Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning - 4.3

My levels were a bit of a disaster last Monday and Tuesday but 24 hour time in range has been back over 80 the rest of the time and the 7 day time in range isn’t reflecting this - not sure what Libre is doing
Afternoon! Drum roll please, no, I didn’t get a HS, but I did have a lie in until 8.30. That’s to be celebrated, no aches and pains for a change. BG, another low 4.9. I may have to knock another half unit off my morning and evening basal. Although I did have a short walk yesterday. Ankle felt fine whilst incased in my tightly laced up walking boots, but did start to protest last night. Painkillers not required though. That’s a result.

A very dreich day ahead, might just hunker down with a book.

Have a super Sunday all.
5.8 for me today. 🙂
Brain training this morning with my Sunday cryptic crossword.

5.7 this morning. Got a busy day planned with christening, 2 yr old, birthday party, I’m on buffet prep duty, and puppy sitting duty.
If you have a TENs machine you could try that on your shoulder, I have just started using one on mine and it seems to be helping. The one I have has particular setting and positioning of the pads for a shoulder.
Thanks for the suggestion. As a matter of fact I do have one from when I had a knee problem years ago. I’ll have to dig it out and give it a go!
5.1 this morning, pretty happy with that!

Shoulder is actually starting to feel a bit better now, settling after the chiropractor visit on Friday evening. Doing my new exercises regularly, continuing with Voltarol 2.32% and Co-codamol (but not had to take any so far today, so things are starting to get a bit better!).

Did our RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch this morning : all our regular visitors (apart from the wagtail) paid us a visit : 2 Robins, 1 Blackbird, 16(!) Starlings (or Beaky Blinders as we call them),2 Pigeons, 2 Collared Doves, 2 Magpies and a pair of Great Tits. Also the bird box camera recorded this the other day this week :

Hoping this is a “home viewing” and they’ll move in soon with nest building!

Have a great day everyone!
Morning all. A shocking 12.3!! After yesterdays battle with levels i tbought i'd cracked it by the afternoon. Last nights dinner out was pate followed by steak and salad. Ended up with another hypo after (the same as the night before) followed by a massive spike to 20 overnight again. I have no idea whats been going on. Very fed up with it all.
4.6 for me this morning but 2 Hypo Heros (AKA JBs) required to get me there when the Libre alarm woke me at 4.06am on 4.1. Wasn't going to have any Levemir last night after my much shifting yesterday but I was battling 9s towards bedtime again and needing stacked corrections to keep it in range so I caved in and injected 1.5 units Levemir. Maybe just 1 would have been enough. I slept much better though and feel refreshed this morning and not stiff at all so far which is surprising as my back was aching last night. Heading out for a walk up the hill shortly and off to my sister's for dinner this afternoon cooked by my very generous brother in law! Roast lamb dinner with all the trimmings....Yum!
Hope everyone has a good day.
And it’s a surprising 4.4 for me this morning after going to bed on a 11.3 last night, must’ve been the steak and liver chip shop pie and chips I had for dinner last night.
Morning all. Long time type 2 sister might be coming today and she's giving me her 'equipment' as she's getting one of those arm things. Yay. Wish I'd known that before I forked out for batteries and strips for the other but never mind. 🙂

Going back to church next Sunday, been lapsed for a good while with one thing and another. I'm looking forward to it, hope the roof doesn't fall in with shock. Happy Sunday all. Have a good day.
Morning all and 5.8 for me.

Got a text from the GP surgery to say my blood pressure check was due. Evidently the system now is to use a self service machine and hand the results in at reception. They'll be sending DIY phlebotomy kits out next.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. Long time type 2 sister might be coming today and she's giving me her 'equipment' as she's getting one of those arm things. Yay. Wish I'd known that before I forked out for batteries and strips for the other but never mind. 🙂
If it is your sister's only machine then really she should keep it. Even with a sensor she will need a meter in case of sensor failure or similar as she could be some days without a replacement.
Morning all - a slightly brighter grey day.

4.3 this morning with a straight line most of the night. Apparently I must have got away with bolussing for dinner and not eating it, but I did have a slice of stollen later. Wish I had bought a bigger stollen as it has been delicious and nearly finished now.

Doing Roast chicken for tonight, with cauli and broccoli cheese made with oat milk & vegan cheddar as we have invited our lactose intolerant neighbour. I gave in and bought an apple strudel and lactose free ice cream instead of making some dessert myself as everything I thought of had some sort of dairy in it.

@Eternal422 glad you are feeling a bit better now. Also @eggyg good to hear your ankle is not so painful.

I note @Lanny hasn't posted for ages. Hope she is OK.
9.1 after over-correcting chocolate digestives before bed
Hi All. Been semi AWOL. Life seems to have just got busy. 7.2 on waking.

Had a rare day out and been for lunch with 2 friends then to watch national theatre “live” stream of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. Not usually a “theatre” goer but enjoyed it.

Hope everyone has a good week.
I got a beautiful 5.2 this morning, but been too busy to post it what with church, quick shop, cooking for church quiz (I had sausage rolls in the freezer to heat through to take as well as making my type 2 friendly mini crustless quiches!), then church quiz and trying to organise washing in between it all as I didn't get round to doing any yesterday.

my team came 3rd and won a box of chocolates, everyone else on the table agreed that I should bring them home for my kids :rofl: so 2 happy teens. (and the hazel swirls left for me to eat at some point as they both didn't want those).