Group 7-day waking average?


@ColinUK on your HS today, 2 days in a row makes you a superstar.

6.4 for me today, a working morning, then off to shop for a mother of the bride outfit later with my daughter.

Bright and breezy here.
A 5.6 for me this morning.

Great night's sleep, wasn't feeling hungry when I woke up so didn't bother with breakfast. Maybe the Salmon with orange, fennel, onion and thyme filled me up last night!

Friday is 'finish early' day for the company I work for (Hangover from the automotive industry, which was once huge locally) so it's off to the city centre to check out the new music releases, see if I can find a horror film that came out last year, and pick up some Austrian prog/psych from an independent record store. Cheeky lunch of a 'Gym Box' from German Doner Kebab and possibly some spring rolls as well.

First though, sorting out some smooth scrolling on the software I'm working on. Customer change request!
When I first came to Coventry to work at the then Lanchester Polytechnic it was part of the city council and the official finishing time for council employees was 4pm on Friday but as we had to work until 5pm, it equated to 6 days extra annual leave. We also got extra statutory days, an extra day for all the bank holidays. By comparison to others our annual leave entitlement was pretty generous.
It was a 6.0 for me when I got up, achieved with the help of 3 JBs through the night. Unfortunately, the first one didn't quite lift me out of the red and I went straight back to sleep and the graph suggests that I was in the red for about 4hours 😱 which will be a bit of an exaggeration but not good never the less. Not desperately low and don't feel the worse for wear this morning, quite the opposite in fact. I feel quite refreshed, but then I always do when my levels are low compared to higher levels overnight. Still 10 days to go before I start my new Libre 2 sensors with alarms, so will be interesting to see what if any difference that makes and if I can tolerate the alarms.

@Robin If I had known you were in the market for a bucking bronco, I could have let you have Rascal! 🙄 Seriously though I am relieved to hear you are just stiff and sore today and nothing more serious. We don't bounce nearly so well as we get older... I know I certainly don't anyway! It took nearly 2 months for the bruising to come out the last time I hit the deck hard and I reckon I was very close to breaking my pelvis. I was hobbling for weeks afterwards. Hope it hasn't put you off your quest but you do have to be careful. Will you keep it at the riding stables when you find the right one or do they not do livery?

@ColinUK Delighted to see you got another one!! Well done! Hope that indicates that you perhaps got some better sleep.
If I had known you were in the market for a bucking bronco, I could have let you have Rascal! 🙄 Seriously though I am relieved to hear you are just stiff and sore today and nothing more serious. We don't bounce nearly so well as we get older... I know I certainly don't anyway! It took nearly 2 months for the bruising to come out the last time I hit the deck hard and I reckon I was very close to breaking my pelvis. I was hobbling for weeks afterwards. Hope it hasn't put you off your quest but you do have to be careful. Will you keep it at the riding stables when you find the right one or do they not do livery?
The stables do livery, so yes, we will keep it there, we’ve been there so long we know everyone, and they will all be helpful. We had been warned that the owner wasn’t selling this pony to a child, because he had jumped in the air and done a couple of paces forward when he was stressed by a new situation. What that translated to was, obviously the child came off at the first buck so the pony stopped. When faced with an adult who stuck on for a bit, he carried on, and on, until he got rid of me! What took me by surprise was that it came out of absolutely nowhere, I was just trotting him, trying to get him to relax. Luckily it was a freshly laid rubber surface, and the pony was only 14hh, so as soft a landing as it could have been. I did crack some ribs falling off a 16hh over a jump, three years ago. (That was equipment failure, not the horse's fault, one stirrup pulled out of its mounting, because I got a bit unbalanced and put a strain on it)
Morning all - grey but dry so far!

7.4 this morning - though a long slow drift up to 11 at 4:30 am and a similar drift down to 08:30. Will have to do some more basal adjustments.

@ColinUK well done on HSs 2 days in a row.

@Robin, hope your bruises and aches fade soon.

Off to meet a g/f for lunch today. Hope the rain stays away as we are meeting in a pub which is a good walk from town.

Have a good day all.
@rebrascora you’d have thought that meant a decent sleep. You’d be mistaken of course.
Hypo central this morning while out shopping. Had a no bolus sausage roll in the end and was only 8 when i tested half n hour ago (ate a couple of hours ago) . Hopefully that's done the trick and will keep me up instead of plummeting again 😉
Kiddos knee was hitting crisis point on the bus home so son had to run home and leave us at the bus stop to fetch her crutches.
I'm so glad I'm home now!!!!

