Group 7-day waking average?

And just to cap it all this evenings reading is 5.2 as well. Yessss!

Looks like a storm brewing outside though !!!
It is usually when you have small children that the curtains come down because they love to hide behind them.
Last time our curtains came down, the moggie took a flying leap and tried to climb them.
It must have scared the living wotsit out of her - she's never attempted to do it again. :rofl:
Looks like that just needs a bit longer prebolus time and a bit less insulin. I prebolused by 35 minutes today, though 45 minutes works better for me for porridge.
Yes, this was only 15 minutes prebolus and I gave myself the usual 8U for the 64g (estimated as I add sultanas and guess those!) when I was starting off a bit lower than normal, but I was hungry and couldn’t wait any longer! I must take my pen up to bed and try giving myself the bolus when I wake, or shortly afterwards, so by the time I am showered and dressed I can prepare breakfast and have it straight away. One for tomorrow to try! It’s all a bit of trial and error!
Morning all.

And a miraculous morning it is as I’ve only gone and got myself another 5.2!
Good morning - 4.3
Good morning. 10.3! Was 4.1 before bed so had a small handful of peanuts. Whoops! Too many?! Glad its Friday.
Good morning everyone.

So close ... 5.1 this morning

It seems vey dark, very cold, and very very windy out there this morning. I have to go out to get some milk. Forget the exercise in this. Maybe later on if the weather improves.

Today an update to my App, finish off my repair to the wall for the broken curtain pole, a very dull tea....followed by a... chocolate eclair...yesss

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning 6.5 today
busy morning at work today
off shortly for an early appointment

i haven’t read through posts but hope everybody’s ok
Morning all. A very near, but oh so far, 5.3.

Hope you all survived the night, so, so windy here. Blowing a hoolie right through the house and made the sash windows rattle in the bedroom. Managed to get to sleep eventually.
Zara day today, and was planning a walk to the chemist to pick up my prescription and popping to the park on the way. Will we get a break in the weather? Hmmm…:confused:

Congrats to @Wannie and @harbottle on their HSs yesterday. And congrats again to @ColinUK, you’re just showing off now! 😛

Have a fab Friday.
Morning all, 7.1 here. Was 5.8 round about 5am, but started the dawn mountaineering around then. Am feeling very stiff and sore, I came off a horse yesterday. Daughter and I have been looking to buy, and went to try one yesterday. It was perfect in every way…until it turned into a Rodeo machine and bucked me off. Needless to say, we aren’t buying it! I don’t think I've ever ridden a horse before that has suddenly and unexpectedly decided that it’s going to get rid of its rider at all costs, and gone determinedly bucking and bolting round the arena.
6.3 here. Amitryptaline taken at 11:30pm so still feeling more than half asleep
Well done @ColinUK on that house special.🙂
5 on the nose for me today.

A 5.6 for me this morning.

Great night's sleep, wasn't feeling hungry when I woke up so didn't bother with breakfast. Maybe the Salmon with orange, fennel, onion and thyme filled me up last night!

Friday is 'finish early' day for the company I work for (Hangover from the automotive industry, which was once huge locally) so it's off to the city centre to check out the new music releases, see if I can find a horror film that came out last year, and pick up some Austrian prog/psych from an independent record store. Cheeky lunch of a 'Gym Box' from German Doner Kebab and possibly some spring rolls as well.

First though, sorting out some smooth scrolling on the software I'm working on. Customer change request!
Good morning, 4.3 this windswept Friday morning. @eggyg not heard the term “hoolie“ in years, also heard it called a lazy wind, as it blows straight through you instead of going around! Luckily no damage here, was expecting to see the fence down this morning.

Congratulations to @ColinUK on your Friday HS!

Hope everyone has a great day!
congratulations on the HS @ColinUK 4.8 for me this morning
Good morning. A straight 7 today. An apple, a pear and an orange at 7p.m. - a tasty experiment - failure demonstrated 14 hrs later. What a tedious ailment diabetes is.
Dryish day forecast by Met and BBC - what are these guys on? Mega clouds boiling up from the south.
Wishing everyone a good day.
And it was a 5.7 for me at 8.15 this sunny Friday morning.