Group 7-day waking average?

Looks like everyone is having a lie in this morning. Unfortunately, I didn’t. :( Anyhoo, 5.6.

Our first full free weekend since the beginning of December. We don’t have to go anywhere, see anyone, do any childcare or feed anyone, unless we chose to. Wonderful. But as usual I couldn’t even have a lie in. But at least I can just sit around in my PJs if I want.

Have a super Saturday. 🙂
6.5 this morning

Oh and latest from work… email received yesterday inviting me to a meeting next week. “We see you requested shifts for Tuesday so come in and we’ll have a meeting then.”

My reply, “I requested shifts for Wednesday and Thursday not Tuesday”.
Morning all, 5.0 here. Dipped into the red overnight according to the Libre, but only just below the surface, so was probably in the 4s. Otherwise that would be the first gardening hypo of the season, I managed to get out and tackle some overgrown holly and berberis, to fill the garden waste bin before collection tomorrow, We pay for it, I’m going to get my moneys worth!
Good morning this cold, drab, overcast, day...

BG 5.1 fine

My analysis of molybdenum yesterday has been interesting (and pretty pointless). Todays meals show 73.45 mcg (give or take). Well above the RDA and way way below the UL. Kept me amused yesterday though. It's in the App now.

And... here's todays Minerals Spider chart... it's really good (IMO)

Spider for 28th Jan 2023.jpg

Today not a lot going on.

Have a great day today whatevef you are doing
7.9 on my finger and 7.7 on the one year expired libre 1 I only put on yesterday, so that seems a good start!

I wasn’t expecting to be wearing a sensor since I didn’t own any this time yesterday, but yesterdays appointment was all kinds of unexpected with the cpeptide test booked, some libres given which I collected after (2 libre 1s that expired a year ago but so far seem to work fine and one libre 2) and generally encouraging.

The libres aren’t on prescription in my area for T2s at all (even now we’re nearly a year since that nice guidance!) so that was appreciated, and I’ve linked the data to the clinic so he can see it next time.
A nice round 6 for me today. 🙂

Good morning - 7.3
5.9 this morning.

Chiropractor yesterday evening was good and initially helped, but now I feel worse than ever - presumably the muscles are having a moan about being poked and prodded. Got some different exercises to do and a follow up appointment next Thursday when the chiropractor will be able to have a go with some sort of infrared laser device to work on the shoulder (she couldn’t last night as my Libre was on the bad shoulder but I change to a new one tomorrow). I’m going to keep it moving today as that does seem to help a bit.

@ColinUK - not sure about the Cezanne paintings, I think I prefer work more like the Pre Raphaelites (loved the exhibition I saw many years ago in London, I think at the RA).

@eggyg - enjoy your weekend of freedom, maybe a trip to a bookshop 😉

@Gwynn - love reading about your work on the app and seeing the spider charts, really interesting!

Have a good Saturday everyone!
And it’s a happy 5.1 for me this grey overcast morning.
Morning all on another grey day.

4.3 this morning after a lousy night's sleep. The alarm went off just as I slipped into a deep sleep - mind it was 09:25 by then and well past time to get up.

Made tomato sauce very successfully yesterday. Didn't have time to make bolognaise before we went out to meet friends, so we had some sausages and mash that were in the fridge. Will make the ragu today. Have invited our neighbour for Sunday dinner and I now have to devise a menu that is lactose free. Roast chicken. cavolo nero and roast spuds will be fine, but I had planned Cauli cheese. I wonder if I can get vegan cheddar in Tesco??? Need to get some Maris Piper anyway as no potatoes in the house, plus oat milk.

@Eternal422 sorry to hear the voltarol didn't work, but do keep applying it, it does sort of build up. I had very painful shoulders all through the summer and up to late Autumn. The chiropractor helped a lot, but I still think the Voltarol helped more in the end. The chiro and I thought the painful shoulders may have been as a result of a Covid vaccine injection. He has come across this in other people and there is some evidence of it online.
morning, 5.5 then fotf 6.1
Good morning! 5'5 today.

Probably out for lunch with a friend to celebrate my 3rd anniversary of moving to England 😎

Have a lovely Saturday everyone!
@Eternal422 sorry to hear the voltarol didn't work, but do keep applying it, it does sort of build up. I had very painful shoulders all through the summer and up to late Autumn. The chiropractor helped a lot, but I still think the Voltarol helped more in the end. The chiro and I thought the painful shoulders may have been as a result of a Covid vaccine injection. He has come across this in other people and there is some evidence of it online.
Apparently, and I can well believe this, the chiropractor believes it is how I am sitting all day long in front of computer screens. A lot of the time I am sort of leaning on my left arm on the chair armrest whilst clicking and moving the mouse with my right. Over time this has built up and the gap between the ball of the joint on the socket has gradually reduced as the muscles tighten And pressing on a nerve. My last Covid booster was last October and this only started about 6 weeks ago, so presumably not related.

I’m continuing with the Voltarol as that does seem to help a bit - hopefully it will build up as you say - plus now got some Co-codamol from the pharmacist to supplement the pain relief.

I always hesitate when a pharmacist asks if you are on any other medication - normally saying diabetes drops the shutters on them letting you have anything! Luckily this one today was sensible and totally fine letting me have the Co-codamol!
Morning all. Perished agh brr. Room temp says 19 so that should be okay shouldn't it? I'm just nesh. 🙄

Strips arrived other day from ebay, batteries came this morning. Avid to see what reading was after mixed berries and single cream for breakfast and got a lovely blob of blood out on second try but machine says 'set up' agh. It means nothing to me. :( I'm not even going to attempt to read the bumph. Somebody might be able to do it with any luck. Have a good day all. 🙂
It was 4.6 for me this morning. I was battling levels trying to go into double figures at bedtime so there were one or two stacked corrections but once I went to sleep it all settled down nicely. Got a delivery of manure to do this afternoon so I need to get out there and start shoveling the brown stuff! First delivery of the season.... Spring must be in the air. I will be stiff tomorrow no doubt!... and probably won't need any Levemir tonight as a result. This delivery involves barrowing it into the top plot on an allotment, so as well as filling the trailer by hand it is then barrowing it along narrow paths and up the hill. It is good exercise though and cheaper than the gym!