Group 7-day waking average?

@TinaD happy birthday! Hope you can enjoy it despite the toe!

@ColinUK how exciting, such a shame the family lost touch :rofl: . My family a few generations back apparently had money and land but someone gambled it away.... Not sure if it would have come down my line anyway

5.6 for me this morning. We will be playing a board game tonight, not sure who we will watch for the chimes at midnight.
This was dad’s mum’s family. There’s very little contact between the various branches that grew from Grandma and her brother.
In fact when he (the brother died) they didn’t tell Grandma at all.
There’s money in one root from that family line, quite a lot of money but I’ve never even met any of that lot so although they’re relations I don’t count them as “family”.

Mums lot came from peasant stock in the Pale. They had barely two buttons to scrape together between them. Until one had an illegitimate child with the local Baron who left the resultant daughter the family home, lands, business and everything that went along with it.

She married and they had five children however the property was seized and the entire family was murdered by the Nazis.
It’s actually mum who had the strongest claim to the estate and the looted art etc but the Polish government won’t compensate for the land and none of the artwork has ever been found.

One of their children made his way to Morocco via France and Spain and then went back into occupied France to cause chaos. He was eventually caught in a roundup and is presumably in an unmarked grave somewhere outside Paris. He was the last known direct descendent of that line. All of the others were murdered in various camps.
8.9 this morning, but rounded yesterday off with an ice cream.

No plans for tonight, family round tomorrow afternoon, will be pizza, cheese and biscuits and nibbles, and Left over Christmas pudding. I have some savour party nibbles in the freezer, so depending how many can come, I will just heat up what is needed and the rest can stay put until the Easter egg hunt.

@TinaD - happy birthday.

Happy New year everyone.
good afternoon BS was 7.9 when I woke (just before midday)
ive been quite relaxed mostly resting the last few days - think I forgot to post yesterday..oops
this dam cough and cold still hasn’t been 100% shaken though it’s much better than it was.

just about to go and have a word with the noisy neighbours,
or maybe I will let them just carry on making their noise
I will be so glad when we do finally moove which should be sometime in Feb.

Happy New Year 🙂
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And a good afternoon from me too, a bit late forgot to post this morning anyway a
happy 5.2 this morning at 9.15. and it's still bl**dy raining... :(
And a good afternoon from me too, a bit late forgot to post this morning anyway a
happy 5.2 this morning at 9.15. and it's still bl**dy raining... :(
Good morning - BG 6.00 .
Today is my birthday so I have 2 things to celebrate - Hogmanay and having made it this far. It would be easier if I hadn't stubbed and broken a little toe yesterday - or perhaps it wouldn't - what better excuse to sit down, put the feet up and read a favourite book? No reels for me. Crispy Duck with pancakes and spring onions for dinner - followed by total idleness...
Alex and Carla are mucking my pair out today (which is good as the language when I put a shoe on is quite unladylike) as a sensible present.
Still feeling rather chuffed at getting a very small, Victorian, brass telescope for small Grandson - thus combining his interest in antiques with a practical aid to playing pirates. For once Ebay came good and didn't let me be outbid.
Hope everyone has a lovely time celebrating the turn of the year. Hopefully it will be better that 2022 for all of us.
Happy Birthday @TinaD
Morning everyone and a Very Happy New Year to you all!
Quiet night last night, was in bed early and missed the bells and despite having snacks to have while watching movies, really didn't feel like them at all so didn't bother. Another no alcohol New Year. For me, the hangover is never worth it :rofl:

I just looked back at the waking thread from exactly a year ago and this was my post.
Woke at 3am with a lovely start to the year...21 (are a few twiglets that bad? :()
What a journey it has been and I am so grateful to each and every one of you for your support, advice and friendship. <3
(start here if you want to see what you posted last year)

Avatar 2 yesterday was fantastic (again) and glad I went for the second time and even got some cheesy nachos this time *drools*.
That's that particular craving satiated for another 5 years 😉.

As soon as everyone is up I'll get a pot of soup on the go (blender is a little loud to be chopping the veggies) and its a steak pie for dinner :D
Sort of looking forwards to getting back to normal eating. Too much over indulgence and resulting stress over crappy numbers.
Will let my son polish off the rest of the crisps and mince pies 😉.

Have a wonderful day everyone x
Happy New Year everyone, 6.3 for me.

Stayed up to see the new year in but was so engrossed in my book I didn’t hear the countdown on Jools. Only realised when Mr Eggy chinked my glass of water with his glass of whisky ( he only has a dram at New Year). I carried on and finished my book ( excellent book, Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Gamus, check it out) and toddled off to bed at 12.45. Rock and roll! :D

Got the hordes coming at 5 so busy day. Desserts done, pork pulled, just a mountain of potatoes to peel for my world famous goose fat roast potatoes, ham to slice, beef to roast and table to set.

Have a fab first day of 2023, whatever you’re up to. 🙂
It was 5.8 for me earlier. 🙂
