Group 7-day waking average?

Was just about to do a @Lanny and say "G'day Mates" when I realized that she is also AWOL. Hope both she and @Michael12421 are OK. Good to see you back @zippyjojo and will also keep fingers crossed for your house sale going through smoothly. I now want to come and live in your compost bin! The days of eating a whole large bar of Toblerone are behind me but maybe I could have kept it for a day when my insulin was going out of date..... or you could have kept it for when you start on insulin.... I hate the thought of perfectly good chocolate going to waste! Sigh!

Anyway, it was a 6.7 for me this morning but unfortunately I spent half the night in the red again and ran out of JBs at Ian's so had to get up and go raid the kitchen. That was despite a whopping 5 unit Levemir reduction last night, down to zero, but I did inject a correction before bed because my levels were 9.6 and rising and with no active insulin in my system (low carb small evening meal after exercise) so thought I better jab some insulin to deal with it as morning Levemir would be running out. Of course, the first time I woke up hypo I thought 1 JB would do it seeing as there was still no active insulin in my system, but then I woke up twice more in the red and needed to take more and it was a white chocolate and cherry cookie which fixed it in the end.
Decided that I probably still needed 24 units of Levemir this morning considering that there was none carrying over from last night and a 1.5 unit correction of Fiasp to deal with FOTF as I knew I wouldn't be having breakfast until nearly lunchtime. Headed off up the hill to feed GGs and then walked up the hill on the other side of the valley to the farm to give Ian an hand with something this morning, so loaded up my pockets with JBs after a trip to the village shop first thing. I've done about 4 miles this morning and 2 big hills carrying haylage and feed buckets up and running back down afterwards and my levels have been steady as a rock and still needed the usual bolus for breakfast. All that insulin and exercise this morning and no problems at all, yet last night with almost no insulin in my system and lying sleeping, I was hypo. Sometimes it just doesn't make sense! Consultant is not going to be happy with all this red on my graph 😳 but it's not like I am not trying to deal with it!

Many congratulations to @Barrowman and especially @gll. Like Patti I was just thinking how 6 months ago I was telling you that I was looking forward to the day when you got an HS and it probably seemed like reaching for the stars to you Lou, but here you are achieving it! So very pleased that you have got proper treatment sorted at last. Just wish you also had Libre on prescription. Hopefully, that too will happen eventually.

Loving the house, gazebo and stairwell photos this morning but must be costing Diabetes UK a fortune in band width for all these pics!
Also loving the @ColinUK's Cultural Corner feature. Keep them coming!
Actually I love reading all the posts from different people with interesting facts about their lives. Sometimes I want to award them all hearts and stars because of the entertainment value and and insight into people's everyday lives. I really do love how this thread has morphed into such a social exchange because it develops such a wonderful community spirit.
Afternoon folks

Think it was 11.2 for me, I've had sore ribs for quite a few weeks now which has being making my levels play up a bit 🙄 xxxx
That gorgeous staircase reminds me of the one leading up to the apartment Richard Hannay is hiding from the police in. From the original The 39 Steps film starring Robert Donat. The original and best in my opinion. Always wanted to visit one of these Art Deco apartment buildings.
It is much earlier than Art Deco that staircase. It’s from Somerset House.
@Barrowman Congrats!


And yup this is a house. I think it’s in the Faroe Islands and it’s one family’s dwelling. Entirely carbon neutral or something.
I'd just like you to know for all of those concerned, I've spoken to Michael and he's doing OK but in a little pain and receiving treatment and doing the best he can under the circumstances, also Michael gave me his permission to post that just in case anyone thinks I'm sharing things without seeing if it's ok to first xxxx
5.7 for me this morning. Caught up on general forum now, still to check through the others to see if anything I want to read/reply to!

I think I will put the Christmas tree away now, and try to do a little more decluttering.
Hello All.

A 6.4 for me after about 3 weeks of constant highs. Thankfully weekend and no plans.

Have a good rest of the day.
I'd just like you to know for all of those concerned, I've spoken to Michael and he's doing OK but in a little pain and receiving treatment and doing the best he can under the circumstances, also Michael gave me his permission to post that just in case anyone thinks I'm sharing things without seeing if it's ok to first xxxx
Thanks for letting us all know, please pass on my best wishes and hopes that Michael will be pain free and ok soon.
9.4 awful awful sleep. Been having an almost continuous nightmare since 1am which just pauses when I open my eyes, read, meditate etc and as soon as I drift off again it’s back with vengeance.

So I gave up at 4:30am. Lights are on, I’ve had a cuppa, Radio 3 is playing very quietly in the background and I feel like crying tbh. Mainly through frustration than anything else but that will pass and the sun will come up and I’ll get out for a walk.
Maybe I’ll head to Columbia Road (the famous flower market) and treat myself to some beautiful cut flowers.
Perhaps I’ll go to St Paul’s or Westminster Abbey and enter under the pretext of worshipping so I get to sit inside quietly and away from the tourists.
I could look and see what’s on at the cinema but the only things I’m keen on seeing are Tár or Till and both of those seem a little heavy for my present, and temporary, melancholia. If I was physically able then I’d have put on my running shoes already and headed out probably along the canal as far as my feet would take me before getting a bus or tube home again.

As always I’m very aware that this will pass.
Good morning everyone

BG 5.5 fine
BP 120/71 fine
Pulse 66 fine

Nothing planned for today, so a peaceful, restful day.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing

7.1 today, that will teach me not to forget my meds. Today I will be running with the ladies, having my hair done and then going to the cinema to see I wanna dance with somebody, not really my cup of tea, but my friends asked me if I wanted to go, so decided it would be a good idea to go.

@Barrowman - congratulations on your HS yesterday.

@ColinUK - sorry to hear you are not doing great this morning, sending you a virtual hug.

@Michael12421 - sending you my best wishes, @Kaylz thank you for the update on Michael12421, please pass in my best wishes when you next speak to him. I hope your rib pain eases soon.

Have a nice Sunday everyone
Morning all, 6.2 here. Bit of a disturbed night for me too, but entirely self inflicted. Son was back for the weekend, and took me to a garden centre for a belated birthday tea, and for me to choose some flowers as a birthday present (I got a pot of hyacinths for the house, and some aconites for the garden). Combo of too much cake, and too much wine at dinner, and I woke in the small hours with a combo of indigestion, a hangover, and aches and pains from my riding contretemps the other day (oh, did I mention, while we’re on the subject of stupidity, I went for my normal riding lesson yesterday morning despite the bruises, and I don’t think I did it any favours). Perhaps this will teach me to act my age, not my shoe size.
5.9 this morning for me. 🙂
