Group 7-day waking average?

Morning Everyone.
16.9 And feeling lousy.
Can barely speak my throat is so painful.
Drinking a lemsip now and hoping it eases up a little bit although I'm sure the kids will be fine with me not talking all day 😉
I was feeling much better yesterday too 😡
Thank goodness I had no epic plans for wild parties tonight 🙄

hope you all enjoy the last of 2021 x
Duncanlord wow you must be up very early indeed. I thought 4 oclock in the morning was early, but it's your lunch time. Wow. I guess you are a night worker then.

I'll not claim it again. Have a great day
30/12/21 22:09 BS 7.9 & been steadily going down since then after eating twice f reducing NR.

A Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 🙂

Currently bunging in mini marshmallows as 07:09 BS 4.4! 😱 3 hours eating lunch I felt a sudden urge to eat sweets so, following my instincts, tested & piling in the sweets! I only had 24 NR for lunch but, still too much! I didn’t reduce anymore tresiba when I got up last night & I should have! So, I’ll go ultra ultra conservative with the NR now!😱

Now wait 10 minutes, test & have an oatcake & maybe some peanut butter to keep me up! :confused:
07:37 BS 6.4 & just guzzled an oatcake & a heap of oeanut butter with timer at 3 hours & 35 minutes so, not much active NR to go! Phew! Better have oatcake & PB as well before going to bed later! Will reduce tresiba further to 76 after midnight or may even leave it until later tomorrow morning! :confused:
Good morning (afternoon @DuncanLord)
6.6 for me, wet and windy here today.

A busy afternoon yesterday, did my HMRC online self assessment
I was slightly confused on completing it the algorithm said I’m due a rebate
but after submitting it I noticed a 24p underpayment was due 🙂

Today my sister is stopping for Lunch, as shes passing by,
it will be nice to catch up quickly / exchange some Christmas presents.

have a great day everybody 😎
Morning all, 4.3 here, oops, Dawn has deserted me, must have been the couple of glasses of white wine yesterday evening. I should have reduced basal last night, but it normally only happens with red, for some odd reason.
Morning and Happy New Year’s Eve. 5.8 for me.

Feeling pretty ropey. Bad night, lots of coughing, from both of us. Mr Eggy got the dry, tickly and very annoying version. I’ve got the full blown hacking cough of a 40 a day smoker, complete with phlegm! TMI? BTW I’ve never smoked in my life, never even tried it! This morning I feel dizzy and very tired and have a stinking headache. I very nearly got up at 3am but shuffled my pillows about and eventually dozed off. Is it bedtime yet? 😱

Have a good day/ night however you chose to celebrate. I may have a nana nap about 8ish so I’m ready for Jools later on. I think I’ll just be raising a glass of water at midnight whilst wearing my PJs. How rock and roll am I? 😉
7.7 after an Italian last night so can’t moan. Enjoyed the ballet but not a patch on some I’ve seen. My granddaughter also liked it but was very tired by the end of it. Going out for breakfast soon and definitely staying in this evening.
@Gruers good to hear you don’t need a major op and hope you are home soon x
Have a great New Years Eve whatever you are doing x
5.6 for me today. 🙂
Month waking average 5.2
3 Month waking average 5.3

Good morning everyone. I've just woken up, am very late today. 6.9 for me after an overnight correction of 1u.

