Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning everyone.

BG 5.0 this motning. Very happy with that and the fact that my cold seems to be going more now although it's still lingering in there a bit.

Been out for the first of two walks today...76 minutes so far.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
12:01 BS 9.4 Ah well! Obviously underbolused a bit for dinner last night before going to bed! 🙄

A Very G’day Mates & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Had a lovely little catch up with my little brother yesterday, met my new sister in law & my little nephew with a lovely name meaning “everything he needs”! 😛 Had a VERY late lunch, eventually, & tolerated the showing off of baby pictures: never been particularly maternal & “ga ga” over babies!:D🙄:rofl:
Very embarrassed to report a 2.8 (according to Libre 🙄 ) Didn't double check it as knew it wasn't a compression low as graph showed a very slow and steady descent, but didn't feel particularly hypo so probably around 3.7-4 in reality. The reason I am embarrassed is that I stupidly injected a single correction unit just before 4am for a very reasonable 6.3. My reasoning was that I had not injected any evening Fiasp or Levemir (deliberately due to increased activity) and fully expected some DP to be setting in because there was no insulin in my system and I had had really poor restless sleep all night and I normally sleep better when levels are lower (I went to bed on 9 and resisted the temptation to do a correction then) and it was beyond the witching hours 1am-3am when levels are usually at their lowest. Anyway, needless to say, it was a bad decision. So, I ate about 8g carbs to deal with the hypo and injected my morning Levemir and had intended to try to go back to sleep for 40 mins but then my phone started updating and beeping, so I gave up and got out of bed which of course sent my levels heading skyward, so then I needed to inject another 2 units of Fiasp to deal with FOTF and my coffee. Then 2 trips up the hill hauling haylage for GGs (well over an hour of exertive exercise) and needed 1JB on the way home afterwards as levels were just starting to drop. Still needed 3.5units for breakfast but at least it kicked in a bit quicker this morning, so thankfully I managed to have breakfast before lunchtime today. 🙄
3 days ago I was on 24+5units (29u total) of Levemir, now down to 22+0 units. Can I get it down to 20 tomorrow with the power of haylage hauling? Thank goodness for the flexibility of Levemir!

Anyway, many congrats to our House Special achiever this morning .... @Eternal422
5.2 this morning !!!! Really pleased with that!

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Thanks to your chat on here and prompting @ColinUK I have booked tickets for Turandot at the ROH on March 17, my birthday - so looking forward to seeing it! So a quick plot synopsis would be good 😉

Hope everyone has a good day!
I’m going on the 15th March so you’ll get your plot summary!

Meanwhile… Congrats! EEE5FC84-DABE-4C23-9182-CAD7252FA99B.jpeg
Medical view for the day… AFB4CF32-16A3-40B2-96ED-23FEC6470EDB.jpeg

Although after therapy I went for cultural therapy to The National Gallery

Are all paintings I’ve admired for a long time but the revelation today was this…

I sat and could give it a lot of attention and get absorbed into the painting.
What really intrigues me is the myriad of stories in the background.
I want to know what’s going on with the couple in the boat.
I can hear the noise of the sculling boat off to the right.
Behind everything is the industrial noise from the factory in the distance.

And who is the boy calling to? Will the dog leap into the water before the mystery person comes to the bank?


I always feel a bit like Thomas Crown when a gallery is so empty it affords me the conceit that they’re all my paintings.
I’m going on the 15th March so you’ll get your plot summary!
Looking forward to both your plot summary and then seeing the opera myself. Must also read up the “official” plot synopsis beforehand as well as I don’t know much about the opera other than unsuccessful suitors to Princess Turandot being executed and Prince Calaf winning through.
3.9 - went out last night and had a pint of low carb beer, plus two shorts. Walked home and got a 3.1.
I mentioned this today to the DN and she was a bit concerned that it was so low… when I said I just went to bed she looked Horrified, but I told her it usually goes back up after a short period of time.
I mentioned this today to the DN and she was a bit concerned that it was so low… when I said I just went to bed she looked Horrified, but I told her it usually goes back up after a short period of time.
My thought are that if it is happening regularly then it may be worth coming off the metformin altogether if you are still taking it. You are not taking anything medication wise, which will drop your levels dangerously low, but the Metformin may be inhibiting your liver from correcting those lows more promptly or before they happen, especially when it is busy dealing with alcohol. I would not be overly concerned about them providing that you don't need to preserve your hypo awareness, because they are not dangerous in themselves.
Looking forward to both your plot summary and then seeing the opera myself. Must also read up the “official” plot synopsis beforehand as well as I don’t know much about the opera other than unsuccessful suitors to Princess Turandot being executed and Prince Calaf winning through.
I know nothing about it other than the Princess executing suitors either.

