Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all. 6.4. I could have slept on, it’s so dark. Can’t wait until the lighter mornings.

Zara day today. We’re almost finished our five week, three days a week stint. It’s flown in if truth be told. Just next Monday and Tuesday to do after today and that’s us “off” until Monday 20th February. Then it’s half term and we’ll no doubt be having the others as well. No rest for the wicked as they say! :rofl:

I managed to get a Scottish cottage booked, at last. We’re off to the Highlands again, Ardnamurchan peninsula, we were close to it last year and did a lot of walking and wildlife watching there. We’re almost at the most western part of Great Britain. I can’t believe I’m putting myself through the drive there again. Single track roads almost all the way, it takes ages and your nerves are definitely shredded by the time you get there! But worth every mile.
Edited to add: when I say all the way, I don’t mean all the way from home but the last 25 miles.Blimey that really would be torture!

Have a fab Friday. 🙂
Drat - I've been absent and if I'd have known I would have told you we've got a few spaces in our cottage on Harris - mind you that's a long journey too! Next time ..
Morning all (just! I had a lovely long sleep with ridiculously detailed dreams which now of course I can't remember). 8.4 for me this morning.

I've been absent again as all very busy here as on Tuesday we exchanged contracts so we're definitely moving up to Cumbria on 3rd March - so 4 weeks today!! So please excuse the fact that I'll probably disappear again for a bit. We're very excited but there's a lot to do and it will be strange as we've lived around here for the last 32 years. Planning a farewell party here next week but I'm going to keep it super simple and buy everything in - I'm not mad! Have a great day everyone xxx
Good morning! 4'7 today, a bit low, confirmed with a 4'4 in finger prick.

The Libre low alarm woke me up in the early morning with a 3'8. I was too sleepy and annoyed to get up and find my meter to confirm so I ate 1 JB before falling asleep again. I keep them in a tiny container with a lid but it was hard as a rock and my stomach didn't feel great after. Anyway, I stayed low the rest of my sleep but out of the red zone.

Yesterday I went to the hotel with 2 Libre sensors at the same time. One was due to expire just at the time I start work, so I applied the other before leaving the house so I only had to activate it when the other finished. Obviously I spent the evening scanning the wrong sensor first :rofl:
Hi folks. I'm still occupying the number 9 seat and that's without munching on Quality Street chocs! I'm on the waiting list for surgery but heard today that my hospital appointment has been rescheduled again coz of the Nurses strike! It is what it is:(
Take care.
Hi folks. I'm still occupying the number 9 seat and that's without munching on Quality Street chocs! I'm on the waiting list for surgery but heard today that my hospital appointment has been rescheduled again coz of the Nurses strike! It is what it is:(
Take care.
Hope you don't have to wait to soon for rescheduled surgery, my friend had surgery cancelled at the beginning of January, and had the surgery last Thursday.
Morning all and a FOTF boosted 7.4 for me.

Not much planned for today. Must look at some Wordpress tutorials as the band website needs bringing up to date. Last experience I had with web design/programming it was HTML edited in notepad.

Have a good day everyone
Yep, I must admit, getting down to HTML, JavaScript and CSS directly is good fun. I used Dreamweaver initially then resorted to notepad++ afterwards. I still feel that things like Wordpress are “cheating” a bit, but then you can build more complex things faster than from scratch. Have fun!
Well that was a complete waste of everybody's time and an NHS appointment slot! Dr rang and said 'I understand you want to discuss your home blood pressure readings with me' No, I replied, I had a message that YOU wanted to discuss them with ME!
Oh! She said, something's gone wrong, they're brilliant! She said the only thing she could think of was that because they’re on the low side, someone may have got confused and thought I ought to be lowering my BP medication, but I don’t take any! My BP is just naturally low, which she said was fine, as long as I’m not feeling dizzy, which I’m not. So she apologised and said she hoped she hadn’t disrupted my morning, and rang off!
Sounds about right. I was told to wear the three day BP machine. Duly did after putting it off, I kept telling them I always get white coat syndrome when taken in the surgery. Took it back in, got a call from GP saying exactly the same as yours. I believe you want to discuss your BP. I said no, you did. Oh, they’re fine, bye! 🙄
Communication non-existent in a lot of GP surgeries it seems. I bet the worry made your BP go higher!
Drat - I've been absent and if I'd have known I would have told you we've got a few spaces in our cottage on Harris - mind you that's a long journey too! Next time ..
We’re terrible for leaving it to the last minute. We were torn between Northumberland coast, Wales, North Yorkshire coast or right up to North West Scotland. Availability wasn’t good and prices high!
We’re going just after Easter, no midges! Maybe next year for Harris.
Morning all (just! I had a lovely long sleep with ridiculously detailed dreams which now of course I can't remember). 8.4 for me this morning.

