Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 5.5 today

early morning wake up (about an hour earlier than usual for me)

have a great day everybody 😎
Good morning everyone. Very dark and windy

Yup wrong colin, ah well, sorry

BG very low for me 3.9
BP nice and low 115/73
Pulse low too 58

Mood low, but raised at the thought of spring (49 days), my favourite time of year.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Forgive my absence yesterday.
I didn’t test.
Should have been at the hospital for repeat scans etc but the whole lot was rescheduled.
Felt a bit melancholic all day with that, the pesky cold now blocking my ears, and marking another year of plodding through life.

Today I’ve still got the cold but the melancholia has eased.

6.8 this morning.

Thank you all for the birthday wishes. I had a celebratory donut from

They really are something special. They’re not at all sweet and they are as light as a pillow.
Good morning. 8.1 after a unicorn day yesterday for about 10 mins around 9pm:rofl:
Good morning - 9.7
Morning 9.2 for me. Have a good day.
8.4. thinking back to last few days I may want to try and not let it go below 6 for a few days(or a least not let it go below 5) as their times were my warning signs could have been better) epasillly last night(before getting home) where I had lowest reading for ages. Athough they could have got mixed in with the other stuff.(there were times where it as expected). Note to self next time you spend a few days with a 4 year old and one year old think about reducing your insulin.
Morning all. 5.7 on yet another blustery morning. I can certainly see the benefits of a modern house when the weather is like this. It’s just blows through all our nooks and crannies and cools the house more than when it’s minus 8! As well as rattle the sash windows and keep us awake all night. We need to win the lottery to replace our windows though. As we’re Grade 2 listed they have to be the same as they are now. Georgian pained, wooden sashes. Mega bucks. :(

No massive plans, like @Bloden I will be unleashing my domestic goddess and erect the ironing board in front of the telly and watch rubbish. I might even iron some clothes! :D

Have a wonderful Wednesday. 🙂
Well done @MrPixels on that HS. 🙂
Another 6.1 for me.

And it’s a 4.6 for me this sunny February morning .
4.8 today for me.

Anniversary of my brother in law’s death today. Sadly taken from us far too soon at just 62 with a sudden heart attack. We are going over to his son’s tonight together with the rest of the family to have an Indian takeaway to commemorate the sad day.

Shoulder is still aching, especially towards the end of the day, but does feel to gradually be getting better. Didn’t have to resort to co-codamol until yesterday evening, so things must be improving!

Congratulations @MrPixels on your HS.

@ColinUK hope your cold goes and peace and happiness take its place.

Hope everyone is well, have a good day today.