Anyway forget easter eggs being on the shelves and check out these bad boys I picked up :D (aldi - 99p)
hi Good Evening,
I was Just looking through some of the posts, I didn’t have time this morning or yesterday, I’ve just noticed (on my screen) the “quote / reply“ button has gone, the like and the reply is still there, who’s stolen the Quote Button ?
Hi all, have missed being here but dropped my phone last Friday night and an important component for charging decided that was its cue to pack in... So it has been off getting fixed, and catching up on messages in various places since I got it back Thursday. (I moved my SIM to my work phone so I could get calls and texts, but there's software on there that means work can see what I'm doing so didn't want to log into everything).

Had my bloods taken, the vampire went through with me what was ordered and HbA1c wasn't!!! Everything else for a diabetic check (kidneys, liver, cholesterol) but not the actual blood sugar one!! Thankfully she agreed to take it then ask for someone to order it so she could send it off, as there wouldn't be much point to my diabetic review appointment next week otherwise.... (Will do a guessing thread tomorrow)

Then had dinner with my friend and a couple of drinks since the liver test is taken so it won't be affected by alcohol after 😉

4.7 yesterday morning, had a couple in the 4s recently

And have a surprise visit to Colin’s Culture Corner!

Two decent tickets for Matthew Bourne’s Sleeping Beauty at Saddlers Wells landed in my lap yesterday so I gratefully made the long and arduous journey from my home to the home of ballet in anticipation of seeing something rather wonderful.

I should say I don’t like Saddler’s Wells as a venue. Especially now I’m using the lifts in theatres rather than the stairs. Just because I am using them doesn’t mean I should have to be led by bad signage on a trek that goes against the flow of people to find them.

It’s beautifully staged.
The costumes are largely beautiful.
The music is beautiful.
The dancing at times is stunning.

And yet… it didn’t blow me away.
It felt rushed somehow. No time for the audience to applaud after the set pieces.

I understand that desire to drive the narrative forward but at times it almost felt like it was being danced to a prerecorded accompaniment rather than a live orchestra. Perhaps that sense was reinforced by the special effects soundtrack of prerecorded birdsong, cawing crows, thunder, rain and most jarring of all, wind.

It was still good. And I enjoyed it but it didn’t blow me away.

What will be interesting is comparing it to a more traditional performance. And that’s what I can do on Tuesday when I see it at Covent Garden.
Good morning BS 4.9 today

Have a great day & weekend everybody 😎
Good morning everyone

A restless night fighting thoughts and feelings following the meeting with the church pastor. Was it a good meeting...yes. Was it a bad meeting...yes. Was it Was it useful...yes. Was it needlesdly upsetting ...yes. Was it hopeful...possibly. Did we discuss agreed and needed topics... no. Were my expectations met... no. Trouble is I tend to go over and over things in my mind trying to makes some sense. But I cannot right now. I won't just give up as that is never a path to success. So, plod on, needlessly wounded, but carry on and make a sucess going forwards if I can. All I was doing was just offering to help them sort out the constant mess that is their sound system that gives them constant trouble.

BG this morning, laughing in my face... 5.3 (but in reality I am the winner !!!)

I am one of the unlucky ones whos fixed rate mortgage deal ends this April. Got a letter to tell me the bad news (why is news never good?). Rang them up straight away to sort out what must be sorted. It took an age on the phone but the result was bearably ok. My mortgage payments will go up by about £30 a month. Sigh of relief that it is not worse.

So overall I am elated/relieved/shocked/depressed/fed up/tired/angry/tearful/worried/sad/determined/alone

At least my energy bills are ok (cue depressing letter/email from the energy company)... and my diabetes/blood glucose is ok... and my wife is (mostly) ok... and IT'S STOPPED RAINING !!!!!!!!

Ever felt that life is just one hidden trap door after another?

I think I desperately need to treat myself to something today...

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 🙂 10.7 here...BG is a bit erratic at the mo. The moon must be in Venus again! 😉

The only culture where I live @ColinUK is the local am-dram lot putting on Legally Blonde, so your Corner of Culture is more than welcome. 🙂 Roll on Tuesday and Covent Garden.

Yesterday was New Year in some areas of Wales - have a look at the tradition of Y Fari Lwyd on YouTube. Basically, a group of thirsty individuals go door to door with a horse’s head and try to sing their way into people’s homes. They sing their piece, the person behind the door sings their piece, and eventually the door opens and they all celebrate the NY with a few beers...before staggering off to the next house...fab! 🙂
Morning all, 6.1 here. @Gwynn , I find there are some times when the administration just to keep living seems overwhelming. Something financial needs sorting, an appliance breaks, then something else, there’s a family decision to be taken, and it seems to take so much time that I'm not spending any time just living my life. But there are other times when nothing’s broken, nothing needs sorting, and life ticks along quite happily by itself. Life ebbs and flows. A period down the rapids is usually followed by a calmer stretch of open water.
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