Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning and a New Year. I’m not saying happy as I said it 2019 and last year, and look what happened! I must be a jinx, so just hope you all have a New Year! 😉 Back to business. 5.9.

For the first time in many a year we didn’t stay up to see in the new year. I lasted until 11.15, really wanted to go to bed at 9 if truth be told, and we read in bed. Only realised we’d missed the new year when I zapped my Libre and it showed 12.02! No coughing competition through the night I’m pleased to say, slept better with the odd coughing fit. Never woke Mr Eggy though. Absolutely no plans for today, would love to say we were going for a nice brisk walk but I’ll be lucky if I manage to the top of the garden! Maybe tomorrow, no, definitely tomorrow! Be positive Eggy! 🙂

Have a good New Years Day whatever you’re doing. 🙂
Happy White Rabbits everyone!!
'twas 5.4 for me earlier.

@TinaD Just spotted that it is your birthday today.... No wonder you had a lie in this morning!! Hope you have had a lovely day. Happy Birthday!
Thank you - I had a nice quiet day except for friendly phone calls, mucked out, gave the midden a good tidy up, duck for lunch and a new book. Woke late this a.m. to an FBG of 4.9. Not sure if I should set the alarm clock or rejoice in the low figures!
Good late morning here. Just had notification from my energy supplier that my rates/costs will rise in February from 69 pounds a month to 225 pounds per month. Not sure how we will survive this next year. Not happy. Very worried.

5.1 BG this morning. So at least BG is good.

I feel so depressed now. I put in so much effort and I just get beaten up from all sides. Next up will be house rates increase, food costs increase, insurance costs increase, etc etc. I know my wife will come off her meds this year because she is not ill (according to her) and she insists that she will come off them. I think I will just go and have a bit of a cry.
Well, I will say it and hope I don’t jinx it, but Happy New Year to you all.

5.1 this morning, didn’t wake until 10am, but we stayed up until after Jules Holland finished. Apparently I was in the red from 3am to 6am, so that’s spoiled my TIR. Must have slept through the alarm. Went to the pub at 6pm but came home when it started to get busy about 7:30 and opened a bottle of wine. So that probably affected the BG overnight.

@eggyg glad to hear you had a better night.

@TinaD happy belated birthday.
Happy New Year

Well it wasn’t the start to the New Year we wanted, my 85 year old mum tested positive on her LFT this morning, got a PCR ordered to be delivered to her flat as the rest of us have tested negative this morning, someone she was with on Boxing Day tested positive last night, so maybe a link there. I was at my mums on Thursday so will just keep checking every 3 days while the test supplies we have last. At the moment she just has a craggy throat which she came out with on Tue/Wed.

Anyway 8.8 for me but had pizza and chocolate for dinner last night, and saw in the new year with a hot chocolate. Oh and I managed to gain 4lbs in 10 days, so I now have 14lbs to lose, but I am sure some of that will come off easy enough.

Was supposed to be having family around today but put that off due to having been near my mum, luckily most of the food is freezable and what isn’t my son will take to work and tell his colleagues to help themselves to it.
ooh I am posting so late today, but my head is spinning and I just keep falling asleep. It is nothing to do with drinking in the new year, my wee can of strawberry daiquiri is still sitting there more than half full. Not long had a tea, just made a coffee and now trying to get some food into me - turkey slices and cranberry roll-ups and a packet of quavers.
Anyway my BG this morning - 6.8 at 10.19am, but I did over-indulge somewhat yesterday and it was 8.1 at 2.35am this morning :/
On a good note, my daughter and co popped in a short while ago, and guess what - I'm going to be a Nana again in September!!! Whoop Whoop - what a great start to the new year! A few months back she was having issues and the possibility of having PCOS as she was not ovulating at all - sooooo you can imagine how we are all over-the-moon! They've now gone to tell his parents, so I can't say a dicky bird on FB (yet), but I can share it here :D Happy New Year everyone!
Wishing everyone a very happy new year X

Now on to the D side of things. I've not posted on this thread since Wednesday so here goes with
Thursday at 7:33 BG 3.4. Had 4 dextro tablets. No hypo awareness. Reduced Tresiba (basal) from 14u to 13u. 7:52 15 minute check. BG 4.9 still below target of 6-10mmol. Had 2 dextro tablets. 8:19 BG 10.7 tiny bit above target although I do panic when I see 10 something because I'm so used to my other target of 5-8mmol where 10 would be above target well an truly.

