Group 7-day waking average?

It was 7.5 for me after a 9.1 earlier which was corrected with 2 units of Fiasp after a restless night. I went to bed on 9.1 but had increased my Levemir so expected it to drop a bit, but no, it stayed on what would otherwise have been a lovely straight horizontal line all night but in the 9s, it isn't so nice! I really don't sleep well that high. Still in range though so not totally unhappy but don't feel rested.
Turned out yesterday was just my "pre diabetes" review, so the nurse I saw wasn't the Diabetes Nurse(DN). She took bloods, BP (up a bit as it always is at the surgery), weight (up a bit which I suspected and need to tackle) Doppler and tickle test on feet (all OK), then I have an appointment with the DN in March. Apart from getting my results, which of course I can do online, I am not sure what seeing the DN is going to achieve, but I do owe her a bit of an apology because I had a bit of a rant when she rang and suggested I take statins last year. Only doing her job I know, but the phone call came a bit out of the blue and caught be unprepared and I acted on instinct. She is a lovely nurse, so I need to make it right. I didn't get a review last year, so this will be my first opportunity.

Oh!.... Something to celebrate...I got a unicorn yesterday. I have been close for a few days, but cracked it yesterday.
It was 7.5 for me after a 9.1 earlier which was corrected with 2 units of Fiasp after a restless night. I went to bed on 9.1 but had increased my Levemir so expected it to drop a bit, but no, it stayed on what would otherwise have been a lovely straight horizontal line all night but in the 9s, it isn't so nice! I really don't sleep well that high. Still in range though so not totally unhappy but don't feel rested.
Turned out yesterday was just my "pre diabetes" review, so the nurse I saw wasn't the Diabetes Nurse(DN). She took bloods, BP (up a bit as it always is at the surgery), weight (up a bit which I suspected and need to tackle) Doppler and tickle test on feet (all OK), then I have an appointment with the DN in March. Apart from getting my results, which of course I can do online, I am not sure what seeing the DN is going to achieve, but I do owe her a bit of an apology because I had a bit of a rant when she rang and suggested I take statins last year. Only doing her job I know, but the phone call came a bit out of the blue and caught be unprepared and I acted on instinct. She is a lovely nurse, so I need to make it right. I didn't get a review last year, so this will be my first opportunity.

Oh!.... Something to celebrate...I got a unicorn yesterday. I have been close for a few days, but cracked it yesterday.

Did nursery do your ABPI? A DSN said everything was fine in a diabetic review and 6 weeks later I was diagnosed with PAD! :( Just listening to a Doppler is insufficient!
Did nursery do your ABPI? A DSN said everything was fine in a diabetic review and 6 weeks later I was diagnosed with PAD! :( Just listening to a Doppler is insufficient!
What is ABPI?
6.1 for me today. 🙂

What is ABPI?

Ankle Brachial Pressure Index

Using a Doppler they compare the ration of your BP on your ankle with your upper arm. A figure below 0.9 needs monitoring, 0.7 checking with scans and below 0.5 intervention such as angioplasty. On the leg I lost it was about 0. 33 but because of Covid they didn't intervene till far to late! :( My remaining leg is below 0.5 (damn this diabetes!) Sadly the UK has a higher rate of amputation than Western Europe and the USA! The figures I quoted seem to vary between Trusts and even vascular surgeons.
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Using a Doppler they compare the ration of your BP on your ankle with your upper arm. A figure below 0.9 needs monitoring, 0.7 checking with scans and below 0.5 intervention such as angioplasty. On the leg I lost it was about 0. 33 but because of Covid they didn't intervene till far to late! :( My remaining leg is below 0.5 (damn this diabetes!) Sadly the UK has a higher rate of amputation than Western Europe and the USA! The figures I quoted seem to vary between Trusts and even vascular surgeons.
How does the Doppler compare BP?
I must admit I was a little disappointed that the Doppler wasn't louder on my feet but it is only the second time I have had Doppler done and I did wonder if the nurse hadn't quite got the right spot. I could hear it but it was faint compared to what I remember of the last time when the podiatrist did it but that was nearly 4 years ago. My feet and legs appear pretty healthy though and sensation is good and no swelling, as you might expect if blood vessels were having difficulty circulating blood. I wonder if that ABPI test is only done if there is some other cause for concern.
I'm not a fan of the weird interface, but it does seem to work.

Until yesterday when it just couldn't get a Bluetooth connection so I was forced back to scanning. I think it's the sensor (it had less than 12 hours left). On the positive side, Juggluco is still scanning the sensor so it means I've still got values while the new sensor starts up.
It's the interface I can't get to grips with at all @Bruce Stephens, I long for the simplicity of LibreLink.
Morning all and it was. 7.2 for me.

Bright sunny day, does this mean basal will need adjusting again?

Really must get the clippers out and tame the remnants of my mane. It's starting to look a bit Keith Flint.

Have a good day everyone.
No @ColinUK this morning yet?? Hopefully just recovering from Birthday excesses rather than anything more concerning. X
Morning all - another grey day with intermittent showers - feel like this winter is endless!

7.6 - too high for my liking... where are the consistent FBGs in the 5s that I used to be able to achieve with my old Combo pump. Emailed the DSN 2 days ago asking what she knew about LibreLink and whether she has any inside knowledge of pending improvements - she should know something as she's T1 and uses Libre. Frankly I am feeling lost!

Nothing much on today, might do some ironing - also make chicken pie out of the leftovers of the roast chicken.

Congratulations @Colin g on your HS.
11.7 was 6.7 when at about 2am this morning. O had 3 hypos yesterday (and one the day) which hasn't happened for long time but having been spending time with my neice and nephew the last few days).

Funny story I tempanlly registered with my doctor's well i was away for 3 weeks (did mention I was type 1 diabetic when I was had appointment). And they rang me Elailler to say I came as pre diabetic)
How does the Doppler compare BP?
I must admit I was a little disappointed that the Doppler wasn't louder on my feet but it is only the second time I have had Doppler done and I did wonder if the nurse hadn't quite got the right spot. I could hear it but it was faint compared to what I remember of the last time when the podiatrist did it but that was nearly 4 years ago. My feet and legs appear pretty healthy though and sensation is good and no swelling, as you might expect if blood vessels were having difficulty circulating blood. I wonder if that ABPI test is only done if there is some other cause for concern.

The usual process is to take your BP on both arms using a traditional sphygmomanometer and stethoscope, and repeat at the ankle using the Doppler to listen rather than the stethoscope. A figure above 1.0 usually means severe calcification of the artery making it difficult to compress. I have borrowed a few books (sourced via the library in Boston Spa? ) on this so could do it on Mastermind. This is one area where the standards are just not good enough IMHO. :(
Afternoon all. 6.8 on my 'new' meter. Miniscule drop of blood though. I've found if not enough blood you get a wonky reading but that'll do. 🙂

Blowing a gale, I hates the wind, I had my scarf on with fingerless gloves while reading my SK this morning, bungalow was proper draughty. Hope everyone having a good day.
4.1 this morning. graph shows mid to high 3s while asleep, not low enough for alarm or to trigger an adrenaline dump (which produces bad dreams/wakes me up) and consequent liver dump. Time to recalibrate basal lower
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Emailed the DSN 2 days ago asking what she knew about LibreLink and whether she has any inside knowledge of pending improvements - she should know something as she's T1 and uses Libre. Frankly I am feeling lost!
Let us know if you hear anything back.
Congratulations @Colin g on your HS!
Ok @ColinUK you deserve a special house...

Holly Hills 1CMYK.jpg

Oh, if you're wondering, the post box is on the other side of the house !