Norhing planned for today really, just pottering around the house before settling down to food, film and a couple of glasses of wine to see in the New Year. Have a good day everyone.
Good morning all.
Okay, today I decided to check out this FFOTF theory as, tbh, I have never tested my BG whilst still in bed, it has always been on a trip to the bathroom. So today was the day....
In bed at 8.09am - 7.5
In bathroom at 8.28am - 6.3
I think I will stick to the bathroom!!! lol I do actually feel more comfortable doing my BG after I have washed my hands, this was also something that stuck in my head when my DN did the finger prick test on me, there was no hand-washing on either part and the BG came back in double figures at 18.2 or thereabouts. The highest I have ever had, back when recently diagnosed was 10.6 early September - my average waking score was around 6.5 when I last checked...though I got a 5.7 at bedtime last night.
Oh well, time to take my meds and get ready to go shopping for the weekend. I'm looking at my "diet" and how to improve it and, hopefully, lower my BG that bit more. I need to give my weight loss a kick up the butt too, though I am now an okay weight, a few more pounds would be to my benefit in several ways. I am going to (finally) have my belated Christmas dinner this weekend, so hopefully will make a fresh start as from next Monday.
Have a good weekend all, enjoy your New Year celebration however you do it (seems me and my friends are all home bods this year!), but remember to stay safe whatever you do. Let us embrace the new year as being healthier and fulfilling in many ways. Best wishes all xxx
Before breakfast BG was 7.2 but where does the House Special fit if working overnight?
Does it go on waking for shift at supper time. Or now at breakfast?
Not that I’ll even try for it as 5.2 too close to 5 for comfort when driving or working for a living.
I’d be interested to know or do new rules have to be created. @Northerner
I'd say it's whenever you awake after your 'main' sleep period 🙂 I would say 5.2 isn't too low to wake up on, unless you sleep in your car - presumably there would normally be some food consumed before commencement of the working day, or if no food then no insulin to blight the readings 🙂

7.9 for me

Lidl's made an oopsie yesterday but nobody complaining here, had a £10 voucher to use as had completed the Coupon Plus of reaching £200 spend for the month, Bruce did his and my shopping and got the £10 off, usually that's the voucher removed from the app straight away but his mum was behind him in the queue so he got the app scanned again and it took £10 off her shopping too, bonus! lol xx
Happy last day of the year folks. Here's hoping the new one will be happier and healthier for all.

6.4 for me this morning but only due to a 2 unit correction a couple of hours earlier for a 9.7 and rising. Just caught it before it went beyond range. Yes!
Went out for a long walk last night and really feel better for it. Cut my Levemir down to 3.5 before bed to account for it. I was torn between 3 and 4 units so split the difference but hindsight suggests 4 would have been a better decision.

Need to get down to the surgery today to collect my prescriptions.... Levemir, Libre and I think a new Sharpsafe, Oh and some Ketostix because I have no "in date" means of testing for ketones and since there is a lot of lurgy going around at the moment I thought I had better address the situation. Hopefully I will continue to duck and dodge all germs.... unless I get something zoonotic from the horses or chickens as I don't have much contact with people. I was in rather close contact with my single surviving little chick that hatched Christmas Eve, the other day, as it's mother was rather distracted by scratching for food and it was feeling the cold and intent upon deafening half the village in it's protests. Can't believe such a tiny thing can make so much noise or that it's mother could ignore it!! Anyway, I left it as long as I dared hoping that she would attend to it but at this time of year they can get chilled very quickly, so in the end I popped it into my sports bra whilst I did a few chores at the yard and thankfully that pacified it and then gave it back to it's mother once she looked like she was more settled. This is her first time hatching and really quite unnatural to be broody at this time of year and the chicks get cold so quickly once they are out from under her, whereas in the spring they can toddle around for hours without a problem. I moved her out of the hen house when they started hatching so that the other hens wouldn't trample the chicks so I think she is a bit stressed by the change of scene and probably not really her fault that she isn't as attentive as she should be.

Anyway, hope everyone has as good a day today as they can and will be thinking of @Gruers having his surgery today and @eggyg and Mr Eggy competing for whose cough is the worst or most irritating. 🙄 Get better soon Elaine. Really concerned but pleased you got some medication to tackle it.
Morning all

9.9 this morning, but will be back to normal eating And exercise next week, thinking it is probably the hot chocolate from the pod machine so will cut that out.

@Gruers - pleased you don’t need a major operation, you will be in my local hospital.

Is @ColinUK awol or have I just missed his posts.

Happy New Year everyone