Group 7-day waking average?


7.9 for me

Lidl's made an oopsie yesterday but nobody complaining here, had a £10 voucher to use as had completed the Coupon Plus of reaching £200 spend for the month, Bruce did his and my shopping and got the £10 off, usually that's the voucher removed from the app straight away but his mum was behind him in the queue so he got the app scanned again and it took £10 off her shopping too, bonus! lol xx
It’s a post-Christmas miracle!
I'd say it's whenever you awake after your 'main' sleep period 🙂 I would say 5.2 isn't too low to wake up on, unless you sleep in your car - presumably there would normally be some food consumed before commencement of the working day, or if no food then no insulin to blight the readings 🙂
Just finished 3 nights so back onto days tomorrow. It’s fun time trying to work out sleep and food. Let alone this, Submissive Slave I have to live with. Let’s hope it behaves itself and does not need too much discipline. (sorry about that wrong website well you know what I mean)
Happy new year to all.
4.7 this morning - super low for me two days running? Weird after running high during both preceding days. Oh well, take the good gratefully when it comes. Slept like the proverbial dead tree last night not waking until 10.30 - dog clearly had his paws crossed but hadn't disgraced himself whilst Peachy gave me a stern look as I hastily delivered her hay in my dressing gown. Grey sort of day but dry for once, with visibility up to 1k. Happy New Year to all with hopes for good health or, if not quite that, the continuing kind support of this forum.
4.7 this morning - super low for me two days running? Weird after running high during both preceding days. Oh well, take the good gratefully when it comes. Slept like the proverbial dead tree last night not waking until 10.30 - dog clearly had his paws crossed but hadn't disgraced himself whilst Peachy gave me a stern look as I hastily delivered her hay in my dressing gown. Grey sort of day but dry for once, with visibility up to 1k. Happy New Year to all with hopes for good health or, if not quite that, the continuing kind support of this forum.
Good, sound, long sleep always lowers my levels.
Hi all and happy New Year's Eve.

6.8 at 9am following half a biscuit and 2 glucose tabs at 4:37 when my Libre2 alarm went off and I was 4.0. So avoided a hypo at least, which keeps my Time in Range at 80% with nothing in the red.

Mr Julian and I will meet friends in the pub at 5pm for an hour before coming home for a sort of buffet (cold meats, cheeses etc) just the two of us, and I expect we'll watch Jools Holland.

@Gruers Good Luck for today.
@eggyg and Mr eggyg - lots of hugs and have a warm toddy to greet the NY.

To all the rest I wish a happy day!
Good afternoon all
Well on waking for an evening meal I’ve managed a 5.1.
Hope everyone has a happy Hogmanay. I’ll have another dry one as working in the morning from 09:00.
@TinaD Just spotted that it is your birthday today.... No wonder you had a lie in this morning!! Hope you have had a lovely day. Happy Birthday!
Wishing you all A Happy New Year!
Woke at 3am with a lovely start to the year...21 (are a few twiglets that bad? :()
Didn't bother staying up until midnight, was too sleepy. Had a booze free new years too so no hangover (YAY)
Has since dropped down to 14.9 and plan on naps again soon 😉.

Have a wonderful day everyone.
Happy 2022 to All
A 6.8 this morning, as I move back to working days.
Stay safe.
Happy New Year everyone! ..... Surely it's got to be better than the last 2!

Disappointing 7.9 here and that was 2.5hrs after a 2 unit correction for an 11.6.
No alcohol for me either, just a warm cocoa to celebrate the turn of the year and a larger dose of Levemir which clearly didn't do any good!
New Year's Resolution to go for a walk everyday, even if it is just a couple of miles.
6.0 to see in the new year this morning.

Thank you all for your support this year and here’s to a love and laughter filled 2022 for one and all!

Happy New Year everyone and all the best for 2022

Well I got to sleep sometime after 12:30 last night then was rudely awoken at 2am by the inconsiderate teenager downstairs and his mates starting blasting the music, got about half hour after that so I'm ready for bed already! 9.1 today

We don't do steak pie for New Years dinner so we've got this nearly 3kg chunk of silverside in the oven xx
Happy New Year all, lets hope for a good one.
6.8 today and going to sons for dinner which will be nice.
Enjoy your day all xx
@TinaD belated birthday wishes to you x
Happy New Year all, 5.0 at 7am today, but I went back to sleep and I’m 6.7 now. Stayed up to see the new year in, I wasn’t going to, but with so many fireworks going off, plus the church bells. (actually it was nice to hear the bells, they were silent last NYE) decided I wouldn’t sleep anyway. Watched the firework and drone display over London on the TV, I don’t know if it’s just me, but I feel they let too many off at once, and with all the drone lights and lasers as well, it all gets a bit busy and muddled.