Group 7-day waking average?

hello fellow allotmenteer!
I need to replant the strawbs. The soil is very wet though. Also need to get some manure, but am hesitant as we've been stung by it containing aminopyralid before, which survives passage through horse gut.
hello fellow allotmenteer!
I need to replant the strawbs. The soil is very wet though. Also need to get some manure, but am hesitant as we've been stung by it containing aminopyralid before, which survives passage through horse gut.
Actually I don't have an allotment myself (although I go garden at home), I just deliver my manure to allotment holders.
I haven't used pesticides for years and I haven't had any complains from customers and I have quite a long list of repeat customers one of whom works for the soil association, so I imagine he would be the first to raise an issue and certainly not had any [roblems in my own garden. I do however buy in haylage and straw which is not organically produced, so I can't claim that my manure is "organic" in the recognized sense but not far off it,
I don't routinely worm my horses either (I do regular faecal worm egg counts and only treat them with wormers when absolutely necessary, which is fairly rare) and my manure heap is usually alive with worms if I can keep the chickens from scavenging them and spreading my muck heap all over the yard in the process, although the poor girls are incarcerated due to bird flu restrictions for the foreseeable future, so my muck heap is pretty neat and tidy at the moment. Every cloud has a silver lining as they say!
Afternoon everyone. Well i completely messed up last night and am still paying for it today. Levels were in the high 4s when we ate dinner so i bolussed carefully. A short time later, i hypoed which i treated, then felt so exhausted i struggled to drag myself upstairs. Asleep by 9 (unheard of for me), i forgot to check again. The alarm went off overnight but i turned it off and went back to sleep, i just couldn't open my eyes! This morning i woke to a 14.7 and the graph showed i'd been as high as 18!!!. Corrected and had breakfast then went out for a walk, it dropped suddenly to 4.9 with a downward trend. I had a JB then we stopped for coffee. Checked again and it had shot back to 12!! Now is saying 7.4 and dropping again.

We are out for the day today and tomorrow. I hope it settles down again soon.

Have a good day whatever you do.
Good afternoon. BG this morning 5.7.
Woke to that overall achy feeling and was planning on doing the minimum, however, having done the animals and mucked out, felt somewhat worse but very grumpy, I took one look at the laundry basket, the floors and the general messiness of life and thought "time to get stuck in". So, still got the aches, but I can now be grumpy in comfortable house...
Managed to make contact with old friend yesterday - thought she and husband were perhaps Covid victims as phone unobtainable. Had bright idea and looked up the farm name and found them advertising for student to help with lambing. Found they had changed number, lost mine and, because of Covid, going to few places where we used to bump into each other,...So we caught up on a lot of news. She has a new buggy and husband, despite having a massive hypo (type 1 since aged 4) which left him unconscious in field, doing OK. We plan to meet up once the weather improves.
Have gone mad and bought a metal detector pack so that young Grandson and I can go prospecting - rather a good deal as it has an all bells and whistles detector and is accompanied by a smaller less sophisticated machine for child. Plan is to make family excursions so son in law can carry the stuff, daughter can organise us, and we can all have a go at detecting at half term. I anticipate finding lots of bolts etc off tractors and nothing of value but it is something to do in the paddocks and, being waterproof, a boredom avoidance on the beach.

Hope everyone is having a good week end.
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I haven't used pesticides for years
I think my particular issue is that the people who supplied the manure from their stables, I doubt they use aminopyralid, which specifically targets broad leafed weeds like dock in an agricultural environment like a field. It's just that, as horses do, they'll nibble weeds &c wherever they happen to be ridden or where they stay a little while.

(btw sorry for the off-topic derail)😛
I think my particular issue is that the people who supplied the manure from their stables, I doubt they use aminopyralid, which specifically targets broad leafed weeds like dock in an agricultural environment like a field. It's just that, as horses do, they'll nibble weeds &c wherever they happen to be ridden or where they stay a little while.

(btw sorry for the off-topic derail)😛
I grow all my veg in raised beds with a growing medium which is about 70% horse manure. Everything grows - beans (broad,french,runner), spuds, peas, salads, strawberries, artichokes, asparagus, courgette, butternut and other squashes. I worm mine with whatever is appropriate at the time of year but do an annual worm count just to check levels are low. Bedding straw, hemp, rape, shavings - whatever is cheapest except at foaling when I buy straw. So far in 40+ years gardening I have never had a problem - except with weeds in beds. Maybe the problems arise more with livery yards where overstocking means spraying the paddocks instead of topping them?
4.6 today.... it wasn't really this morning as it was just after noon when I woke for the final time, and much later that I actually dragged myself out of bed! I needed the lie in though.

