared of using insulin because I can't stand the idea of having a hypo. I've never fainted in my life and I hate feeling sick (yes I'm 56 even though I'm sounding like a 3 year old!). My consultant (the Hpb surgeon) said that I may be able to just use metformin and that there was no reason to think that my remaining pancreas couldn't cope - but he was looking at my HbA1c from when I was being a "good girl" for several months :(. I do see it as failure on my part I suppose and also I see it as making everything so much harder (travelling mainly if I need to always be keeping insulin in a fridge?). On other matters - we're keeping everything crossed to exchange contracts on this sale and our purchase next week🙂
As others have said, yes. It’s not “giving in” or being weak, if it’s what is needed then that’s what it is. No shame or feeling a failure. I had the same sort of feelings when going onto insulin first, but it made such a difference to how I felt and gave me so much flexibility.
Thanks Tony - the thing is that I feel really good and I'm just worried I'm going to have to be so careful. But then I suppose what I'm doing at the moment is being blinkered to the fact that I am now diabetic following my surgery and am setting myself up for much bigger problems later on. If only I could just stop wanting to have sweet things ...
Good morning everyone

Very dark, but then it is 6am !!!

BG 4.8 Excellent
BP 119/79 Excellent
Pulse 61 (wow a sensible result for once)

Today? Nothing much planned. Looking into molybdenum out of intetest. Not an essential mineral but required by the body never the less. In plenty of foods. Not considering a supplement especially as the results can be very nasty and permanent if in excess even for a short time!! And on a cursory analysis I get sufficient in my diet anyway. Just very intetesting (to me).

The latest (visual) updates to my App have really helped in my day to day food/supplement management. I am glad that I put in all the effort to do it. It is so much easier looking at visuals rather than multitudes of numbers, especially as there are so many of them.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning 5.4 today
much better than yesterdays waking up reading

have a great day everybody 😎
Good morning - 5.4
Morning all. And a House Special with a side order of a unicorn day. 🙂

Had to laugh yesterday, I finally succumbed, after much pressure, to sorting out my books and getting rid of some. At the last count I had about 500 books, mostly paperbacks that I pick up in charity shops, Tesco, The Works etc. no first editions or classics. I won’t read them again. Last week I discovered the Ziffit app. You scan the barcode and it tells you how much you’ll get for them. They don’t take everything, I suppose they will have too many of some. I zapped 42, packed them into two boxes and DPD picked them up for free yesterday and I will soon have £25 in my back account. Better than nowt. My friend Ann popped round for a visit later on in the day and brought me five books! Oh dear! I’ve hidden them from Mr Eggy! He’s fighting a losing battle I would say. :rofl:

Nice quiet day today, for me anyways, Mr Eggy got loads on, I’m staying in all day. Strip the bed, make fishcakes for tomorrow’s tea, and then probably read one of my remaining 463 books! 😛

Have a good day. 🙂


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Morning all, 5.0 this morning. Sensor is behaving itself. It gave me 'try again in 10 minutes' for a whole hour yesterday morning, then pulled itself together and carried on as normal from where it should be, once I’d had my first cup of tea. I suspect a combo of compression and dehydration.
Good morning. What a difference a day make...yesterday fog/drizzle/rain with thick grey clouds which felt at head height - this morning blue skies. Yesterday crawling about in bad pain - this morning a few creaks but no pain. Am I becoming a barometer?

BG 6.4.

Hope everyone has a good day.
@rebrascora - vacuuming weekly? Are you a domestic Goddess?
Morning all. 🙂 6.6 here.

Lovely to have you back in the fold @Michael12421 - Sorry to hear about your problems.

Thanks for the heads-up @eggyg. I’ve got a pile of teaching books that I’m not going to need in my new job - they’re screaming CASH at me from the bookcase!

Swimming today, then work admin.

The next booking season for the Royal Opera House opened yesterday morning.

I’ve booked for some classic things and some new, and I’m expecting therefore somewhat challenging ones.

Cinderella (ballet), Innocence (new opera which has had stellar reviews), a dance piece based on Dark Crystal (yup that dark crystal), Aida, Wozzeck and Il Trovatore

That’s everything up to end of June at Covent Garden booked. Plus the odd thing at Sadlers Wells or the ENO.