Group 7-day waking average?

6.6 here. Off to pick up my iron prescription today, already feeling better after over the counter ones so looking forward to real strength ones
5.9 for me today. 🙂
It's a positively tropical 7C outside, compared to the freezing conditions yesterday.

Morning all. 7.0 after another hypo overnight, i woke for this one. I've got 3 days left of this sensor and its been accurate but i'm thinking of finishing it early and starting a new one with the reader for the alarms. I'm really missing the early warning and despite me trying to scan more often than usual i'm finding i've had more hypos.

Last day of the holidays today. I'm planning a lazy morning, meeting a friend for a coffee this afternoon then back for a telephone appointment. I could really get used to being at home.

Have a good day whatever you are doing.
Morning all. 6.2 and a flatfish overnight. That pleases me.

Frost all gone to be replaced by rain, again. Got the small tree down yesterday from the dining room, and it’s back in the garden. Big tree to come down today, then the big clean up. Those pine needles get everywhere! If I’m not exhausted after that I’m going to do some ironing. Got loads of Christmas TV to catch up on. Not enough ironing for all of it though!

Have a great “back to normal” day. Even for retirees it’s good to be back in a routine.🙂
Good morning - 8.7
Morning all this grey, wet day.

7.1 @ 08:00, now down to 6.1.

We were woken rudely at 08:00 from a warm snug slumber when the gas engineer banged on the door. He was due "late morning" to do the annual boiler service, so the alarm was set for 08:30. Nothing is ever simple is it? He's discovered a gas leak somewhere round the meter.... arghhh all we need. Meantime there's heating, so the house is warm, but no hot water so no shower. He's gone off to get something or other and if that doesn't work we have to wait for the gas people to come out. We were going to take the Xmas decs down today, but whether that will be practical with men tramping all over I have no idea.

@Lucyr hope the extra strength iron capsules work for you - it's been such an awful time for you health-wise you deserve a break!
Morning all - it’s a 4.9 for me this wet morning.
5.8 for me. So physically fine but not really emotionally, my partner broke up with me last night. Thankfully I had taken today off work so going to try and keep myself busy doing something with kids
6.1 this morning at 6:10am so tomorrow I might check at twenty past five.

Off to the hospital in a few minutes for pretty much the rest of the day. MRI first and then another check in with the consultant. Kindle is fully charged and I’m good to go.

There’s a gap of about two hours between the likely end of the MRI appointment and the consult so may be able to get to an OA meeting just down the road.

I have noticed that almost opposite the meeting has opened a new patisserie place specialising in high end donuts. They’re an award winning Dutch Jewish baker with a few shops in Israel and in Holland. This is their first in the U.K. and the temptation is strong. I might have to go and smell them rather than eat them!

All at 6s and 7s for me this morning but a pretty straight horizontal line overnight. Woke up multiple times but was so dark that I just kept dozing back off again. Eventually I had to get up because my bolus insulin was kicking in but the act of getting up steadied that enough to have time to get my breakfast.
Must get out and swing the legs today, rain or no rain, I need it for my mental health. May take a carrier bag as Ian has been telling me that someone has been dumping wine bottles all along the roadside on one of the country lanes and he sees them every time he drives past in the tractor to feel the cattle. It looks like they are just being lobbed out of a car window on a night and I think the latest count was 9 bottles, but the daily tally has been steadily increasing, so I guess I will need a reasonably robust shopping bag. 🙄
It looks like they are just being lobbed out of a car window on a night and I think the latest count was 9 bottles, but the daily tally has been steadily increasing, so I guess I will need a reasonably robust shopping bag. 🙄
Let's hope nobody sees you lugging a huge carrier bag full of empty wine bottles - what would they think? 😳o_O
Good morning - 5.7. Surprised and relieved by that as had a rather high carb day yesterday. Supplies were running a bit low, couldn't face eggs again, made a chicken risotto - naughty but delish. Foot has turned papal purple with a funereal little toe but the swelling is down and walking very much easier.
Running rather late as was woken at 3.40 by noise of heavy rain. Read for a bit and then, just as I was thinking I must get up, went out like a light until 10.30. Got "the look" from somewhat disgruntled animals but don't care as I feel really well this morning, which is a very pleasant change. I assume, and hope, it is the body giving in and accepting the reduced steroid dose - down to 13mg.
I see our one bad neighbour is trashing his hedges this morning - he doesn't bother me as I have a wicked tongue in my head - but I hope he isn't taking the chance to bully my lovely but rather shy and gentle friends next door. I'll give them a comfort call once I've replenished the pantry and loaded up at the feed merchant.
Have a good day - DVWPUSA as Dad used to say.
Morning folks. 8.8 for me. Was 96%in range yesterday till about 3 pm Out with dog for a good walk 3.3 sorted that out another one at 6 pm . Then from 9 pm onwards 13 .5 took a correction dose. Before bed it was in the 14 s it had dropped down to 10 at 5 am took another unit . Think it maybe the start of flu coming on . After 4 days of trying to get through to hospital ward for information about my mother . Someone picked the phone up yesterday afternoon. Will pop in this afternoon to visit her . Have a good day folks
was 15 odds this morning. It was that moment that I realised I forgot to bolus for a snack before bed 😱
Back down into the 8s and off to make lunch and try nudge it down a little bit more.

Sensor ran out this morning and only have one left so will hold back on slapping it on right away. Seriously considering what I can cut money wise and just self fund all the time. Not got much to play with being a full time carer for the kiddo so something will have to give somewhere.
Late post for me today, I was 7.2 this morning when I managed to drag myself out of bed at 6:45am. Normal routine today including a Morrisons delivery use after 8am then work with everyone back. At least on Teams I can ignore the New Year chit chat and just get on with it.

Hope everyone had a good day.