Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 5.7 on yet another blustery morning. I can certainly see the benefits of a modern house when the weather is like this. It’s just blows through all our nooks and crannies and cools the house more than when it’s minus 8! As well as rattle the sash windows and keep us awake all night. We need to win the lottery to replace our windows though. As we’re Grade 2 listed they have to be the same as they are now. Georgian pained, wooden sashes. Mega bucks. :(

No massive plans, like @Bloden I will be unleashing my domestic goddess and erect the ironing board in front of the telly and watch rubbish. I might even iron some clothes! :D

Have a wonderful Wednesday. 🙂
If the sash windows are not rotten you can usually stop the rattle and draughts by changing the parting beads (the thin bits of wood which separate the two sashes and lets them slide.) and moving the beading around the overall window in towards the sliding sashes. It takes a bit of time to do as everything in a Georgian sash is usually painted solid (but amazingly sound under the paint)and everything has to be rubbed sown as re-painted but, as a repair, the listed Building bods at the Council cannot object and it is a cheap, if laborious, solution.

Enough of woodwork - 6.1 today. Weather windy but dry with intermittent periods of sun. Could be worse.

Have a good day all.
Good morning everyone.
6.3 the first time I woke up but 7.2 by the time I actually injected and hauled myself out of bed half an hour later! Needed 2 JBs through the night but it was down to pre bed corrections after eating too many roasted peanuts.... when will I learn!

Anyway, I am happy to say that despite my reticence, I am loving the Libre 2 after my first 9 days. I just hit a new personal best of 98% TIR for the past 7 days with 2% below and got my second unicorn in a row yesterday. My alarms are set at 9 and 4.2 which seems to be working really well for me. Libre still seems to be reading about 1mmol lower than finger prick but I am used to that and so far no false alarms I don't think and when it goes off in the night, it wakes me up but isn't too piercing that it panics me and 4.2 seems to be about perfect for catching and treating it before I go into the red. Hope I am not speaking too soon and tempting fate but so far, I'm well impressed.
Must confess though I got a bit of a sweat on an a funeral yesterday in case it went off. I was 5.2 and dropping when we got there and I ate a JB to steady it, but half way through the service, when they mentioned that the deceased had diabetes, it suddenly brought my mind back to it and I started to panic in case 1 JB wasn't enough and the alarm went off, but didn't want to scan because of course that also beeps. I had turned my phone off before the service but never thought to turn the alarms off on the Libre. 🙄

Congrats to @MrPixels on your House Special this morning.

@ColinUK Sorry to hear that my theory about you jetting off somewhere exotic was incorrect and the reason for your absence was that you were feeling a bit down instead. You know we are here to listen and that we care. (((HUGS))) The doughnut sounds just the ticket to celebrate with and treat yourself. What is the secret to stopping at one though? 🙄
@ColinUK just to lift your spirits and to chase away that rotten cold... get active and build... an HS house for yourself...


Hope the cold goes away soon

No work today, as doing 4 days this week, next week I return to full time. Not sure why feel very tearful this morning. Going to try and get out for a run, but just not feeling it at the moment.

@MrPixels - congratulations on the HS.

@ColinUK - hope you feel better soon.
Morning all. When I got up at 08:30 there was some blue sky and sunshine. Now it's just uniform grey again.

7.3 first thing, but it quite quickly dropped to 5.6.

Not heard back from the DSN, except for an "out of office" response on Monday. I do think she only works 3 days a week and my appointments are usually the latter part of the week so perhaps I will get something today?

Yesterday's pie filling was yummy... unfortunately the puff pastry was not a great success. I decided to try cooking the pie in the air fryer. The top was quite brown but underneath there was soggy uncooked pastry. I shan't repeat that experiment and tonight's lasagna will be cooked in the oven! The dish I shall use won't fit in the air fryer anyway.

Meeting friends in town later today... looking forward to that as haven't been out since last Friday.

@freesia I thought of you yesterday when ordering some medications. The feeling of constant fatigue may be down to an underactive thyroid, which often goes hand in hand with T1. Have they tested you for that, if so what were the numbers? British GPs seem reluctant to treat until TSH is far too high.

Congratulations to @MrPixels on your HS. Well done.

Have a good day all.
he feeling of constant fatigue may be down to an underactive thyroid, which often goes hand in hand with T1. Have they tested you for that, if so what were the numbers? British GPs seem reluctant to treat until TSH is far too high
I never thought of that. I shall ask. Thank you.
If the sash windows are not rotten you can usually stop the rattle and draughts by changing the parting beads (the thin bits of wood which separate the two sashes and lets them slide.) and moving the beading around the overall window in towards the sliding sashes. It takes a bit of time to do as everything in a Georgian sash is usually painted solid (but amazingly sound under the paint)and everything has to be rubbed sown as re-painted but, as a repair, the listed Building bods at the Council cannot object and it is a cheap, if laborious, solution.

Enough of woodwork - 6.1 today. Weather windy but dry with intermittent periods of sun. Could be worse.

Have a good day all.
They’re rotten in parts and stuck fast with paint! The bedroom ones are the worst for rattling and but at least we can open them. The downstairs ones just won’t open at all! We have secondary glazing on all of them, but that’s quite old too. Our last quote was £11k just for the five front ones! And that was years ago.
Never buy a listed house. Unfortunately, our solicitor failed to notice during the pre sale searches that it was, and we only found out 15 years later from English Heritage. We had already built a kitchen extension and an en-suite, both with building regs, so council didn’t even know! Both solicitor and council were very shame faced but also said we may have to knock the extension down! You can imagine what we said to them. Funnily enough they’ve never got back to us on that! The kids will have to deal with it when we pop our clogs and they have to sell the house! I know we’re probably burying our heads in the sand but time passes and it’s things like rattling sash windows that reminds you! BTW we bought it in 1986 and it was apparently listed two years earlier. Drive by listing they call it, a few in the village were done on the same day. I wonder if they know? :confused:
waking 4.2 fotf 4.7
does the attached indicate a unicorn?
what is a HS


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waking 4.2 fotf 4.7
does the attached indicate a unicorn?
what is a HS
Yes, 100% in range is a unicorn day - congratulations!

A HS (House Special) is a waking reading of 5.2.
hey all. 6.3 for me when I woke up at 1am :D
been pushing my basal later and later due to sleep habbits (not intentional - migraine threw off my pattern) so having a no basal day today to hit reset button since I have a fairly clear day to be able to stay on top of things with fast acting, minimal carbs and will have some walks about the village through the day.
Good morning it looks busy on the Six Step
6.6 for me today

have a great day everybody 😎
Good morning everyone.

Bit cold this morning. I had a shower at 5am but for some reason the heating in the bathroom wasn't working. Brrrrr

BG 5.0 so why was it 3.9 yeasterday or was that a meter/test strip/contaminant issue (I should have retested)

Everything else is ok.

I have to travel to Preston sometime soon to get some bloods done. They don't seem to be able to get them done locally and then send the results to Preston. No idea why or what I have to do to sort that out.

Today...exercise..oh and a very boring (but needed) Amazon delivery.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning- 6.2
Good morning. Libre app says 8.8, reader alarm went off at the same time as scanning. That said 10.7 going up fast!! Eh?! 5 seconds difference in scanning both. I'll go with the app.