Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 6.6 today

I have my treatment late this afternoon
but work first

Have a great day everybody 😎
Morning (i won't say good....its dark, cold and Monday!). Woke to a 5.5 fuelled by 2 JBs around 3am to ward off a low. Yesterday's graph looks like the Alps though i managed to stay in range.

Have a good day everyone.
Good morning - 5.2
Morning all. 5.7 and yet another unicorn day. A hat trick no less.:D I must admit though my stomach hasn’t been so good so have eaten less rubbish, and smaller meals.

Woke up to snow today. Very surprised, was expecting frost. Quite big flakes and has laid. Maybe scuppered the plans to walk to the park and then Aldi, we’ll see. Talking of walks, I did three miles yesterday through quagmired fields, the most since my ankle injury, and first time not on pavements. A bit twingy at times and stiff this morning but onwards and upwards.

Congratulations @Lily123 on your fabulous HS.

Have Happy Monday all, although it is Blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year allegedly. But that’s all a load of rubbish isn’t it? 😉

Views from the front and the back of our house!


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5.1 here. Pretty much landed last night’s correction perfectly too


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7.4 this morning.

Sleep still screwed by similar nightmares last night. Not the same though which is curious.

I don’t feel quite as overwhelmed as I did yesterday.

Didn’t actually head anywhere and spent most of the day in very snuggly clothes. Today I will head out. Even if it’s to the big Waitrose at the top of the hill I’ll head out.
7.4 this morning.

Sleep still screwed by similar nightmares last night. Not the same though which is curious.

I don’t feel quite as overwhelmed as I did yesterday.

Didn’t actually head anywhere and spent most of the day in very snuggly clothes. Today I will head out. Even if it’s to the big Waitrose at the top of the hill I’ll head out.

Have Waitrose reintroduced free coffee? I remember it being better than the local Cafe Nero! But I haven't been in a supermarket in well over two years and it was obviously banned because of the pandemic...

Raining here at the moment, 8.2 but maybe that was the treats at the cinema. Really enjoyed the film, so glad I went.

Today I will be working in the morning, my first week of working every morning, so will see how it goes.

@Lily123 congratulations on your HS

@freesia and @eggyg congratulations on yesterday’s HS.
Have Waitrose reintroduced free coffee? I remember it being better than the local Cafe Nero! But I haven't been in a supermarket in well over two years and it was obviously banned because of the pandemic...
I believe they have but I’ve never taken advantage of that offer.
Well done @freesia on that 5.2. 🙂
An unusual low 4.5 for me today.

Morning all and it was a dodgy 7.8 for me although that was after 10 minutes of playing hunt the reader. A more sensible 6.8 before breakfast.

Bit of a flurry of the white stuffstuff here and the birds were very glad of their seed this morning.

Have a good day everyone.
4.7 this morning, swiftly followed by 2.9 and dropping rapidly😱 However, definitely felt ok, but was too sleepy to do a finger stick test. I put it down to a compression low and after a shower it was scanning at 6.9.

Congratulations to @Lily123 and @gll on your HS today!

Hope everyone has a good day.
Morning all - weather looks changeable, though currently a weak sun is out.

5.5 this morning first thing. Well pleased with that despite the hump in the night as I was still in target all night.

25 jars of beautifully set dark Seville marmalade are currently in residence on my kitchen work-surface. Success!!! Using dark brown sugar for the most part of the added sugar gives it a really lovely deep bitter-sweet flavour.

Congratulations @Lily123 on your HS and @eggyg on your 3 Resultado-de-imagen-unicorn-clipart-unic-rnio-nuvens.jpg

Have a good day all.
Good morning. A nifty flat 5.00.

Brilliant sunshine, no snow (as yet), dark shower clouds to south. Very nippy out and -3 in forecast. Proper winter's day and anything is an improvement on all that foul rain.

Feet and legs much less painful which is great as altering walk sets back off - think that improvement may be attributable to increased heating in house. Wonder how people struggling to afford food and heating are supposed to manage diabetes? Also wondering if Keir Starmer has lost the plot given his latest ideas for NHS. Grr - think I may vote Plaid again...

Hope everyone has a good day.