Group 7-day waking average?

Good luck with the porridge! I still enjoy porridge for breakfast even though it always gives me a spike to around 10 or 11, even with pre-bolus up to 30 mins beforehand. However, the spikes do come down quickly afterwards.
Bowl of banana flavour porridge with a banana on top went from 6:7 to 9.7 at 90 minutes so that’s better than an omelette.

congratulations to @Gwynn @harbottle @ColinUK and @Wannie on your HS today, Also congrats to @Barrowman for yesterdays HS.

6.4 for me today, a non working day so off to see mum for a couple of hours and yoga this evening, will fit in some meditation and start some of the ideas that came out of yesterdays Stress management ideas.

very dark, grey and wet here.
Bowl of banana flavour porridge with a banana on top went from 6:7 to 9.7 at 90 minutes so that’s better than an omelette.
That’s not bad then! Here’s my spike for porridge today, at least it drops fast afterwards!

woke to a 6.7 this morning which is around normal.
im happy with that considering my dinner or snack or something last night put me at 9.6 after dinner and 9 at bedtime. thats the highest bed time reading for me since Nov with only 1 exception.
until I was 5 years old I lived in a back to back terrace and when we got too big to be washed in the big white pot sink, we were bathed in front of the fire in a metal tub, my youngest sister 1st, then my middle sister and as the oldest I was last. remember my mum been so excited to have a bathroom when we moved house.
So far I have spent over 13 hours on the phone and lost count of the number of emails I've sent, if I take matters into my own hands i.e employ someone to install a new boiler, ( I have spoken to a number of engineers from British gas to local traders, none will attempt to fix it after seeing photos of condition it has been left in) it is likely I will lose my claim and may have to repay what ins. has already spent.
Hopefully you will have hot water and I can be jealous of you having a shower x
Hi there Wannie

I do sympathise, it must be driving you insane. We had a similar tussle with insurance companies after our car was broken into last year. In the end we gave up - well to be honest hubby told them where to shove it, but that was a matter of £400 for stolen bag of clothes. Not an expensive boiler. Half the problem with these people seems to be the fact that the employees are half-trained young folks with no empathy for the consumer.

I am grateful that Vaillant (the manufacturers of the boiler) sent their chap out yesterday morning - just after 9 am and within half an hour we were up and functioning again. We shall use them to service the boiler in future, rather than the local company who installed it.
My Other half would be interested to know what the glasses were as he struggles with fiddly bits and often uses a microscope to solder really small components.
I hope you have success with the watch.
Headband magnifier with 2 LED lights - £29.99. Made in China. On head band is word Lightswim. Range of lenses from 3- 15 times magnification. It is heavy, made I think for smaller heads - very tight head band. Object needs to be very close to lens. I find it quite annoying to use but you do get a clear image of the smallest parts. Got it on Amazon.
The watch is going to take quite a bit of fettling - lovely engraving but movement looks as if it has been stored in a greasy pillow for 170 years, never seen so much stuck fluff. Chain now clean and mobilised but I shall be needing a few new pins and screws. Certainly takes ones mind off aches and pains doing it and I think I may have some success in restoring it to working order - if not nothing lost as long as all the bits go back in!
Morning all - relentlessly grey and wet, wet, wet as far as I can see....

6.6 this morning with no alarms in the night, but since I adjusted basals I see it's rising gently from about 1 am until 05:00 when it hovers in the 9s and then drops gently back down. With my old Combo where I could adjust in 0.01u increments I could nearly always manage a straight line overnight. This pump will only do 0.05u adjustments. Still I am stuck with it so better make the most of it.

WOW! 4 HS today. Congrats to @Gwynn @ColinUK @harbottle and @Wannie.

@Leadinglights I think that's a monastery isn't it?

Have a good day all.
@Pattidevans Very glad your boiler is sorted, hope you enjoyed your shower and are nice and cosy now. 🙂
Looking after youngest granddaughter for a couple of hours today, will take her home after lunch and have a shower at my son's, he and my daughter in law have said we can go and use it any time but the round trip takes 50 - 60 mins, in the meantime enjoying the antics of Sophia and she is a wonderful distraction.
Morning all. Got an E message, think my battery is done, will try and get one today. A big silver flat one. I miss taking my morning bg! Have a good day all. 🙂
It was 9.1 for me this morning, when I first woke up, with a lovely straight line overnight ,if rather higher than I would like. In fact I refuse to start the day with that number, so jabbed 2.5 units plus my Levemir and even by the time I got that done I was 10.9, so Dawn is still here. 🙄 Went back to sleep and woke on a better 6.4. Jabbed another 4 units for breakfast but some of that seems to have got eaten up with FOTF, despite a 2 unit Levemir increase this morning and an extra unit last night.

Many congratulations to all 4 House Special achievers this morning! You guys know who you are!

Concerned that we are missing @Michael12421. I hope @ColinUK's House Special picture "oneupmanship" hasn't huffed him. Much as it is interesting to see some of these weird and wonderful and quite frankly ugly fabrications, I liked Michael's simple country cottages.
Aghhhh! Todays disater...

Bedroom curtain opened and...the curtain pole, together with curtain, fell down. I have just spent the lasthour and a half fixing it.
Aghhhh! Todays disater...

Bedroom curtain opened and...the curtain pole, together with curtain, fell down. I have just spent the lasthour and a half fixing it.
It is usually when you have small children that the curtains come down because they love to hide behind them.

Looks like a new washing machine for us, despite other half replacing the door seal it is still leaking. It is nearly 20 years old so not sure worth getting somebody out to look at it.
That’s not bad then! Here’s my spike for porridge today, at least it drops fast afterwards!

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Looks like that just needs a bit longer prebolus time and a bit less insulin. I prebolused by 35 minutes today, though 45 minutes works better for me for porridge.