Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning Monday 5.3 today
that’s more respectable than some of my recent BS levels for a wake up reading

have a great day everybody 😎
Good morning - 5.8
Good morning. Spiked again last night to 12 but woke to a much better 6.1. No idea whats been going on but increasing my basal by half a unit stops spikes but i have more hypos. Oh well, lets see what happens this week.

Monday again, back to work and another exhausting week. Not sure how long i can keep this up for.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. A glorious 5.2, and to show off some more, a unicorn day too. According to the Libre graph it looks like I didn’t eat at all yesterday. But I assure you I did. I don’t know what’s going on. :confused: I suppose I should be pleased but it all seems very strange.

Zara day today. Not sure of our plans, she has developed an aversion to going out for a walk. When I ask if she wants to go to the park, her reply is “ no thanks Grandma”. She’s very polite, most of the time! 🙂

Congratulations @42istheanswer on your late entry to the HS club! Sounds like you had a busy day Have a great day all. It’s forecast for sun up here. 😎.


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Good morning! A 7.7 for me today. Fancied a (small) bacon sandwich but bacon gone out of date. 🙂 Can you cook from frozen?
I was under the impression you can cook anything from frozen? Is that right?

Good morning all. Sister 'forgot' to call and see me yesterday. BillyNoMates me. :rofl: Bro-in-law bringing my equipment today, looking forward to seeing my bg. Weight is going down again, now understand I can't eat Melton Mowbray pork pies agh or Scotch Eggs. Shoot!
Good morning everyone...this might turn into a long post...

But first BG 5.1 another near miss but I am very happy with that.

Sadly an older aquaintance who I used to know well some years ago passed away. Sad. But he had had a good, long life. Such things always make me somewhat introspective and quiet and sad.

BP elevated. Probably my own older age
Pulse 54. A true athlete. 🙄

Now for the longer bit...

When I was originally diagnosed (incorrectly as a T1) in hospital, I knew nothing about diabetes. I learned from another patient that my enemy (if T2) was carbohydrates. At the time I had no idea what carbohydrates were, nor what T1 or T2 meant, nor that the hospital was feeding me food laced with the carbohydrates !!!

I left hospital with insulin pens, blood glucose test pens, and no clue as to what I was supposed to do nor what was to happen next. I was complerly lost and somewhat panic stricken and frightened and alone.

I got home after a week in hospital and researched as much as I could on the internet but most of it went in one ear and out the other, so to speak. Too much information. Conflicting information. And the horror stories were eveywhere...a nightmare. But the success stories were out there too.

I was already on meds for life from a brain tumour operation some years ago. I now added the diabetes meds too, but remembering to take all the meds at the right times and amounts was a challenge.

I decided to write an App. One to look at my diet in terms of carbs and also to track my meds through the day. I added some normal body health information and the normal food nutrient information too. It was simple but effective.

Things did not go well though. My blood glucose readings were all over the place. Very high. Very Very low. After a few weeks of craziness and increasing worry and stress, and with a GP (111 by phone) agreement, I just stopped all diabetic meds and my blood glucose levels returned to normal. Incredible.

Then, some weeks later, after a blood test I was informed that my iron levels were 'through the roof'. Ahh, light bulb moment. I was taking lots of multivitamin supplements plus iron supplements. Things that adverts screamed at you to be essential for a great, bright, strong, healthy life. Wrong. I had been overloading my pancreas with iron, and it shut down. The doctors and diabetic nurses disagreed and rediagnosed me as a T2. That filled me with confidence...not.

This got me thinking... how do you know what you are consuming in terms of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. I also discovered, through this forum that my meds were interfering with the absorption of certain vitamins and minerals. Lots more research and panic ensued and my app went through a huge change to include the effect of meds and also show the food vitamins and minerals against the NHS guidelines.

I discovered to my delight that most vitamins and minerals were within the NHS guidelines. I also discovered, to my horror that some of the vitamins and minerals were deficient! So I needed some supplements to cover the deficiencies.

The App needed to be updated to show me the effect of adding supplements so that I could try to keep everything within those NHS guidelines.

And it worked well, but was very number hungry. Numbers everywhere. Not particularly user friendly and it was taking me hours every morning working out the days foods and the required sypplements.

Roll on to the last few days and the emergece of the Spider chart, which has evolved so that once I have decided what I want to eat, I can visually adjust the supplements on the Spider to get everything where it should be. Simple, easy, very visual...a few clicks and its done.

And now it takes me just a few minutes to sort everything out AND it allows me to plan ahead too or change things on the fly. I just deal with 2 pages now. The meals page and the vitamins and minerals Spider chart.

I am so glad that I have put all the effort in.

And here is a picture of todays upgraded Spider chart. Note the slight lows...Sodium and Omega 3 and 6. All well within the requirements. All the rest are spot on the money!

Spider for 30th Jan 2023 Monday.jpg

Its been great fun developing the App but...what do I do now??? Hmmmm. Or is there another update lurking in the wings...
Well done @eggyg on that HS. 🙂
5.8 for me today.

Its been great fun developing the App but...what do I do now???
If you can develop an iOS app for bolus calculations allowing config to set up things like insulin sensitivity, insulin to carb ratios, etc. that would be brilliant 😉
Think I’ll go with 5.8 this morning, despite the Libre saying 4.1 20 minutes later and then going back to 5.6 after a shower and making breakfast. I don’t think it was a compression low, but maybe just this new sensor settling in a bit. Other than that it was well behaved overnight so fingers crossed this one will be good.

Shoulder about the same, at least I got a good night’s sleep, now sat at my computer with a warm wheat bag on my shoulder like a parrot, Voltarol gel done but not needed any pain killers so things must be getting slightly better. Already done one set of exercises, will have regular breaks today and a walk at lunch time to keep things moving.

Congratulations to @eggyg on your HS - you are smashing it at the moment! And also a belated congratulations to @42istheanswer for your HS yesterday!

Hope everyone has a good day!