Group 7-day waking average?

4.6 on this windy, rainy morning here.

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS! You’re having a great start to the year!

No plans today other than laundry, bit of cleaning and possibly visiting my parents (about a 40 minute drive away). We visit them every week, they’re in their 90s and still live independently at home but hate asking for help with anything. At least a weekly visit means we can do any odd jobs like changing light bulbs, etc. to keep things running for them. Curtain hook repair this week, just hoping that their switch to fibre broadband this week went ok as I don’t want to have to spend hours messing with that otherwise it will seem like a work day for me!

Have a good day everyone whatever you’re doing!
Good morning. 6.4.

A bit of a late start this morning after a broken night - not sure if it was the noisy, heavy, rain or the glums following Drs appointment yesterday. Apparently the burning cramps I have been experiencing in feet are neuropathy and my blood flow is severely impaired. I was so discombobulated by that news that I forgot why we had set up appointment (6 weeks ago..) which had been about the 3 day angina as opposed to the usual 20mins...only remembered when I got home for a cuppa. Oh well, senior moment I suppose.

Had an amusing exchange about state of NHS with Dr getting out an interesting graph about beds and the gov's responsibility for the shortfall. One good thing - my favorite GP has decided not to retire until he has "seen out the mess" so I should have his excellent advice for the foreseeable future. Meanwhile, and may he be rewarded in the next life, he has put my steroids onto my repeat prescription so I do not have to speak to some arbitrarily selected GP who hasn't read the notes and can think of nothing but getting me off them a.s.a.p. This, since they have no substitute for the pain levels of palindromic arthritis except opioids, has been a monthly irritation for too long. He at least trusts me to reduce the dose as quickly as I can once the flare is over. I had rather have the steroid side effects than addiction.

I had the pleasure of putting the boot into the new (to me) rheumatology consultant and was surprised by the degree of concurrence. I suspect this may have been caused by the long letter which basically said innumerable times "I advised her to consult her GP"! This doubtless flowed from my pointing out to said consultant that his advice re-drugs was misplaced since he had not considered interaction with other necessary medicines...We agreed that possibly buck passing was properly regarded as low behaviour for someone so well paid.

One good other good outcome was an instant appointment with a nurse to get relieved of an armful of bloods - to the consultants demands we cheerily added an HbA1c and a vitamin check. Usually its a 2 week wait for a nurse - I ended up with 2, the 2nd having come in simply for a chat, so the session rapidly degenerated into uncontrolled laughter. Judging by the the disapproving faces in the waiting room as I exited this had been audible outside. Sod 'em - cheering up good NHS staff is a positive duty in my view.

Rant over.
@Gwynn Congrats!

Not sure if I’ve posted this one before but I think it’s a remarkable piece of architecture which befits a remarkable person, you.

View attachment 23631
Nope that's a new one. I must admit that I prefer the old English castles, cottages, houses with spires, etc. A bit like my present abode 🙂

Just been out for some exercise as it stopped raining. So, of couse, it started to rain when I got to my furthest point. Doh! Still, I enjoyed the walk. Three doggies came over to say 'hello', and I did 88 minutes. Wet and tired now though. But happy.
It was 4.1 for me this morning but only after a 4 unit correction for a 12.7 earlier and my Levemir and then back to sleep. My levels kept dropping last night from exercise and I had to keep topping up with a few carbs here and there. I didn't have an evening meal as I had a late lunch and I was visiting my friend, so I was eating a few nibbles at hers to keep levels in range. By the time I got home I was still dropping slightly and in the mid 4s at bedtime so I had some cheese and then some peanut butter and no Levemir again, but I must have overdone it somewhere... probably the peanut butter 🙄 and then of course a bit of DP due to no insulin in my system.

@TinaD Really sorry to hear about your neuropathy but great news about your GP signing your prescription up for the steroids. My sister managed to get the same result through her GP thankfully. Like you, she takes the bare minimum to make life bearable and adjusts it downwards when she can. Well done you for lightening the mood at your GP surgery. I often think it must be quite soul destroying dealing with miserable sick people all day.

@Gwynn Congrats on your House Special this morning.
Well, I had a very wet and windy riding lesson, and my pony didn’t like it one bit. This is how I ended up when he decided to slam the brakes on before a jump. Amazingly, I didn’t fall off, he then stood there good as gold with his neck supporting me while I levered myself back into the saddle. 74DEB1B8-24A0-4977-B48E-FF7C2EBB9FFC.jpegI (thought it might amuse @rebrascora and any other riders)
Well, I had a very wet and windy riding lesson, and my pony didn’t like it one bit. This is how I ended up when he decided to slam the brakes on before a jump. Amazingly, I didn’t fall off, he then stood there good as gold with his neck supporting me while I levered myself back into the saddle. View attachment 23633I (thought it might amuse @rebrascora and any other riders)
Just WOW! I really can't believe you recovered from that position Robin. You are a gonna for sure on that photo!!
Very impressed with the pony for holding you and hats off to you for managing to scramble back from that..... and for posting the evidence. 😉
Good afternoon all. Lovely, breezy and sunny here in Sale. 7.9 @ 7.40am for me. 🙂

