Group 7-day waking average?

Morning all, 6.8 here.
I’ve got a telephone appointment with my GP to discuss my Blood Pressure this morning, which is a bit mystifying.
At my recent pre-review tests, it was 135/68, the top was higher than normal because I’d just walked smartly down the road in the freezing cold to the surgery, but the HCP produced a paper chart and told me to do my BP twice a day for a week, calculate the average and hand it in at my diabetic review. That came to 114/58, and the nurse at the review looked at it and said, Oh that’s fine. Then a week later, suddenly my GP wants to discuss it with me.
Am I missing something? Unless it’s the Pulse Pressure (the differential between top and bottom figures, which should be 40-60, mine's at the top end, and yes, I have consulted Dr. Google and scared myself **itless)
No doubt I’ll find out later this morning.
I can’t help although I have spoken to Mr Eggy, (BP expert), he says it looks good! Don’t forget your machine might not be as accurate as the doc’s. They might want to put you on a three day machine from the surgery. Pain in the butt, but much more accurate. Personally, I’d love to have your average BP. I’m sure things are fine but I’m like you and consult Dr Google quite frequently. 🙄 Good luck.
Congratulations @freesia on that HS.
A 5.8 for me today. 🙂

6.4 this morning. Had a call from the GPs yesterday and they want my blood to check thyroid and vitamin d levels for a referral. Obviously they can’t join up to the hospital though so that’s two seperate blood tests next week, one at the hospital and one at the GP
Morning all. 🙂 7.9 here - everything’s hunky dory until 7am when my BG spikes. I think I’ll set the alarm to 6.45 for a few days to see if I can avoid my fasting peak. 🙂

Exciting day yesterday! On our way back from the morning walk there was a van on fire in the beachfront car park - lots of bangs n whizzes and black smoke. Then on the way to swimming the traffic was stopped for a gypsy funeral procession - 4 white horses with yellow plumes on their heads pulling the coffin. Got home to no water - which explained the soaking-wet lad with the big spanner we’d seen earlier. Then a nice man from Dwr Cymru / Welsh Water turning up in the dark to sort the water out (wasn’t even his problem, ‘twas the council’s). Phew! Almost on a par with you @eggyg. 😉
I’m joining @goodybags on the 6 step today with a 6.8. Nice and flat around that overnight, my fault as I didn’t bolus correctly for a late night snack.

@eggyg - went to the very end of the Ardnamurchan pensinular years ago, and yes, those single track roads are nerve wracking! I remember passing through Strontian on the way there, which is where the element Strontium was discovered (Fun Friday Fact).

@Lucyr - thank you for the links, I’ll check them out. Might be smoother than my spreadsheet on the phone!

@Robin - hope all goes well with regard to your BP. To my untrained eye it looks brilliant, but I wasn’t aware of what the difference between systolic and diastolic should be. Google is indeed a blessing and a curse at times, best not to read too much sometimes!

@freesia - you can definitely claim the HS, congratulations!
I’m joining @goodybags on the 6 step today with a 6.8. Nice and flat around that overnight, my fault as I didn’t bolus correctly for a late night snack.

@eggyg - went to the very end of the Ardnamurchan pensinular years ago, and yes, those single track roads are nerve wracking! I remember passing through Strontian on the way there, which is where the element Strontium was discovered (Fun Friday Fact).

@Lucyr - thank you for the links, I’ll check them out. Might be smoother than my spreadsheet on the phone!

@Robin - hope all goes well with regard to your BP. To my untrained eye it looks brilliant, but I wasn’t aware of what the difference between systolic and diastolic should be. Google is indeed a blessing and a curse at times, best not to read too much sometimes!

@freesia - you can definitely claim the HS, congratulations!
I’d say try the mylife one first as it’s closest to the simple calculator it sounds like you want
9.8 and dropping fast currently 4.1. Just in time for registration …… thankgod it’s Friday. It’s been a long week.

Have a great day everyone.
I’m joining @goodybags on the 6 step today with a 6.8. Nice and flat around that overnight, my fault as I didn’t bolus correctly for a late night snack.

@eggyg - went to the very end of the Ardnamurchan pensinular years ago, and yes, those single track roads are nerve wracking! I remember passing through Strontian on the way there, which is where the element Strontium was discovered (Fun Friday Fact).

@Lucyr - thank you for the links, I’ll check them out. Might be smoother than my spreadsheet on the phone!