Friday at 7:51 BG 5.2 below target. Had 2 1/2 dextro tablets. 8:17 15 minute check. BG 5.4. Had 1/2 dextro tablet. Then stupidly didn't do another 15 minute check because I was running round getting ready for going out to our local bistro to meet the girls from work for breakfast.

Today at 7:22 BG 4.4 below target. Had 3 dextro tablets. 7:45 BG 6.3 within target. 15 minute check. Because I didn't want breakfast just yet had 1 rich tea biscuit 6g carbs.

Enjoy the rest of your day everyone 🙂
Hi Guys, we’ll that didn’t go well. Yesterday I had 1 stent put in and not the 3 promised by Harlow and I’ll need a double by pass op probably at the end of the week then 2 days icu and a few more days in the ward
A Spanish lady consultant involved and very impressive, as I’m fairly fit she thought I’d be ok but it’s a 4 hour op, we were always told Diabetes can cause a HA or stroke mines just arrived
I’m in the best place Basildon Cardio centre
Happy new year to you all
@Gruers wishing you well and although not what you were expecting you obviously have a good team around you xxx
Good morning to you all. Very dark out there.

Today we celebrate the new year meal. A few days late as we had pizza prepared at new year and we didn't want to waste it of freeze it. Just poor planning I guess. Except that today will be great food (portions withing reason!)

BG 5.0 this morning. Nice round figure.

Went out on the beach yesterday as it was so warm. A lovely long walk. Mind you, the beach was fair crowded ! Hard to avoid people or dogs.

Nothing planned for today except an update to the App. Improved functionality.

Have a great day whatever you are doing or not doing 🙂
Morning all. 🙂 5.7 here.

As @SueEK says, sounds like you’ve got a great medical team taking care of you - best wishes for your op and recovery @Gruers.

Aah, Sunday...I’m still pooped from staying up until midnight on NY’s Eve! 😉 Happy New Year ev1.
5.0 for me today. 🙂


8.5 for me, but today is reset day, going for a run this morning and no more sweet sugary or Corby snacks.

@Gruers - sorry to hear op didn’t go as planned.

have a good day everyone

9.0 here today, I had yet another sensor end prematurely on Friday, it was on day 8 :(

Well there's a load of silverside left over from yesterday which will be tea again tonight and there will even be some for sandwiches tomorrow, will definitely be using Lidl's for it again next year as it's just as good as the butchers yet less than half the price for a bigger bit! (my grandad always refused to get it from Lidl) xx
Morning all. 5.9 today. Pleased with that as I’d plummeted to 4.8 by bedtime. Bit of insulin stacking I think. Lesson learnt. I really, really didn’t want anything to eat at 10.30 but managed half a slice of toast with peanut butter on as that was the better option for me. Sweet stuff late at night ie JBs et al is not for me.:(

We did manage a walk yesterday, my idea, it was a lovely day. Did a slow, flat ( and very clarty) 3 miles. I did struggle at times with my breathing but thought I’d done good. Came home, read my book, took down the remaining Christmas decs in the living room. Mr Eggy made the tea, which was lovely, steak and chips and all the trimmings, I even managed a small glass of Sancerre. Then I felt really unwell. Sweating, sickly and generally just rubbish. Went for a lie down and it slowly settled down. Done too much maybe? I had such high hopes too. Ah well, rest today, so I’ve been told, and see what tomorrow brings. I’m getting fed up with this all now. :(

Have a great day. It’s Sunday I think? :confused:
Good morning a slightly higher 7.2 today

possibly the later wake up, plus we had lunch out.
my wife and I spent yesterday visiting Derbyshire

Have a great day everybody 😎