Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 6.9 today

I’m So glad I found this forum, it’s really been such a help over the last few years
in my trying to get a better control of my BS.

hope everybody will have a great day today 😎
Good morning. 4.7 and it isn't actually raining - think the celestial tanks ran out last night.

Struggled to get feet warm yesterday: ended up with hot water bottle in sleeping bag, trying to find something watchable on TV, until final thaw around 4 p.m. Happy to report quite warm this morning and hence much less painful. Very glad that I can afford to turn up CH if really necessary - my sympathy to any of us who cannot. Not looking forward to forecast sleet.

I wish there was a hug emoji - I would send @ColinUK one.
Morning all. You’re all gonna hate me. 5.2 AND a unicorn day. I had a piece of Biscoff traybake, without insulin, for grandson’s birthday, and rice for tea ( with insulin). I must be cured! My pancreas has regenerated overnight. Ah well, it was a nice thought. Back to reality today I’m sure. 😉

The rain and wind has also disappeared from up here too. Last night was terrible, thought the chimney pots were going to come down or the windows blow in. Like others, I too had a disturbed night for various reasons, dozing on and off until finally waking at 8.40! I laid til 9 and remembered to zap before rising unlike yesterday, therefore capturing the optimum waking number. Good start to the day.

Big hugs to @ColinUK and @Robin hope you both feel better soon. Congratulations to my fellow HSer, neither of us get them very often, @freesia, good job.

Hope everyone has a dry day today.


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Good morning - 6.1
5.3 this morning for me, pretty pleased with that after various carbs last night throughout the evening after dinner. According to the Libre charts I managed to keep things in check and within range despite it looking like a bit of a rollercoaster :rofl: . Still contemplating splitting my Levemir dose to get better coverage in the evenings which is when I tend to eat more. But I realise I need to do a proper basal test first to see where my evening dose starts to tail off, and there’s the hard bit! Not eating during the period I always eat most! Must do it this week as I would like to get something in place before my next DSN appointment in February.

Following last weekend’s movie night we watched a couple of really good ones last night. First one was “How it Ends” a really engaging end of the world disaster movie which focused on a man and his girlfriend’s ex Marine father making a drive from Chicago to Seattle to get to his girlfriend following some unspecified disaster off the west coast. Good yarn and not a silly plot. Loved the Native American who joined them on part of their trip who said she thought it ironic the army named their helicopters (Chinook, Apache, etc.) after tribes they tried to wipe out.

Second movie was “Spotlight”, based on a true story of the Boston Globe investigating child abuse by the Catholic priesthood. Not as heavy as you would imagine and a solid two hours of interest in how the team carried out their investigation.

@ColinUK, thinking of you, my first week in January was tough so I know how you feel. Pleased to see you know things will pass and you feel better soon. Looking forward to more of Colin’s Cultural Corner!

Congratulations to @eggyg on your HS and Unicorn Day and to @freesia on your HS.

Thanks everyone on this thread for making it really interesting and building such a warm, friendly community. Sharing the daily burden of diabetes makes it so much lighter with you guys!

Enjoy your day, whatever you are doing.
Morning 8.4.

Have a good day. I’m having a day with nephews and niece (and sister + hubby) not seen them since October so excited !
Morning all. Weatherwise it's more of the same. High winds and sheeting rain. It's certainly a real Cornish winter.

6.2 this morning. Stayed in range all night, despite what now seems to be the pattern of a long slow rise and fall through the night. Still better than screeching alarms waking me up. My records are a mess, a combination of Libre reader, Librelink on the phone and JugGluco. I wish Abbott would sort LibreLink app out. Keep meaning to send an email to my DSN (type 1 herself), but as I haven't got an appointment until next August there's no urgency as I don't suppose she'll be checking on me on LibreLink.

The marmalade didn't get made. We juiced all the oranges and shredded the peel, by which time it was mid-afternoon. Then we discovered that we didn't have enough jars in the box in the attic. So I canvassed friends and neighbours, which yielded nothing as the recycling had been done on Friday. So we went to the Range where I have previously bought jam jars in desperation, but they only had teensy weensy ones. Back in the car and to B&M where I got their remaining stock of small kilner jars. By the time I had boiled up the shredded skins to the correct softness it was early evening and I decided to leave it there and finish off today. I don't think it will come to any harm. I just need to add the sugar and get the blooming stuff to the correct setting temp, then put it into the (now sterilised in the dishwasher) jars. It's turning into an expensive batch of marmalade.

