Group 7-day waking average?

Morning. 5.6 after I’d got up, read some messages that had pinged me awake, went to the loo and came downstairs and realised I hadn’t zapped my phone over my sensor. So I highly suspect it could possibly have been a HS. 😛 But I did have a unicorn day. Do I get a gold star?

Yet ANOTHER grandchild’s birthday today. Two since Christmas! Our only grandson is 16! So two 16 year old grandchildren now, I’m finding that really hard to get my head around. Mr Eggy and I have been together since we were 15 and that was only a couple of years ago, I’m sure! I just hope they aren’t getting up to the same things we were at that age! 😳 Like going to night clubs, drinking Bacardi and Coke and dancing on the tables!😉

Apart from visiting grandson with his presents, not much going on in Eggyland this weekend.

Congratulations @gll on your splendid House Special.

Have a great weekend folks. Apparently, it’s going to dry up! Woohoo!


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Good morning. 5.3.
Happily I went to bed early yesterday as young Rowan rang me to say "Thank you" for his birthday presents somewhat before I was awake or even planning on it. Having thanked me he politely enquired if I would like a video call...rather bleary eyed with witch hair and surrounded by 2 double duvets but with equal courtesy I suggested later on today. Oh well it was after dawn...
Have an enjoyable Saturday folks whether out and about or at home - I am going no further than the Chemist to get some more strips.
Oh no not the 'part house' award.

Does that cover near misses like 5.3 ... like me this morning? (May be a tent?)

This could get out of hand
@gll well done on the House Special. 🙂
5.9 for me this morning.

Oh no not the 'part house' award.

Does that cover near misses like 5.3 ... like me this morning? (May be a tent?)

This could get out of hand
Have a gazebo!

Morning all. 4.6 after a JB to stop a drop and managed 97% in target yesterday, the best for a while.

Congrats on the HS @gll and on your unicorn day @eggyg.
4.8 this morning for me - now that’s only 0.4 away from a HS - this is getting out of hand @Gwynn !

Congratulations @gll on your HS and @eggyg on your UD (Unicorn Day) and PHS (Possible HS) :rofl:

Just had a call on my mobile with no caller id which I answered as my parents have a landline and hide their number. It was them and after one heart stopping minute when I thought there was a problem with one of them, it turns out their kettle has broken and they would like us to get a new one this weekend. So, plans changed and off to the shops to get one for them and then onto their house, I just have fears of one of them getting scalded by dropping a saucepan of boiling water onto themselves.

Hope everyone has a good day!
Good morning - 4.2
Hello everyone. I've been AWOL again and am embarrassed to say that my morning reading was 11.2. I knew it would be high as I really overdid it yesterday and basically ate like a "normal" person, finishing off my evening with two huge chunks of a giant Toblerone that a friend brought us back from Switzerland. Good news is I came clean to my husband and he put the rest in the food compost as neither of us actually wanted to be eating it. I had a good Christmas & New Year although I went down with the horrible cold & cough that so many seem to have had, just after Christmas lunch so at least I held out until then. We spent New Year in Scotland with friends which was great. I was the only non-drinker out of 22 (including the teenagers!), but they all know and I didn't feel bad or uncomfortable slipping away after dinner if it started to get a bit boring and raucous. Had my latest HbA1c done on Wednesday and I'm not holding out a lot of hope for a good result which is really annoying as I did manage a good month but in between two bad ones. They're also testing my cholesterol to see if the statins have made any difference yet. Our house move is still in the pipeline and we're hoping to exchange at the end of the month but I'm still being super cautious and spend my life touching wood, crossing my fingers and saying "all being well" - it will be SUCH a relief when it (hopefully) happens (touch wood, all being well!). Have a great day everyone and I will be here more - I clearly need it to keep me on the straight and narrow xxx

had a long lie in this morning and feel more tired for doing so. Today is food shopping and housework. Yesterday I managed a 6k run, furthest I have run since before Christmas and found a lovely dress for daughters wedding, now just the shoes and bag to get, but littlest granddaughter was getting miserable and started running off so we called it a day.

@gll - congratulations on your HS
And it’s a 5.2 for me as well this morning, and it’s chucking it down again today - pretty much as usual.
Morning all - yet another grey and miserable day... still it did let up and we saw a bit of sunshine for my day out with my friend.

7.3 this morning, was high ever since lunchtime yesterday. The pub my g/f and I chose for lunch was one overlooking Newlyn Harbour with St MIchael's mount in the distance. Lovely view! The pub burnt down some while ago and has been completely rebuilt and refurbished beautifully. Fabulous menu but horrendously expensive - main courses from £17 - £28. Not a huge choice of starters that would do as a stand-alone lunch dish, so we each chose from the limited sandwich menu. I had a sausage and red onion relish sandwich in a huge doorstep of granary bread. The sausage filling was generous in the extreme, but the bread defeated both me and my BG!

Caught the bus into town and I was delighted to discover that Boots had marked down all it's Christmas gifts to half price. Got 2 nice toilet bags (£10 each) filled with full-size products that alone would cost over £30. They'll make lovely hostess gifts for the 2 different sets of friends we're visiting next week. I get so excited over little things like this.

Ah well, must get on, got 2 kilos of Seville Oranges waiting to be turned into marmalade.

@gll congrats on your HS... you have done so well since they allowed you bolus insulin.

Also congrats to @Barrowman on your HS too.

@zippyjojo I sympathise with the nerve racking process you are going through. Buying/selling is one of the most stressful things ever.

@Grannylorraine glad you found a lovely dress! Hope it has cheered you up a bit.
That gorgeous staircase reminds me of the one leading up to the apartment Richard Hannay is hiding from the police in. From the original The 39 Steps film starring Robert Donat. The original and best in my opinion. Always wanted to visit one of these Art Deco apartment buildings.
Hello everyone. I've been AWOL again and am embarrassed to say that my morning reading was 11.2. I knew it would be high as I really overdid it yesterday and basically ate like a "normal" person, finishing off my evening with two huge chunks of a giant Toblerone that a friend brought us back from Switzerland. Good news is I came clean to my husband and he put the rest in the food compost as neither of us actually wanted to be eating it. I had a good Christmas & New Year although I went down with the horrible cold & cough that so many seem to have had, just after Christmas lunch so at least I held out until then. We spent New Year in Scotland with friends which was great. I was the only non-drinker out of 22 (including the teenagers!), but they all know and I didn't feel bad or uncomfortable slipping away after dinner if it started to get a bit boring and raucous. Had my latest HbA1c done on Wednesday and I'm not holding out a lot of hope for a good result which is really annoying as I did manage a good month but in between two bad ones. They're also testing my cholesterol to see if the statins have made any difference yet. Our house move is still in the pipeline and we're hoping to exchange at the end of the month but I'm still being super cautious and spend my life touching wood, crossing my fingers and saying "all being well" - it will be SUCH a relief when it (hopefully) happens (touch wood, all being well!). Have a great day everyone and I will be here more - I clearly need it to keep me on the straight and narrow xxx
Nice to see you back. Hope you’re house sale goes through without any hassle. I’m with you and @Pattidevans about the stress of buying and selling. We bought our present house in 1986 and I said “never again”. And I’ve stuck to it. It was the most stressful six months of my life.