Just finished David Sedaris ...Snackery... he's very funny but very rude! Finished another Anita Shreve too, Stella Bain, won't read any more of hers as apart from excellent information on The Great War it was a bit blah. I struggle to get large prints now, it's so difficult with my wonky eyes. I have a Stephen King lp so I'll read that today inbetween putting away decorations. I've sided the kitchen already, they are all in a heap on the side. Will clear the outside in a mo as well. It's gonna take me ages agh. 🙄 :D

That is an excellent horsie picture. :rofl:
Good afternoon all. Lovely, breezy and sunny here in Sale. 7.9 @ 7.40am for me. 🙂

Just finished David Sedaris ...Snackery... he's very funny but very rude! Finished another Anita Shreve too, Stella Bain, won't read any more of hers as apart from excellent information on The Great War it was a bit blah. I struggle to get large prints now, it's so difficult with my wonky eyes. I have a Stephen King lp so I'll read that today inbetween putting away decorations. I've sided the kitchen already, they are all in a heap on the side. Will clear the outside in a mo as well. It's gonna take me ages agh. 🙄 :D

That is an excellent horsie picture. :rofl:
Which Stephen King do you have? I recently read Fairy Tale which I enjoyed more than any other recent one of his.
Then Hunt for Red October which reminded me why I don’t often read Tom Clancy, before lightening things up with Dolly Parton/James Patterson’s Run Rose Run which was pacy and ok. Now I’m on to Double or Nothing by Kim Sherwood.
It’s a new Bond book but hasn’t really featured in it so far as he’s missing and it’s other OO’s searching for him.
4.9 for me this morning, followed by an hour and half on the phone with the insurance company regarding boiler - outcome they need to investigate the company they sent out and get back to me, I begin to despair that it will never get sorted (crying face emoji) but then my granddaughters arrived and for a short while I can forget about it 🙂 🙂
Well, I had a very wet and windy riding lesson, and my pony didn’t like it one bit. This is how I ended up when he decided to slam the brakes on before a jump. Amazingly, I didn’t fall off, he then stood there good as gold with his neck supporting me while I levered myself back into the saddle. View attachment 23633I (thought it might amuse @rebrascora and any other riders)
Oh my Lord! I’ve watched my daughters do that a few times and I got the same fluttery feeling in my tummy when I saw your photo. As a non rider it probably seems much worse to me, I suspect, like my daughters, you took it all in your stride.
It’s happened to granddaughters too but what the eye don’t see…..
Which Stephen King do you have? I recently read Fairy Tale which I enjoyed more than any other recent one of his.
Then Hunt for Red October which reminded me why I don’t often read Tom Clancy, before lightening things up with Dolly Parton/James Patterson’s Run Rose Run which was pacy and ok. Now I’m on to Double or Nothing by Kim Sherwood.
It’s a new Bond book but hasn’t really featured in it so far as he’s missing and it’s other OO’s searching for him.
Haven’t read a Stephen King for ages. I was a keen reader of his back in the day. Misery, Christine, Green Mile etc. I used to be a James Patterson fan but I go off authors when they start collaborations with “celebrities”. Maybe I’m cutting my nose off to spite my face.
I’m currently reading Notes on an Execution by Danya Kufaka . I just started it last night, got promise. It’s the story of a serial killer in the last 12 hours of his time on death row before his execution, but told by three woman left behind. ( That’s the bumf on the jacket! )
Could get a bit deep, which I do like.
Well, I had a very wet and windy riding lesson, and my pony didn’t like it one bit. This is how I ended up when he decided to slam the brakes on before a jump. Amazingly, I didn’t fall off, he then stood there good as gold with his neck supporting me while I levered myself back into the saddle. View attachment 23633I (thought it might amuse @rebrascora and any other riders)
Brilliant photo - loved it - altho' it is funny how our friends manage to record such moments but never the perfect leap over impossible obstacles.
7.0 when I finally surfaced (just before lunch time)
This dam cold is back with vengeance, tried to phone hospital - as was supposed to have my eye infections this afternoon,but couldn’t get through to anybody, usually they run the DMO clinic on a Monday but obviously they have to run it at a weekend following the bank holidays. I shall have to phone / drop in there on Monday apologise and try to rebook,nothing planned tomorrow, which is just as well.

@Gwynn congrats on the well deserved HS
I hope everybody’s having a great weekend 😎
Sorry, bit out of it today. Having a very lazy Saturday after last night's epic "goodbye" party for 3 young friends who are off to Australia.

Don't want to talk about the 8.4 rising BG.

@Gwynn, brilliant result again.

As far as books are concerned I couldn't recomment Ken Follett any higher. Just finished "Never" Please God Trump never gets in as president again!
Good morning everyone

BG 5.6
BP fine
Pulse a bit low but ok (58)

Today church, cleaning, exercise, App update

Have a great day today whatever you are doing