@Robin - hope all goes well with regard to your BP. To my untrained eye it looks brilliant, but I wasn’t aware of what the difference between systolic and diastolic should be. Google is indeed a blessing and a curse at times, best not to read too much sometimes!

@freesia - you can definitely claim the HS, congratulations!
We stayed just a few miles from Strontian last year, overlooking Loch Linnhe. We drove to the Ardnamurchan lighthouse. This year we’re staying just between the lighthouse and Kilchoan. We’ll definitely be going over to Mull this time as the ferry is only 3 miles from the cottage we booked. Looking forward to it very much. It’s breathtakingly beautiful, and of course fantastic for the wildlife.
Good morning all. 6.4 @ 8.26 🙂

Busy busy busy today, sorting rest of ghost book collection to go free bookshop and putting away Crib and at the docs with family for one, all go. 🙂 Daughter is worried as I seem to be getting rid of all my 'stuff' but I don't want them to have the hassle of it all at a later date. Needs must. I've kept my faves.
A disappointing 3.7 for me this morning after fending off 3 potential hypos overnight with the aid of Libre and JBs. I guess I got my evening Levemir wrong last night. 🙄 I achieved another Unicorn yesterday but that reading this morning brings my run of them to an end for now.

Congrats to @freesia on your House Special this morning.
was 6.4 at bedtime. maybe thats too low for bedtime. woke to 3.6 fotf 3.9.
But 3.6 was as low as it got - no alarms.
Basal is Toujeu. How long do basal adjustments take to have an effect with this one? Am on day1 of downward adjustment.
Toujeo is quite long acting I believe, so probably the full 3 days before you can be sure that any adjustment has had it's full effect. In the mean time, it might be worth pushing your bedtime levels up a bit higher (maybe go to bed no lower than 8) with a small carb snack to keep you out of reach of hypoland overnight.
I am finding having my low alarm set at 4.2 gives me enough time to treat a hypo and whilst I accept that Libre reads lower than finger prick for me, I am happy at this levels and getting an alarm before I drop below 4.... which is likely nearer 5 in reality. The point of keeping your levels above 4 rather than 3.5 is to preserve your hypo awareness, which is your back up safety system if the technology fails, so not ideal having your low alarm set below 4.

no reading from me this morning as I forgot to put a new tub of strips with my meter last night. I ache from yoga last night, Apart from work nothing much planned for today.

@freesia - congrats on getting that HS.
I can’t help although I have spoken to Mr Eggy, (BP expert), he says it looks good! Don’t forget your machine might not be as accurate as the doc’s. They might want to put you on a three day machine from the surgery. Pain in the butt, but much more accurate. Personally, I’d love to have your average BP. I’m sure things are fine but I’m like you and consult Dr Google quite frequently. 🙄 Good luck.
Well that was a complete waste of everybody's time and an NHS appointment slot! Dr rang and said 'I understand you want to discuss your home blood pressure readings with me' No, I replied, I had a message that YOU wanted to discuss them with ME!
Oh! She said, something's gone wrong, they're brilliant! She said the only thing she could think of was that because they’re on the low side, someone may have got confused and thought I ought to be lowering my BP medication, but I don’t take any! My BP is just naturally low, which she said was fine, as long as I’m not feeling dizzy, which I’m not. So she apologised and said she hoped she hadn’t disrupted my morning, and rang off!
Good morning. BG 5.7. Greyish sort of day.
Mood reflects weather - if both lift I may do an Aldi/Lidl run - 34 miles to get cheap Greek Yoghurt? Er - well I might weaken as I fail to pass the Parma ham/salami Milano/asparagus/smoked salmon/raspberries... Feeling more cheerful just writing it - some compensation for zero bread/focaccia/pasta.
NHS did finally find my HbA1c results. An annoying if deserved 44 so back in pre-diabetic territory. Bother. Must try harder - no more Belgian buns as a post weekly shopping treat.

Have a good day everyone.
And it's a 5.8 for me this fine morning.

Off for a review with the diabetes doctor at the hospital this morning, first one with a
doctor, I hope it all goes well, and he knows what he's talking about.
Morning all and a FOTF boosted 7.4 for me.

Not much planned for today. Must look at some Wordpress tutorials as the band website needs bringing up to date. Last experience I had with web design/programming it was HTML edited in notepad.

Have a good day everyone