Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning 7.0 today,
I was thinking it was going to be higher than that due to a not such a healthy days eating yesterday.

Have a Great day Everybody 😎
Good morning everyone

BG 5.2 yesssss!!! But as an experiment I immediately did another blood glucose test one the other side of the same finger....result? 5.7. Such variation!

Today...blank at the moment. The decorations bekon...

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. Woke to a 2.9 on libre but finger prick was 6.8!! Tried scanning again and it said to wait 10 mins before promptly falling off. New one applied ready to scan tonight so will be finger pricking today. I shall start tonights with the reader for the alarms, oh.. how i've missed them!

Back to work today, got to go. Have a good day and i'll catch up with you all later.
Morning all, 6.9 here. Had a long run in the 5s over Christmas, but decided I was scraping along the top of the red too often for comfort (or for my Nurse's comfort, I've got a review coming up) so reduced basal by half a unit. So now I’m in the 6s.
Morning good peeps. 🙂 4.0 for me.

Watched a great programme on art last night (more like this plz) then Celeb Bake Off which has now become my default cos there’s so much rubbish on free TV atm IMHO. I should just switch it off and do something else. I’m sick of people desperately trying to get a PH handshake and him saying how nicely someone’s biscuits have turned out. I think I might be sick of TV! 😱

Consultant is happy with how my ankle is healing but will continue monitoring with repeat MRI and ultrasound scans just to make sure nothing untoward happens.
He said that there’s still a possibility it might need surgical intervention if it doesn’t reconnect properly hence the repeated scans.

But it’s good news!

And here’s the view yesterday…

5.8 for me and back to work after nearly a week off...
And it was a 5.1 for me this grey overcast morning.
6.0 for me this am. 🙂

10.7 this morning. Not as disastrous as I feared after spending a week asleep at the diabetes wheel but big changes start today. I stabilised at 6.8 when I was at my parents' home, which my sister and I refer to as a health camp. Let's see if I can bring that discipline over to Leeds.
Good morning - 7.8
Morning. 5.5. I woke at 7 with a splitting headache and an achy back. Went to the loo with the intention of getting up. Decided to pop two painkillers and get back into bed for five minutes. Next thing I knew it was 8.50! And my headache and back are fine. I’m absolutely starving though, don’t think I can wait long for my brekkie this morning.

No plans today. We got the tree down yesterday and I polished and hoovered the living room. I love it when the clutter is gone. Bah humbug! :rofl:

Congratulations @Gwynn on your HS.

Have a good day all. It’s a very wet and windy Wednesday up here, but 10 degrees! 😳
Good morning all. Missed yesterday as it was a nightmare, most days are cough cough cough. Be careful what you wish for, losing weight too fast a pound or more a night and yesterday was high carb as daughter was here and it was all 'healthy' ie fruit and nuts and one tiddy wedge Christmas cake. Still lost nr 2 pounds. Now I can't face breakfast, I'd be like the Vicar of Dibley and that sprout. :rofl: I'll have a leftover pear instead. 7.7 @ 8.30am have a good day all.
Morning all - grey but not as wet as yesterday... sick of it!

7.2 this morning with a flat line from bedtime.

Well, there was a gas leak - fortunately on their side of the meter, so we haven't been paying for it. Anyway, the supplier came within 20 minutes and fixed it, but the boiler service chappie had to come back in the afternoon. So decorations haven't been taken down. Maybe this afternoon depending on what happens this morning... Hubby has had to take the car to the garage (30 mins away) as we had a warning on the dash before Xmas and this is the first day they can do it. So it depends on how long they take and when he gets back as we're going out at 5pm. I deffo want them down by the end of 12th night, which is tomorrow.

@42istheanswer very sorry to hear your partner broke up with you. Not a good time of year to do it and you must be gutted, but new start new year? Hopefully something or someone wonderful will come along.

@Gwynn congrats on your HS.

@ColinUK fingers crossed the healing continues.

@eggyg hope the headache/backache stays away.

Have a good day all.