Spent the rest of the evening after dinner watching all 8 episodes of Amanda and Alan's Italian Challenge. Quite entertaining, even if only to witness Amanda's amazing wardrobe. I don't think she wore any outfit twice! What a fashion show and all perfectly fresh with not a crease in sight!

Congratulations to @freesia and @eggyg on your HS. It's a really difficult challenge for insulin users.

@ColinUK sending gentle hugs. Wishing all those of you in pain some relief.

Have a good day all.
Morning all and 8.3 for me although a pre breakfast finger test was a more respect 6.5

Mother in law supposed to be coming home from hospital today. We shall see .

Have a good day everyone.

Hope your MIL if discharged arrives in a timely manner. Some 20 years ago my mother was discharged and the ward was asked to have her ready for 10:00 am. She finally arrived at 8:00 pm having waited most of the day. On arrival she was both exhausted and somewhat nauseous from the journey. For a few days I was worried she would end up on hospital again as it took so much out of her! :(
5.3 for me this morning, close but no cigar :rofl: . Or no house if you prefer...

I have a lovely lowish carb lunch today, which was mostly free through Olio collections (my own from stores which I redistributed most of, and eggs from someone else's store collection which I collected from them). Mediterranean Veg & Mozzarella Frittata, borettane onions (some kind of fancy pickled onions), beetroot and coleslaw. I may then push the carb boat out a little and have some dessert (also collected for free last night).

Then I need to go back to the phone repair shop as my phone is not recognising I have put a SIM in (I was just piggy-backing data on my SIM in my work phone but decided yesterday to sort out my new SIM to cancel my old contract and realised there was a problem...). The camera kept failing last night too which is odd as that worked fine the first 2 nights I had my phone back....
Very late reporting in today but it was a 4.9 for me this morning although I got there via a 2 unit correction just before 2am for a 10.4 when I woke up feeling typically restless and uncomfortable. My own fault for eating a substantial high protein and fat meal rather too late in the evening. Then another 1 unit correction when I woke up and injected my Levemir at 6.20am when I was 6.4 to anticipate DP/FOTF because there was no active Levemir to overlap my morning dose. Went back to sleep and woke at 8am to a much better 4.9.
Been a glorious day here, so I have made the most of it outside, hence just posting now.

Many congratulations to @freesia and @eggyg on your HSs and Unicorn. Good work girls!

Another one sending (((HUGS))) @ColinUK. Hope you have a more restful sleep tonight. Recurring nightmares really are the worst!
Good afternoon everyone. This morning was 13'3 according to Libre, 12'2 according to finger prick. I had a carb heavy dinner quite late and went to sleep on a similar BG, but I'm used to levels slowly coming down during the night. This time Libre shows a flat line for the 8 hours I was sleeping. Could have done with a bedtime correction but I didn't expect this flat line and I sort of bolused for the dinner already, which I usually don't.

I'm still on holiday in my country. I've been throwing small corrections here and there for persistent 12s and 14s that were unusual for me. I imagine it comes from reduced exercise and plenty of... questionable food choices. But I wonder if a few beta cells also chose this moment to go to a better place. I guess I'll find out in a few days when I'm back to a healthier routine.

@ColinUK hope you went to one of those beautiful places and you are feeling better now. Hugs XX.
@eggyg congrats on your HS and unicorn!!
@ColinUK i like my house! It looks a bit like a 3 tier wedding cake!
@Pattidevans i too wish Abbott would hurry up and sort out the app! I emailed them a couple of weeks ago about it. For a company supplying medical devices its poor that they can't sort this quickly. I've got the alarms on the reader but now its two things i have to stash in a bag and carry round at work all day. I'm also noticing that the reader battery seems to drain much quicker with the alarms on.
@Pattidevans i too wish Abbott would hurry up and sort out the app! I emailed them a couple of weeks ago about it. For a company supplying medical devices its poor that they can't sort this quickly. I've got the alarms on the reader but now its two things i have to stash in a bag and carry round at work all day. I'm also noticing that the reader battery seems to drain much quicker with the alarms on.
I totally agree about Abbott. Surely one of their employees should have stashed away the previous version of the app that did work, so they could look at that and work out a similar working app. I agree the reader battery drains astonishingly quickly. It could be really dangerous. So now I have to carry the reader, the Omnipod PDM and my phone.