Group 7-day waking average?

What the heck is that you’re palming off on me? Is that your outside loo!:rofl:
Or is it a Hobbit House. :confused: I’ve not read or watched Lord of the Rings, so pardon my ignorance.🙄
It’s in Norway and it’s basically their equivalent of the RIBA house of the year!
I wonder - does "morning" in the context of the thread refer to when one wakes up after a regular sleep, or does it refer to the time of day? Asking as a shift worker 😉

I'm guessing it's "after a regular sleep" (as opposed to a nap)
Good morning everyone.

Dark and cold here, but at least it's not raining.

BG 4.8 fine
BP 125/75 slightly elevated but then I had just got up to get something
Pulse 53 typically low. Happy with that

Today a few food bits and bobs from the shops. I don't think I will go out for an extended walk as it is so cold. Mind you, I said that yeserday and managed to clock up 168 minutes walking anyway, but I did ache all evening after that.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Good morning - 7.3
Good morning 6.6 today

I’ve said it a few times,but need to get back on lower carb diet
currently 96KG
if I’m not carefully that will soon be over 100

have a great day everybody 😎
Morning all. A low 4.9 for me.
I’m experimenting with knocking a half unit off my evening and morning Levemir as I’m going quite low, quite quickly at times, maybe I should review my bolus as well? I don’t know why it’s happening as I’m definitely not exercising, my ankle is still not 100% and I’m reluctant to walk far, or fast, at the moment. I need to up my game walking wise as we’re off to the Yorkshire Dales next month, just a couple of days, and although we won’t be doing the Three Peaks, one would be good, hmmm….or more probably none if I don’t get out and practice, lost my confidence a bit. It’s throbbing just right at this moment, probably psychological as I’m thinking about it! :(

Got the wee whirlwind today. That’ll keep me moving, albeit in the house, it’s quite cold so far today and not going to get much warmer. As @Northerner says. Roll on the spring. I can’t wait.

The weekend is looming, again, have a Fab Friday everyone. 🙂
5.8 for me this am. 🙂

And it was a 5.6 for me earlier this grey damp morning .
What’s one of those? :confused:
I’ve never seen one! Nor an endocrinologist or a GP for that matter. I’ve had a handful of appointments at the diabetes clinic at the Cumberland Infirmary in Carlisle and saw a DSN, who TBF is/was marvellous. This was only after nagging the DSN/general nurse at my GPs for years. apparently I wasn’t a “real” Type 1 so couldn’t go on a DAFNE course ( carb counting). The DSN at the clinic changed my type so I could access technology in the future, pump, CGM etc , put me on the course, got me Libre on prescription and generally made me feel as if I did count. I just see ( well, speak now since the pandemic) my surgery DSN yearly. Because I’m well controlled with no issues, they just leave me alone. If I needed some specialist help I’m sure it would be forthcoming. One of the guys I was on the DAFNE course with was from Penrith so I can only assume Penrith Hospital don’t deal with diabetes.

Just to add. I had my op at The Freeman Hospital in Newcastle. So I obviously had aftercare from them but I didn’t become diabetic until three years after my operation.
Yes - I think I'm spoilt having OXDEM so near but actually it's the DSN at my surgery who is so wonderful. I've just had a really encouraging phone call with her where I basically asked her to remind me why I didn't want excessive BG floating around in my blood (I told you I was a child!) which she did but she was also very full of praise for how I had managed to bring it right down before and that she believes I can do it again myself, if I choose to (which I do). Just need to find a good surgery when I move up - I think Shap is the closest.