I’ll have a read of the background etc in the notes on the ROH website and I’ll read the program but other than that I’ll hopefully let the music wash over me and just enjoy it!
7.7 today, fairly typical of last few days, and up from 4.x overnight - DP strikes again, but I'll take this as an acceptable reading.
Last couple of weeks much better - 7-day average down from 9.7 to 7.2, feel so much better.
No obvious reason for change - before too many BGs above 10, now a lot about 4.x. Having increased units, now (gradually) reducing. It's a continual process.
And one of my favourite coffee shops is open again after a well-deserved break 🙂
Evening all. 🙂 9.4 @ 6.47am not surprised, my life is rubbish at the minute but today I start the first antibiotics of the year. No choice but to give them a whirl.

I will start sorting decs tomorrow, tonight the Kings have arrived with prezzies for Himself so they can budge up a bit and the shepherd boy with lamb and the sheep can move into the corner. I've always liked Epiphany. I felt it was a shame when they stopped it having it's own day for a Mass and just dobbed it in with the nearest Sunday. Our religion got so easy. It also worries me that now the childrens don't seem to be taught religion what are the artists of tomorrow going to paint? We'll end up with more unmade beds? 🙄:D
My thought are that if it is happening regularly then it may be worth coming off the metformin altogether if you are still taking it. You are not taking anything medication wise, which will drop your levels dangerously low, but the Metformin may be inhibiting your liver from correcting those lows more promptly or before they happen, especially when it is busy dealing with alcohol. I would not be overly concerned about them providing that you don't need to preserve your hypo awareness, because they are not dangerous in themselves.

Yes, still on 500mg of Metformin. (Although the GP did say 'there's a case for stopping that and seeing what happens' in July)

This happens whenever I have a few drinks (Just three) and walk home. I did mention the liver + plus metformin to her and she said that's probably not helping. I can tell when it's low as my vision goes a bit wobbly - not blurred, just a bit 'tunnel vision'.

When I do a lot of walking I've seen it drop below 4 as well (Like on holiday when we walked up to the top of Vesuvius, I had to stop and rest.) When I use libre sensors it seems to take around 10-15 minutes to go back up to the 5-6 area after a walk.

I forget the Metformin quite often. A single month's supply seem to last 2 months, but I have been very good recently and taken it every day for the last week or so. I knew it was low because my eyes go a bit wobbly (I was absolutely starving.)
I know nothing about it other than the Princess executing suitors either.

I’ll have a read of the background etc in the notes on the ROH website and I’ll read the program but other than that I’ll hopefully let the music wash over me and just enjoy it!
I get very tetchy at the plot of Turandot. Prince sets a return riddle 'guess my name' to the icy princess, thus ensuring that the two people in town who do happen know his name will be tortured… hmm.
Good morning everyone.

BG this morning an amazing 5.2 now that's a lot better after it was slightly raised whilst I was unwell.
Yet another HS. Excellent. I wonder how many I can get this year?

Pulse is quite low at 56 but as there are no associated bad symptoms. I must presume that I am the equivalent of a super athlete. My mirror lies !!!

I need to get out for a walk this morning. I had 2 walks yesterday and was surprisingly sore after the second one.

All Christmas decorations came down yestetday morning. Sigh...

Today nothing planned. Sweet and sour chicken (with a small portion of rice) tonight. Maybe a spot of boring (but important) cleaning. A few minor updates to my App.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing