Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. Candlemas. Will light candles and lantern on the Crib for the last time and put away until November. 🙂

6.0 @ 11.29 last night and 6.1 @ 7.05 this morning. That's all right innit? 🙂
Morning all. 5.9 today.

Never got the ironing done yesterday. So better get cracking with it today. Living my best life!😉

Doesn’t seem as windy today, thank goodness. I can cope with most weather but I hate the wind, especially accompanied with rain. That reminds me, been looking for cottages in Scotland for our main holiday. The prices! 😱 We don’t want to go in the height of summer, ( midges!) we’re looking end of April/beginning of May. It’s actually cheaper to go abroad! Will carry on looking today, I’m going crossed eyed!

Have a good day.🙂
Morning all, 7.2 here. Another flat line overnight, very rare for me, what's happened to my traditional dip and rise?
Cottages anywhere are eye watering, @eggyg , I was having a browse the other day at Suffolk and North Devon, and was shocked at the prices.
morning everyone, 5 for me this morning at 7am been busy past few days looking after my granddaughters, and catching up with household tasks that were neglected when I'd no hot water, think I've caught up again so now to relax for a couple of days.
Morning all. 🙂 Shift up @goodybags, another bum for the sixes step - 6.7 for me.

Swimming later on today, then choir practice. I worked out why I was charged a pound less last week at the pool - I was served by a very young lass who obviously took me for an over-60 swimmer (60+ pay less). Not quite yet, sweetie...who cares, it saved me a pound!
Morning all, 7.2 here. Another flat line overnight, very rare for me, what's happened to my traditional dip and rise?
Cottages anywhere are eye watering, @eggyg , I was having a browse the other day at Suffolk and North Devon, and was shocked at the prices.
Shepherds huts with barely any cooking facilities are the ones that shock me. £500/600 a week, out of season! They’re taking the Mick.
6.2 for me today. 🙂

They’re rotten in parts and stuck fast with paint! The bedroom ones are the worst for rattling and but at least we can open them. The downstairs ones just won’t open at all! We have secondary glazing on all of them, but that’s quite old too. Our last quote was £11k just for the five front ones! And that was years ago.
Never buy a listed house. Unfortunately, our solicitor failed to notice during the pre sale searches that it was, and we only found out 15 years later from English Heritage. We had already built a kitchen extension and an en-suite, both with building regs, so council didn’t even know! Both solicitor and council were very shame faced but also said we may have to knock the extension down! You can imagine what we said to them. Funnily enough they’ve never got back to us on that! The kids will have to deal with it when we pop our clogs and they have to sell the house! I know we’re probably burying our heads in the sand but time passes and it’s things like rattling sash windows that reminds you! BTW we bought it in 1986 and it was apparently listed two years earlier. Drive by listing they call it, a few in the village were done on the same day. I wonder if they know? :confused:
I take it you failed to sue the solicitor?
Good morning. 6.7 - shouldn't have had spring rolls for supper.
Nasty drizzle this morning so the horses can stay in. Spent yesterday contacting archeologists about the Pocklington and Wetwang Chariot burials - I want to know the size of the ponies buried with the owner.

Have a nice day all.
And it was a happy 5.6 for me at 8.25 this morning and the sun ☀️ is out again today.
Wow is it crowded on the 6.2 step this morning! I seem to be in great company though so no complaints about it being a tight squeeze. No room for draughts!
Also delighted to report my third Unicorn "on the trot" 😉 and another PB TIR of 99% for the last 7 days. Clearly Libre 2 is working well for me although it woke me twice last night. 😡 but then I had very disturbed sleep all night anyway..... too hot and then too cold and so on every half an hour or so. Went to bed on 5.8 with a reduced Levemir dose because I had been trimming hooves again yesterday afternoon which is pretty exertive work. The first time was a high alarm at 3.30am of 9.1 and an upward sloping arrow which got hit with 1.5 units of Fiasp (I initially dialled up 2 units but then knocked it back.... just as well) because I then got a low alarm at 6.30am which was 4.0 but rapidly turned around with 1 JB.... so I am being made to work hard through the night looking after my unicorns 🙄 and then work hard through the day looking after my other equines! What really chuffed me yesterday was that I increased my morning Levemir by 2 units and got a lovely flat mid range base line on my graph with very slight blips when I ate and throughout the period of hoof trimming my levels stayed absolutely rock steady like they had been drawn with a rule. Getting your basal dose just right makes such a difference. Of course, I clearly got it wrong last night which takes the shine off it a bit. 🙄
Good morning everyone, 4.4 this morning for me.

Good night last night with the family commemorating the one year anniversary of my brother in law. We remembered the good times together and shared a lovely Indian takeaway meal (hit 13.4 as I didn’t chance pre bolus-ing not knowing exactly when the meal would be delivered). But only needed a slight correction before bed so didn’t do too bad!

Chiropractor visit this afternoon so hopefully that will help the shoulder more along its road to recovery. It’s now more of a dull ache with occasional tingling in my fingers as a nerve must be compressed in the shoulder joint presumably. But managing better now and not needing as much pain relief.

@rebrascora - congratulations on your unicorn days and impressive TIR! Glad the Libre 2 is working well for you. I’ve been pleased all along with just an odd sensor being flakey, but on the whole I’ve taken to trusting it. For me I would say it varies from being almost spot on with BG, at worst reading about 1 mmol/l lower. Given the lag and differences it’s hard to compare exactly but I feel it can be used for bolus-ing without any issues. Of course when I eventually get my repeat HbA1c that will be the moment of truth!

Have a good day everyone!
Morning all - no change in the weather, still grey.

7.1 this morning at 08:30 which dropped to 5.4 by 9:30. Got to get a move on, completely forgot I am meeting a g/f for lunch and to see "A man called Otto" at the cinema, so I am still sitting here in PJs and need to sort myself out to leave in an hour!
@eggyg we used to go to Keldy forrest cabins. A bit basic but so so enjoyable.

Then they doubled the prices, never been back since
Good morning! 5'8 today.

After last week intense work and pleased and surprised to have the whole Friday, whole Saturday and Sunday morning off. That means time for housework, long walks, doing something in town...and probably a night out 😉

One of the less fun plans I have is to clean the ice from my fridge. It's been building up for ages and I accepted it like a reality in life until recently when some food got freeze burns and I decided I could be an adult and do something about it. I don't like food waste at all. The fridge is almost empty so I want to hold on my food shopping until I get this done. Just have to ask one of my housemates if I can leave my insulin in their fridge while I clean mine.