Group 7-day waking average?

was 6.4 at bedtime. maybe thats too low for bedtime. woke to 3.6 fotf 3.9.
But 3.6 was as low as it got - no alarms.
Basal is Toujeu. How long do basal adjustments take to have an effect with this one? Am on day1 of downward adjustment.

Didn't get a chance to post before taking mum for her cataract, then straight back to work. Anyway 7.5 and had to sort out her hearing appointment as it was just moved without an explanation, so had to sort that out for a date I can be with her.

Yoga this evening.
Good very early morning everyone. First up it seems. No idea why but I woke at 3am full of energy feeling really good.

BG 5.0 but, in the interest of 'science' and, desperate for an HS, I decided to do another test immediately, on a different, but not too far away, finger. The result? 4.3 doh!! Wasted a test strip. 🙄

Anyway, a morrisons delivery late today as a surprise to my wife and our 'normal' Sainsburys delivery tomorrow.

Not much else going on today.

My friend emailed me a link to a documentary about a chap who rescues pipe organs and saves them from the skip. It was a fascinating, yet very sad, programme.

(I hope the above link works). It shows just how complicated and intricate pipe organs can be. I have 'wandered' around the innards of a few. They are so fascinating.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 11.4
Bit of a rollercoaster day yesterday (expected) and I defo appreciate how steady my basal keeps me 😉 52% time in range with no basal - I'll call that acceptable and highest I peaked was 18s. *pets my fiasp pen and calls it a good lil pen*
A correction or two will be needed today but I am confidant I will get on top of things and hopefully business as usual. Just ran out of awake time yesterday to get more corrections in and a dawn came in for a flying visit 😉

Hope you all have a fantastic day today.
Good morning
I’m still on the 6 step, today 6.2

have a great day everybody 😎
Good morning - 8.0
That’s interesting - which ones do you use? I just want a simple calculator to enter figures and have a bolus amount calculated. I use a spreadsheet at the moment, but an app would be a bit smoother to use. I use Librelink for recording carbs and glucose so I don’t want to record stuff in another app, i just want a calculator.
Sorry didn’t see this @Eternal422 , haven’t caught up with the thread this week. I use the bolus calculator on MySugr but my clinic reccomend the free mylife one. I do like that one only thing I don’t like that stops me using it is you have to press down/up in 0.1 increments to adjust a dose and I don’t have the patience to press down 50 times if I’m say knocking 5u off my dose for exercise.


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6.2 again today. And physio this morning.
Morning all. 6.4. I could have slept on, it’s so dark. Can’t wait until the lighter mornings.

Zara day today. We’re almost finished our five week, three days a week stint. It’s flown in if truth be told. Just next Monday and Tuesday to do after today and that’s us “off” until Monday 20th February. Then it’s half term and we’ll no doubt be having the others as well. No rest for the wicked as they say! :rofl:

I managed to get a Scottish cottage booked, at last. We’re off to the Highlands again, Ardnamurchan peninsula, we were close to it last year and did a lot of walking and wildlife watching there. We’re almost at the most western part of Great Britain. I can’t believe I’m putting myself through the drive there again. Single track roads almost all the way, it takes ages and your nerves are definitely shredded by the time you get there! But worth every mile.
Edited to add: when I say all the way, I don’t mean all the way from home but the last 25 miles.Blimey that really would be torture!

Have a fab Friday. 🙂
Morning all, 6.8 here.
I’ve got a telephone appointment with my GP to discuss my Blood Pressure this morning, which is a bit mystifying.
At my recent pre-review tests, it was 135/68, the top was higher than normal because I’d just walked smartly down the road in the freezing cold to the surgery, but the HCP produced a paper chart and told me to do my BP twice a day for a week, calculate the average and hand it in at my diabetic review. That came to 114/58, and the nurse at the review looked at it and said, Oh that’s fine. Then a week later, suddenly my GP wants to discuss it with me.
Am I missing something? Unless it’s the Pulse Pressure (the differential between top and bottom figures, which should be 40-60, mine's at the top end, and yes, I have consulted Dr. Google and scared myself **itless)
No doubt I’ll find out later this morning.