Group 7-day waking average?

Oh, and I forgot to post this a few days ago. The Libre sensor I ordered and paid for is at home, and they have finally included them in my prescription, so I'll be sorted for the near future. And the nurses replied to my email saying I don't have to worry about Novorapid yet 🙂
Happy New year all. It’s not morning but it is still news years day.

I’ve been a little unwell not sure what with. I don’t feel ill. Awful levels I can’t get down. Been in double figures constantly for 5 days. Can’t get them down. I’m pleased I’m now sitting at 9.9.
Bit late posting, but it's still 1st January so Happy New Year everyone!

It was 6.2 this morning. I have decided that I will give it a week or so before chasing my GP surgery for my follow up HbA1c, I didn't drink too excessively last night but enough to be classed as "binge drinking" so my liver could probably benefit from a slight break before I get liver function tests alongside it :rofl:
Good morning everyone

BG 5.7 which is high for me

Today very little (the cold lingers on)

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
3.9/4.5 (libre kept changing its mind). My meter was on the other side of the room so had a JB in bed as I couldn't muster the energy to get up and go get it :rofl:...the one night I didn't actually bring it over to the bedside table 🙄

Also this unicorn :D

Not a whole lot planned for today except get the Christmas deccys down and away. Will see if i can sneak quietly enough to get all the boxes and bags out the cupboard without waking the house up and make a start 🙂
Morning all. 7.8
Morning all. 🙂 6.9 here.

Basal testing today and tomorrow, so got lots of low-key, boredom-busting activities lined up - knitting, patchwork, filing, reading. No Welsh tho cos it uses up too much glucose! Roll on Wednesday hahaha.
Morning all. A high, for me, 8.2. Buffet food, difficult to bolus for.

Today is “ Operation New Year Party Clean Up”.:( Got the worst done last night, my poor dishwasher is exhausted. The hand wash crockery to wash, ie big serving platters and my Spode dessert forks and spoons. Plus moving the furniture back into its rightful place. Good day though. My ankle stood up to it quite well, I didn’t need any painkillers yesterday at all. Looking hopeful. Fingers crossed.

Might try and have a short walk today, cold, crisp, sunny day forecast. It’s freezing this morning though and all we’ve had for days is torrential rain so could be a wee bit slippy underfoot. I will assess the risk later.

Have a nice day all. Back to normal tomorrow. 🙂
7.3 for me today and off to my sister's this afternoon. hope everyone has a lovely day.
Good moaning! A rubbish 12.9 today. Only ate about 10:00 last night and then only a small slice of dry toast with a matchbox piece of cheese as stomach needed some food. Phantom pain gone for now but it always returns like DF. Argh! First wash of year on and finally a supermarket delivery.🙂

FlowTest Covid tests arriving tomorrow as I don't trust current set as test tube very rigid and strips very faint making them hard to read! :(
Good morning. 4.1 and graph shows hypo for the last 2 hours!! I don't feel it so maybe compression? Hurry up Abbott sorting out the app alarms. I'm going to have to use the reader to start the next one i think as going back to work and rushing around, i would like an early warning of any low.

Nothing planned for today. Have a good day whatever you do.
A 6.1 for me today. 🙂

Good morning - 5.7

8.1 today, probably the buffet food and the last night snack. Today Inhave a few bits to tidy away, going for a run/walk with the girls and then mainly nothing.
Good morning 8.0 on waking today (about 2 hrs ago)

Last day off work today,
back to work tomorrow for both Mrs G & me

Have a Great Day everybody 😎