Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 6.1 here. Got woken up by a scam call at 6.50am! Managed to doze off again for a bit, but i was fuming. We have the facility on our landline to screen calls, but we’ve never felt the need, as nuisance calls have been few and far between, but if they’re going to start disturbing my beauty sleep, maybe the time has come,
Good morning everyone

Got up way late this morning at 7am!!! That is very rare. Yesterday it was 3am. I like early, I can do so much and be relaxed and not rushing.

BG 5.1 sooo close

My phone seems to be playing up. Grrrr

BP nice and low at 114/73

We had a good delivery from Morrisons last night, but two of the most important items were substituted with ones we didn't want. Sigh.

Today a bit of walking and that's about it.

Update on my wife. Her recovery continues and she has become well enough to be able to cope with my friend coming to the house. A huge step forwards.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
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Good morning.

BG? No idea. The meter and its vampire friend live in a pouch on my desk. Absent on parade this morning. Spent 30 mins looking, gave in to idea of breakfast, walked back in to study and immediately spotted pouch lurking beneath my monitor. Bother the Dawn Fairy its these damned pixies you have to look out for.

Have a happy day all.
I’m way off getting a house today with a 7.4.

Was very achy and tight all over including at physio and I’m still very tight from hips down today.

Took myself off to pictures and saw Avatar 2 yesterday. It’s pretty but otherwise it let me utterly cold.

Opera on Tuesday next week with Tannhäuser at Covent Garden.

Still no response from work about anything.
Morning all. 6.7 @ 7.47am 🙂 Tum 47 1/2 and weight 13 5 seems to have settled at that for a bit. Suits me, it's still a novelty being in the 13s.
Well done @MrPixels on your 5.2. 🙂
A mere whisker's miss for me wth 5.3.

Good morning. 5.4 today. Nothing planned apart from some cleaning, washing etc.
4.7 on final waking and actually getting out of bed just before 9 today (well, it is the weekend!).

Shoulder doing so much better now thank goodness! Chiropractor on Thursday with massage and the infrared laser thingy really did the trick. Continuing with the now 5 different exercises to free up the shoulder muscles which really do make a difference. The chiropractor said my shoulder was noticeably more flexible and free, so I’m pleased with my progress.

Hope the physio is working well for you @ColinUK. I loved Avatar but not seen the new one yet, I can see I’ll probably end up waiting until it is on one of the streaming services.

Having arranged an Amazon delivery to a local pick up point so we wouldn’t be waiting around today they decided to deliver another one today that was scheduled for next Wednesday! Aaarrggghhh! so after that we still have to hang around.

Lovely to hear that your wife is getting stronger and up to one of your friends coming around @Gwynn .

Congratulations @MrPixels on your HS!

Have a good day everyone!
Morning everyone - 8.4 for me this morning. I then went out for an early morning walk (at 7.17am which is UNHEARD of for me). Did 4.5 miles and was eagerly anticipating doing my BG when I got home but was disappointed that it had gone up to 8.6 - maybe I should have waited longer? I don't really know how it works but I assumed my BG would have gone down. Got a friend coming over today with her gorgeous (huge) deerhound called Mouse - Wilbur our boxer who is a bit full on for most dogs met her a couple of weeks ago and they got on like a house on fire out on a walk - but you need to keep your wits about you as they come barrelling towards you! Have a good day everyone xxx

7 this morning, not much planned apart from a bit of house work. Managed a run walk with my friend last night which was nice, Got a 10K run in London tomorrow so that was a nice warm up.

@ColinUK - hope the physio helps.

@MrPixels - congratulations on your HS.

Have a good Saturday everyone.
Good morning - 8.3
Morning all, it’s a 5.1 for me this morning.

Had review yesterday and my A1c had risen to 46, I assume that was due to them telling me to eat more carbs a couple of months ago.
It was an 8.2 for me this morning. Totally my own fault as I lost control of my eating last night. Didn't eat anything particularly high carb, but just ate and ate and ate and injected a couple of units here and there to try to cover it, which I thankfully did and somehow managed to keep levels under 10 but the protein release from nuts and cheese kept me top end of the range all night and I needed a silly amount of Fiasp this morning to bring it down.

@TinaD When you mentioned the low carb treats you were going to buy at Lidl I wondered if you had discovered the feta stuffed peppadew peppers. They are naturally quite sweet and a little bit spicy but such a treat. They are in clear tubs with the olives in the chiller counter and you have to rummage through the olives with feta box to find the odd pot of these but they are delicious. A bit higher carb than olives but not too bad and so worth it as an occasional treat! If they only have yellow/green ones, don't bother as they don't have anywhere near the same flavour, but the cherry red ones are gorgeous. Aldi do them as well although the Aldi version are slightly different flavour as the peppers are a different variety.

Congrats to @MrPixels again on another House Special.
Woke up really late at 8.45am this morning. I'm currently doing BG monitoring to see what foods spike me (I'm doing this by choice as I'm current pre diabetic and on the Newcastle Diet to lose weight). Was 6.6 this morning before breakfast which is fine, if a tiny bit higher than I'd like.
Good morning 7.2 today

a lazy morning for me catching up with some TV
nothing exciting planned, but as I’m sat here looking at the mess that’s accumulated over the last few weeks, realised need to do some domestic duties.

have a great weekend everybody 😎