I've been absent again as all very busy here as on Tuesday we exchanged contracts so we're definitely moving up to Cumbria on 3rd March - so 4 weeks today!! So please excuse the fact that I'll probably disappear again for a bit. We're very excited but there's a lot to do and it will be strange as we've lived around here for the last 32 years. Planning a farewell party here next week but I'm going to keep it super simple and buy everything in - I'm not mad! Have a great day everyone xxx
Glad everything went well and you have no regrets coming up to my beautiful county. I bet you can’t wait. When you’re finally settled we must have a meet. How will Cumbria cope with another distal pancreatectomy/splenectomy patient. I know one more but there’s not many of us! Enjoy your farewell party, I’m sure they’ll be tears but it’s not like you’re moving to the other side of the world. I bet you’ll have loads of visitors once you’re up here. Who wouldn’t want to visit?
. I bet the worry made your BP go higher!
Funnily enough, it didn’t, because I was at home. It always skyrockets in the surgery, because the system is designed to be as stressful as possible. They play awful tinny music, which you have to listen to, because every so often it’s interrrupted by a 'Bing bong' doorbell sound, and you have to look at the screen quickly, because you get a message saying 'Mrs X to Treatment room Y please' which lasts about 2 seconds, during which you have to work out a) if it’s your name and b) memorise the room number. I do wonder if their BP medication bill would be lower if they introduced a more gentle system. (Some of the nurses do still come to their door and call you by name, which is much friendlier and calming, but all the GPs use the Bingbong system.)
Afternoon folks

I was 7.something this morning xxxx
Afternoon all - my morning was consumed with such frustration just trying to find online a list of phones compatible with the LibreLink app that I was very close to tears by the end and it was past lunchtime. I finally rang customer services and asked for a link, which they emailed to me. Shall I buy a new phone (which I can't really afford and there's nothing wrong with mine apart from LibreLink), or grin and bear JugGluco. Mind you, the .pdf they sent me still says anything over Android 8 should work, mine is Android 9.

The nurse rang me on Wednesday and seemed surprised I was having difficulties. She was not aware that the app was not working for some people. She said several had contacted her after the November update but said they'd got in touch to say things had settled after the latter update. I said absolutely not and there were still 100s of people for whom it doesn't work. To cut a long story short she offered me Dexcom 1 but said it wouldn't work with my phone either. On checking online it seems the only phones listed as compatible with Dexcom one are Samsung. She said she would email the Abbott rep, for all the good that will do! So I am still frustrated and don't know what to do.

Meanwhile this morning was 8.3 with a pretty straight line most of the night... that is the 8 hours before I woke as there was a gap prior to that.

"A man called Otto" was pretty darn good. g/f and I were both in need of tissues at the end!

Regarding how expensive cottages seem to be now.... we have been trying to find accommodation for birthday celebrations (my ex-flatmate and myself share a birthday and Julian's is the next day.). Last year we all went to Bath, staying in the Premier Inn for £210 per room, this year the same dates are £467 which is pretty standard for hotels throughout Bath. Have looked at self-catering and found reasonable 2 bed flats, but only 1 bathroom (and wc). That is not going to work for 2 couples our age! We need somewhere roughly half-way between Surrey and Cornwall, where there are plenty of restaurants and pubs as we want to eat out. So far nothing has suggested itself.

Congratulations to @freesia on your HS.

Also to @zippyjojo on exchanging contracts.

Have a good evening everyone.
5.3 then 6.6 45 mins later
Afternoon all - my morning was consumed with such frustration just trying to find online a list of phones compatible with the LibreLink app that I was very close to tears by the end and it was past lunchtime. I finally rang customer services and asked for a link, which they emailed to me. Shall I buy a new phone (which I can't really afford and there's nothing wrong with mine apart from LibreLink), or grin and bear JugGluco. Mind you, the .pdf they sent me still says anything over Android 8 should work, mine is Android 9
I've just emailed them again.
Morning folks. 5.9 today.

Yesterday I didn’t want to get up but I had to. Today, I don’t have to, and I couldn’t lie in. :(

No plans today really. Bit of pootling about the house, maybe a walk to try strengthen this blooming ankle, weather dependent, but mainly sorting out more books. I managed to get hold of three big boxes from our local petrol station/Spar yesterday. That’ll keep me busy.

Have a nice day.🙂