Group 7-day waking average?

Weird night with lots of strange dreams and waking every now and then.
When I got up it was a 5.1.
5.4 this morning, no rain here, windy cold and dry washing on fingers crossed weather stays like this all day, though I wouldn't mind if it was a tad warmer 😉
And it’s a 5.2 for me this fine sunny morning just for a change - might get out on the bike if this weather keeps up.
Good morning everyone.
It was 6.2 for me but only because I jabbed 2.5 units for a 10.1 with an upwards sloping arrow a couple of hours before. My graph shows a nice straight line in the 7s all night prior to that so clearly Dawn is alive and well and visiting with me. She brought her cousin too as I have had to inject another unit because FOTF sent my levels back up again as soon as I got up. Pleased to report I had a much better sleep last night which is a relief!

Congrats to @Barrowman on your House Special this morning.

Dry and breezy here, so heading up the hill on foot to feed GGs.... I have been cheating and using the Freelander whilst it has been wet. Hope everyone has a good day.
Thank you and I sincerely hope your boiler is back up and working tomorrow. It takes me back to my childhood too 🙂 we only had a coal fire in the room and woke up to frost inside the windows and mum used to put the oven on in the kitchen on a morning until the coal fire 'got going' but we did have hot water even back then. Luckily we have an electric fire in the living room so that is warm, it's having to boil water for everything that is the main issue at the moment. I hope it is resolved soon but its out of my hands the insurance company who I have boiler cover with are investigating it and I have to wait for them. :(:( I keep reminding myself it could be worse 😉
Boiler engineer is here now. Not sure yet what he has to say as I am cowering upstairs in my PJs and dressing gown hoping for a shower soon! Glad you have at least some form of heating in one room. It's not right though that the investigation is preventing you from having hot water. I'd be making so much nuisance of myself they'd give in! Though I do understand how frustrating it is for you and that there's little you can do.

When I was a child there was a fire range in the kitchen, a fireplace in the front room (never lit except Christmas) and hot water came from a small gas water heater. A zinc bath was brought in once a week and filled with buckets from the "geyser" as we called it. Thank god those days are over!
Good morning. A flat 5.00.

A bit nippy out there with great big, fat, grey clouds covering 90% of sky, so not raining - yet.
Planning on a quick whizz to the shops followed by finishing cleaning a verge fusee pocket watch - not sure the detached fusee chain is fit for replacing. Bought myself a pair of those glasses with LEDs and interchangeable lenses for Christmas. Not the perfect aid I hoped for but handy for fiddley bits.

Have a good day everyone - keep the toes warm the head dry and the throat well lubricated!
Boiler engineer is here now. Not sure yet what he has to say as I am cowering upstairs in my PJs and dressing gown hoping for a shower soon! Glad you have at least some form of heating in one room. It's not right though that the investigation is preventing you from having hot water. I'd be making so much nuisance of myself they'd give in! Though I do understand how frustrating it is for you and that there's little you can do.

When I was a child there was a fire range in the kitchen, a fireplace in the front room (never lit except Christmas) and hot water came from a small gas water heater. A zinc bath was brought in once a week and filled with buckets from the "geyser" as we called it. Thank god those days are over!
until I was 5 years old I lived in a back to back terrace and when we got too big to be washed in the big white pot sink, we were bathed in front of the fire in a metal tub, my youngest sister 1st, then my middle sister and as the oldest I was last. remember my mum been so excited to have a bathroom when we moved house.
So far I have spent over 13 hours on the phone and lost count of the number of emails I've sent, if I take matters into my own hands i.e employ someone to install a new boiler, ( I have spoken to a number of engineers from British gas to local traders, none will attempt to fix it after seeing photos of condition it has been left in) it is likely I will lose my claim and may have to repay what ins. has already spent.
Hopefully you will have hot water and I can be jealous of you having a shower x
until I was 5 years old I lived in a back to back terrace and when we got too big to be washed in the big white pot sink, we were bathed in front of the fire in a metal tub, my youngest sister 1st, then my middle sister and as the oldest I was last. remember my mum been so excited to have a bathroom when we moved house.
My recollections of my childhood are much the same.
This reminds me of the Monty Python sketch
Morning all and 7.2 for me.

Minor panic over. Couldn't find my libre reader last night, luckily able to scan on my phone and spare meter dug out of my rucksack.

Found it this morning in my laundry bag. How it got there is a total mystery.

Have a good day everyone.
6.4 this morning for me, after a case of the munchies last night, so expected.

Congratulations @Barrowman on your HS!

Very busy day today so far and doesn’t look like getting any better, oh well at least I’m earning my pay today!

Have a good day everyone!
Good morning - 4.1
Good early morning everyone.

Another cold wet night but at least it has stopped raining this morning.

We lost all water pressure yesterday evening for a few hours. It was surprising how suddenly I felt a bit lost/worried when there was no water. I think it's the not knowing when it will be restored and the unknown possibilities of problems that worried me.

Woke at 4am
BG at 4:15am 5.2 yesssss 🙂

Today a quiet day in the warm. Went out yesterday and got caught in a minor downpour!!!

Meeting with Pastor went ok

Have a great day today whatever you are doing