Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. 6.9. A poor figure for me and attributable to self-pity and comfort eating.

Bought and ate some Jordan's crunchy nut cereal for dinner and drank almost a litre of cold milk as couldn't face cooking... Had a serious attack of "what's the point in trying?" Spent most of the night reading and the rest kicking myself. I think I am going to have to take myself in hand, contemplate a change of life style, and stop being an idiot.

One of the things I must consider is moving home - finding anywhere to walk here which does not require climbing a slope is impossible. I need somewhere flat. Don't fancy the Somerset levels given climate change...Family are near Wallingford which would be a bit expensive. Love Suffolk but too far to family...Hmm - time to get out the maps and also weigh up whether leaving friends and neighbours (and decent Dr) would outweigh benefits. Also rather reluctant to get rid of Peachy who, at 18, has given me a lot of pleasure (the foal is for sale anyway) but won't be easy to find a home for now her showing days are over. Oh dear, Wolf needs an isolated property as he barks if a mouse farts let alone if somebody passes the house. As Fagin said "I think I need to think it out again".

Meanwhile its me back to the zero carbs, the exercise bike and the parallel bars...Oh and cursing the rain.

Have a good day all.
Morning all, 5.8 here. Woke up at 4am to a strange phenomenon, it appeared to be getting light. Wondered if I had suddenly been transported to next summer, but then realised it was moonlight! There’s currently a beautiful clear sky, but don’t worry, it’s forecast to cloud over and rain again before the day is out.
Morning all. 6.1.

Just got up, woke at 6, tossed and turned and obviously fell asleep. Surprisingly, when I woke at 8.20 the kids were all quiet, so I just stayed in bed until I heard muttering at 8.50. Mr Eggy and grandson still in bed, think they had a late night watching 1917. The girls and I were in bed by 9.30!
Sausage and bacon butties for breakfast today. Then the left over Christmas/New Year cheese and crackers for lunch. They’ll not be here for tea!

Congrats @ColinUK on the house special.

Have a super Sunday all. 🙂
Can I join in the great House Specials images...congratulations @ColinUK

Good morning - 5.8
Morning all, 5.8 here. Woke up at 4am to a strange phenomenon, it appeared to be getting light. Wondered if I had suddenly been transported to next summer, but then realised it was moonlight! There’s currently a beautiful clear sky, but don’t worry, it’s forecast to cloud over and rain again before the day is out.
Your comment about clouding over and raining again reminds me of an announcement from a pilot on a flight I was on years ago. He said that at our destination there were some broken clouds but not to worry because they would soon be fixed.:rofl:
Good morning. A better 5.7 for me though i did need 2 lots of JBs to stop lows. Yesterday was awful, several hypos but i just couldn't get levels to stay up high enough until tea time. At least i stayed in range overnight with no rebounds.

Cleaning and dusting this morning as every time i moved yesterday levels dropped. Hope today is a better day.

Congrats on the HS @ColinUK
Good morning! 6'1.

Had a great Día de Reyes this Friday with my family. Surprised them (except parents and brother) as I had been telling everyone I had to stay in England a few more days. My grandma got a bit emotional! There was loads of food as usual, I identified some low carb options but didn't stick to those :D and obviously had a small piece of Roscón after. My levels went a bit over target, but I was not shocked considering the amount of food and sitting on my bum for hours. No regrets because I really enjoyed everything and it was like Christmas for me, a special occasion.

Yesterday... different story. Went for lunch with a friend and had a small pizza each, both of us were really disappointed. Expected to have a spike but was walking before and after lunch and I figured wouldn't be so bad. I went to 14 and stayed there for hours, didn't have any insulin on me and it made me a bit nervous. Injected one unit as soon as I got home. Lesson learned, I'll carry Novorapid in my bag. Today I am eating with the other side of the family and after that I'll try to have a more normal diet for a few days.

6.8 today, no plans for today, other than some gentle yoga and a meditation, going to try and relax as I am starting working agai. Tomorrow, however only 3 mornings for the first week.

@ColinUK - congratulations on your HS
@Robin - impressed you stayed on the horse.
Joining you today @ColinUK !

Ended up not doing anything yesterday, so definitely visiting my parents today. Watched 3 movies last night, something we haven’t done for ages. “As Good As It Gets” (Jack Nicholson) which was really good, a Netflix one “The Guilty”, low budget with only one main actor, but good story, then another Netflix one “Run” which was fairly good, bit of a psychological thriller.

Hope everyone has a good day!
6.9 for me. Though up to 10.4 with a bad headache after a low carb breakfast. Should have stuck to the porridge