Group 7-day waking average?

Hi everyone. 7'3 today.

After my levels went finally under 10 yesterday afternoon, they stayed in range the rest of the day. I'm pleased to see that lunch didn't even touch them: that fish restaurant is a good choice for the future (and one of family's favourites). Today I'm having paella at my grandparents house, so I'm afraid is not going to be so BG friendly. But I'm not saying no to grandma's cooking!

Not long before I'm back to organise my own meals. They're not going to be as tasty but I will have better control of ingredients and carbs.
5.6 and then after 90 minutes after breakfast & getting ready for work and getting the kids ready, I was 4.8.
6.8. The day before, 4.8
7.9 the first time I woke up at 6am and injected Levemir and went back to sleep hoping for a better result later after all the exercise I did yesterday, but had risen to 8.4 an hour later, so I jabbed a 1.5 unit correction and stayed in bed as Ian said it was snowing and lying. Eventually got up at 8.15am on 5.7 so jabbed another 1unit to cover FOTF and a coffee with cream and some Brie with cranberry and orange sauce, which substituted for breakfast until I got home for my yoghurt and provided me with fuel to haul haylage and feed buckets up the hill to feed GGs. It was 12.30pm when I headed home and as I was passing the river there were 5 ducks clustered near the weir rather bemusedly watching 2 human wild swimmers sharing their stretch of water. There were 2 inches of crispy snow under foot and whilst the sun was shining and the sky blue, the temp was definitely not above zero. You have to admire their stoicism!

Many congrats to @Lily123 and @gll on your House Specials today and @eggyg on your trio of unicorns.... Wow! They are going to cost you a bob or two to feed in this weather! They will look pretty in the garden though!

@goodybags Hope your treatment goes smoothly today.
Everything on the balconies has been tidied up. Half dead cypress skyrocket (which was beautiful but never really happy) gone. Eucalyptus (right tree, wrong place) gone.
Fatsia (wrong plant, even more wrong place) gone. Olive tree given a prune and gentle shaping. Japanese acer trimmed and cut back a bit. And very happy (until now) cedar tidied up a bit.

Daffodils planted wherever there was space. I know it’s late for daffs but they were free.

And I ventured out. Not far but ‘out’ is significantly better than yesterday.

Tomorrow I’m at the ballet and I’m looking forward to it.
what is FOTF?
what is FOTF?
It’s 'Foot on the floor' ie, as soon as you get out of bed, your liver starts releasing glucose to help you start the day, and your blood sugar rises. It’s a first cousin of the Dawn Phenomenon, when your liver starts gearing up for the day from about 4am, just in case you have to go out hunting wooly mammoth for breakfast, as our remote ancestors did.
what is FOTF?
Foot On The Floor syndrome. It is the same as Dawn Phenomenon (DP) but more sociable ie. Your liver waits until you swing your feet out of bed and stand up before it starts dumping glucose into your blood stream, rather than DP that can happen anytime from about 3am. I can conveniently inject a small correction for FOTF before I get out of bed but I am not setting an alarm for 3 or 4 am to inject some fast acting insulin to deal with DP, especially as there is no guarantee it will happen. At least if I inject a unit or two for FOTF as I get up, if it doesn't happen I can just treat myself to a few extra carbs like a date that I wouldn't normally eat.... I am slowly working my way through a box of dates that my partner bought me before Christmas.
@Robin is just marginally faster on the trigger than I am! 🙄
just in case you have to go out hunting wooly mammoth for breakfast, as our remote ancestors did.
or fight a sabre toothed tiger over who has the last of the cereal :rofl:
Everything on the balconies has been tidied up. Half dead cypress skyrocket (which was beautiful but never really happy) gone. Eucalyptus (right tree, wrong place) gone.
Fatsia (wrong plant, even more wrong place) gone. Olive tree given a prune and gentle shaping. Japanese acer trimmed and cut back a bit. And very happy (until now) cedar tidied up a bit.

Daffodils planted wherever there was space. I know it’s late for daffs but they were free.

And I ventured out. Not far but ‘out’ is significantly better than yesterday.

Tomorrow I’m at the ballet and I’m looking forward to it.
Are you dancing ?
It’s 'Foot on the floor' ie, as soon as you get out of bed, your liver starts releasing glucose to help you start the day, and your blood sugar rises. It’s a first cousin of the Dawn Phenomenon, when your liver starts gearing up for the day from about 4am, just in case you have to go out hunting wooly mammoth for breakfast, as our remote ancestors did.
aha! ok.

I'm not sure if I get FOTF. Overnight levels drop gradually then about 3 hrs before waking up, my levels drop more steeply, something detects the drop past a certain point, by the time I'm awake it's on the way up. Maybe it's adrenaline that wakes me up; I think it also causes glucogenesis. it'll happen whether or not foot is on the floor.

I'm not good at waking up sharply in the mornings lol.
8.6 for me along with sniffles which I’m hoping won’t become a cold.

Nice relaxing day today. My PIP payment hit my account this morning. There’s obviously a backdated element to it but I can’t work out what the award is or the length of time they’ve backdated it for as the maths just doesn’t seem to work. Hopefully I’ll get the letter soon and that will explain all. Still, I’m not complaining as this will pay for me to use cabs when I’m feeling overwhelmed by my hyper-vigilance and it’ll likely cover some part of private therapy costs as well.
For those who don’t know it’s for PTSD as a result of some really horrific sexual trauma rather than anything to do with my T2.

Also heard from the passport office that my renewal application has been approved and that my passport is in the queue for printing. They only received the previous one yesterday so this is pretty quick so far.

Might even take some of that PIP back payment and my new passport and book a holiday!

Sleeping Beauty at Covent Garden tonight. And a fairly decent seat (by my standards anyway). Hopefully I’ll enjoy this more than the Mathew Bourne version at Saddlers Wells. Of course I’ll let you know how I find it.
Good morning 6.3 today
it looks very cold out there wrap up warm

Quite relieved as eye injections were successfully done yesterday
have a great day everybody