Group 7-day waking average?

Frankly I have lost the plot. I can't make head nor tail of JugGluco.
I'm not a fan of the weird interface, but it does seem to work.

Until yesterday when it just couldn't get a Bluetooth connection so I was forced back to scanning. I think it's the sensor (it had less than 12 hours left). On the positive side, Juggluco is still scanning the sensor so it means I've still got values while the new sensor starts up.
On the positive side, Juggluco is still scanning the sensor so it means I've still got values while the new sensor starts up.
And the new sensor seems to be working fine. (Annoyingly Juggluco still shows both sensors and I can't work out how to remove the one I just removed. With any luck it'll disappear at some point.)
@Eternal422 see if there is a pro trial of mysugr app, I wont have the option to any trial as I have had it a while.
Its free if you link up to an accucheck meter with a test once a month or you can pay for it at 2.29 a month or 20.99 a year. My spare meter is one and its cheaper to buy a pot of strips to get pro 😉
Almost first up. Feel great today. Good morning everyone.

BG 4.9 quite respectable but no house. Sigh
BP 119/76 fine
Pulse a whopping 58 🙂

App is a breeze to use. It made my morning 'sorting stuff out' so quick and easy.

The days Molybdenum 70.95mcg excellent

Carbs are a bit high today at 190g

My experimaent yesterday trying to make 4 small trifles was a bit of a disaster. Too sweet. Custard did not set. Not much flavour. Sigh.

Today will be a quiet day.

Yesterday was so warm I had an extra long walk on the beach. It was so good to get out there.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning - 6.3
Good morning. 5.1 and an almost unicorn day yesterday at 99%.
Good morning 6.9 today

have a great day everybody 😎
5.4 this morning.

Shoulder still aching, but had a good night‘s sleep so can’t complain. Did a walk to the river yesterday lunchtime which really helped so will try and do the same today.

Getting a new garden fence put up today, we’re cladding an existing lap fence with rails and feather edge boards to match the fences on the other sides of the garden. For some reason the builders didn’t match all sides up and in every period of windy weather I see the lap fence bending. It’s only 5 years old, but already bits of it are starting to come apart, whereas the feather edge looks as good as ever. Probably a bit extravagant but we decided to get it done now whilst we’re both still working to set us up for our retirement (whenever that happens).

Have a good day everyone!
Morning all. 5.5 on this very blustery but mild morning.

Another Zara day, penultimate Tuesday then she’s back in the folds of her paternal grandparents. They disembark their ship next Tuesday and have agreed to have Zara on the Friday ( which is our set day) and the whole of the following week. Yipeee! We’ve booked ourselves a couple of days away to celebrate. You know we love her dearly, but we’re not getting any younger and it’s exhausting at times. Not to mention trying to get up and down off the floor. Ouch! 😱

No plans, as rain forecast as well as being very, very windy. We might just go in the garden between showers for a kick about. Need to expend some of that toddler energy.

Have a smashing day.
Morning all, 5.1 here, so close! If I hadn’t set the alarm 15 mins early as OH has to take the car in for a service, who knows, I could have made it a HS instead of an outside privy special.
I’m sure @ColinUK will present you with something special to celebrate! 😉
Good morning.
Well I feel a right juggins today - woke at 5.40, got up at 6, ate breakfast at 6.30 - was there something I had missed? Yes. Taking a BG sample - something I only realised as the pin went in...for what its worth the meter then showed 7.4 at 7.30.
Grey and windy in the Welsh hills. Off to "school" in Lampeter to continue Roman History. Hopefully taking pills early may avoid necessity of a sharp exit after the first hour to visit the loo. Blasted oil man sent phone message to sday he is coming today. Not very happy having to leave note on door saying "keys by tank". Nothing from DPD as yet re-metal detector - bet they deliver this morning. Just hope they bring it in and do not leave it on rubbish bins outside the gate as it is collection day. It will mean a devil of a row if they do as they usually put "handed to resident" when they just chuck it down outside the holding where it cannot be seen.

Have a good day everyone.
And it was a 5.6 for me this morning at 8.30.
Good morning!

7.8 today. I'd love to get under 7 one of these days.

I'll try to focus on exercising my core when I come home from my long walk this afternoon.


Before my triple bypass I found rising from a chair with my arms folded good for core strength. You are not allowed to push up with your arms for at least three months after open heart surgery. I avoided very low chairs and sofas! :rofl: