Group 7-day waking average?

4.6 this morning, much better than yesterday for me.

Congratulations to @harbottle and @Gwynn on your HS today!

@Gwynn, I know what you mean about thinking through possibilities of problems and worrying when there is no definite plan for something. My father has always been like that and as I get older I am becoming the same no matter how hard I try to be relaxed and leave things to just happen. I guess that is just the way we are “wired”.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Morning peeps. 7.7

Gotta run, need to go to GPs with my sis in law for an appointment (for her not me). As usual its the day where it was nearly 4am before I could sleep properly so coffee is needed 😉
Morning all. 5.4 here.

Stomach behaved itself, mostly, yesterday thank goodness and I’ve had a decent nights sleep too, the first time since, well, I can’t remember. Off to the hairdressers this morning, and then the dreaded “big” shop! :(

Congratulations @Gwynn and @harbottle on your HSs.

Have a good day. 🙂
And 5.2 for me today!

Also received a text message of note…


I’m expecting it to be lower level of the “living” part and nothing for mobility but still I’m relieved as I was expecting an automatic rejection and then that I’d have to ask for a reconsideration.

So with that and the 5.2 I’m awarding myself this house!

6.7, delicious bowl of banana flavour porridge for breakfast, I have been experimenting this week and spike high without breakfast and with low carb breakfast. Expecting to spike with porridge too but we’ll see how it goes, prebolused and walking to work will help.
And it’s a 5.8 for me this morning.
6.7, delicious bowl of banana flavour porridge for breakfast, I have been experimenting this week and spike high without breakfast and with low carb breakfast. Expecting to spike with porridge too but we’ll see how it goes, prebolused and walking to work will help.
Good luck with the porridge! I still enjoy porridge for breakfast even though it always gives me a spike to around 10 or 11, even with pre-bolus up to 30 mins beforehand. However, the spikes do come down quickly afterwards.
Good morning. A flat 5.00.

A bit nippy out there with great big, fat, grey clouds covering 90% of sky, so not raining - yet.
Planning on a quick whizz to the shops followed by finishing cleaning a verge fusee pocket watch - not sure the detached fusee chain is fit for replacing. Bought myself a pair of those glasses with LEDs and interchangeable lenses for Christmas. Not the perfect aid I hoped for but handy for fiddley bits.

Have a good day everyone - keep the toes warm the head dry and the throat well lubricated!
My Other half would be interested to know what the glasses were as he struggles with fiddly bits and often uses a microscope to solder really small components.
I hope you have success with the watch.
My Other half would be interested to know what the glasses were as he struggles with fiddly bits and often uses a microscope to solder really small components.
I hope you have success with the watch.
Have a look at jewellers equipment as they use magnifying goggles with built in lights quite often for up close work.