I ended up not having what I had originally thought I might have for breakfast/lunch today - was thinking fried eggs but then the kids would probably have wanted them too, and that would have left me without enough eggs for the crustless quiches I will be making for church quiz afternoon tomorrow. So I eyed up my freezer and decided to have the last cinnamon & raisin bagel (which I think had been in there since before my diagnosis last August - but still tasted absolutely fine!) with some nice deep roast peanut butter, and half a portion of the delicious soup I made last night with carrots, parsnips, spinach and Boursin cheese. With a couple of coffees that equalled 62g carbs according to my phone app - and gave a 2 hour post meal BG of 8.5. So I think I'm still best off following the advice of the nurse I originally saw last year to have no more than 2 days off low carb now that HbA1c is in normal limits (not that I have gone over the 130g total for the day) and consider myself diet-controlled rather than considering my diabetes to be in remission. I'll do a similar test meal with BG readings again once I've reached a weight that I'm happy with.

@Eternal422 I love the Pre-Raphaelites, I chose Dante Gabriel Rosetti for my artist study for GCSE art all those years ago, and love going to see the Pre-Raphaelite paintings at the local art galleries. In fact I think I shall try to make the time to go and see them again soon
5.9 this morning.

Chiropractor yesterday evening was good and initially helped, but now I feel worse than ever - presumably the muscles are having a moan about being poked and prodded. Got some different exercises to do and a follow up appointment next Thursday when the chiropractor will be able to have a go with some sort of infrared laser device to work on the shoulder (she couldn’t last night as my Libre was on the bad shoulder but I change to a new one tomorrow). I’m going to keep it moving today as that does seem to help a bit.

@ColinUK - not sure about the Cezanne paintings, I think I prefer work more like the Pre Raphaelites (loved the exhibition I saw many years ago in London, I think at the RA).

@eggyg - enjoy your weekend of freedom, maybe a trip to a bookshop 😉

@Gwynn - love reading about your work on the app and seeing the spider charts, really interesting!

Have a good Saturday everyone!

If you have a TENs machine you could try that on your shoulder, I have just started using one on mine and it seems to be helping. The one I have has particular setting and positioning of the pads for a shoulder.
I saw the physio at the GP who said my problem was muscular rather than any issue with the joint.
Maybe the problems arise more with livery yards where overstocking means spraying the paddocks instead of topping them?
I guess! I didn't know anything about the horses themselves or their keeping, only that the ones that produced this muck must have eaten aminopyralid somehow. The effects of it on non-target plants are very distinctive. Beans are most affected, followed by squashes and potatoes. Stems and leaves grow distorted and almost fern-like.
Good morning everyone - 8.3 for me this morning, which although may seem high is a marked improvement. I spent last night battling in my head about whether to have something sweet but didn't. It definitely helped that there wasn't actually anything to have! (consciously). Busy getting the house tidy again this morning as the new buyers are coming over armed with a measuring tape. We're getting scarily (excitingly) close to exchange of contracts which is scheduled for this Tuesday - I will be SO relieved to be able to stop touching wood, keeping my fingers crossed and saying "all being well" every time we talk about the possible move. Have a great day everyone. xxx
Good morning everyone

BG 5.3 so close

Today church, a walk, more thought about my App, rest

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all, 4.3 here, not often that low, strangely, I wasn’t as low during the night, I’ve just had a gentle downward slope. Something to do with eating at 5pm, going to a show jumping demonstration in a barely heated arena (I was fine in 5 layers, hat, scarf and shawl over my knees. The tickets suggested a hot water bottle but I thought that was a bit OTT) then getting home at 11pm and knocking back a glass of wine before bed.
Good morning! A not brilliant 9.6 today. Looked OK at bedtime but suspect my very cheesy, very greasy pizza keep releasing cars! I didn't really enjoy the "house special" (not a HS) so will stick with my usual that features more veggies in future! 🙂

And today is finish unnecessary tax return! :(
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Morning all, 4.3 here, not often that low, strangely, I wasn’t as low during the night, I’ve just had a gentle downward slope. Something to do with eating at 5pm, going to a show jumping demonstration in a barely heated arena (I was fine in 5 layers, hat, scarf and shawl over my knees. The tickets suggested a hot water bottle but I thought that was a bit OTT) then getting home at 11pm and knocking back a glass of wine before bed.
Sounds like a perfect end to a good evening...
Good morning 6.9 again today

I drove over to the West Midlands yesterday to see my sister who I hadn’t seen since last autumn so that was nice, my car is absolutely filthy it hasn’t been cleaned for about 2 month’s, you can imagine how filthy it is Im out and about in my car all day, so that’s a priority to clean it today, then I need to catch up on some admin for work,

have a great day whatever your doing 😎