Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. 8.4 for me this morning. Despite dialing my evening Levemir back by 3 units to account for a long walk yesterday afternoon and going to bed on 8.3 and no evening bolus insulin, I had a naughty hypo at 2am which took two treatments to fix. First attempt I woke up on what Libre said was 3.2. Didn't double check it it with a finger prick but probably about 4 in reality. Took my hypo treatment and dropped straight back off to sleep (not that I properly woke up anyway) and slept through the reminder to recheck, so 45mins later I woke up again sweating this time on what Libre said was 2.3! Oops! Doubt it was anywhere near that low but very definitely still hypo. Another hypo treatment and this time checked it was coming up before I zonked again. Nice steady 6.6 at 4.45am but then "Dawn" must have started to kick in which is pretty unusual for me. Anyway, another 2 units knocked off my morning Levemir as well.

@Gruers Really disappointed that they weren't able to fix you up as simply as expected. Not quite sure how to interpret your post but hoping it isn't indicating that you have had a stoke and will be keeping fingers crossed for bypass surgery as soon as they can fit you in for it. Best of luck.

Then I felt really unwell. Sweating, sickly and generally just rubbish. Went for a lie down and it slowly settled down. Done too much maybe?
Done too much?.... DEFINITELY!!
Please take it a bit easier. You are pushing your body too hard. It needs time to rest and recover. And walking in "clarts" is so much harder than solid ground.
Today started with a 5.9.

Started the year off yesterday with Park Run.

And set a new fastest time for the year! (I know it’s January 1st but I’m celebrating the milestone!)

Spent the rest of the day watching musicals and films I’d somehow missed including The Help (Amazon Prime and also Disney+) which is exceptional.

Legs ache this morning but been out for a 15 min “recovery” run at a very gentle pace. Apparently the logic is that it eases the muscular ache and means you can run again tomorrow. I think it just confuses the leg muscles so that they don’t know what they’re supposed to do and they give up aching out of confusion!
Morning all. Take your pick on my waking level this morning, alarm woke me to a 4.9, treated, dozed, woke to a 6.0, went back off to sleep, woke to 5.7, rising to 6 by the time i got up and dropping to 4.8 by the time i got to the stairs.

The last few days i have upped the basal by half unit and it seems to have stopped/made not so high the spikes overnight. I also started my New Year resolution on having a walk every day (in addition to the walking around at work) yesterday with a 3 mile walk. Its either the increase in basal starting to kick in or the after effects of the walk thats causing lows. It will be trial and error to find out, though basal will no doubt need to be reduced when i go back to work.

Have a good day everyone.
Morning all. 7.3 today. Ended up having a roast out as DIL didn’t feel well enough to cook, she did look poorly and could barely talk. Ended up in hospital last night. She has laryngitis which has inflamed her chest and exacerbated her asthma. Fortunately no infection, she is on steroids, antibiotics (prophylactic I think) and on a nebuliser at present. We bought her a nebuliser a few years ago so they are going to give her some of the medicine and let her use it at home so should be out some time today. Not a great start to the year but she always suffers with her asthma in the winter.
8.30 last night I noticed our freezer door was open and hubby had left it open but it was so frozen up the door wouldn’t close, never seen it so bad. It took 2 hours to defrost it completely. What a joy!!
Have a good day all xx
Morning all. 7.3 today. Ended up having a roast out as DIL didn’t feel well enough to cook, she did look poorly and could barely talk. Ended up in hospital last night. She has laryngitis which has inflamed her chest and exacerbated her asthma. Fortunately no infection, she is on steroids, antibiotics (prophylactic I think) and on a nebuliser at present. We bought her a nebuliser a few years ago so they are going to give her some of the medicine and let her use it at home so should be out some time today. Not a great start to the year but she always suffers with her asthma in the winter.
8.30 last night I noticed our freezer door was open and hubby had left it open but it was so frozen up the door wouldn’t close, never seen it so bad. It took 2 hours to defrost it completely. What a joy!!
Have a good day all xx
Good that she is okay. The freezer was frozen? It must have been really cold
Morning all on this horrible wet day. Stair rods coming down and black as pitch here.

5.7 here this morning. Went to bed early(for us - 10:30) and was woken from a deep sleep at 00:30 by a low glucose alarm (4.1). Treated it with 2 glucose tabs and couldn't get back to sleep. At 1:30 I scanned again and was 4.3 so put the light on in order to put the pump onto a temp basal of 90%. Of course that woke hubby. Settled down again and then had to wake hubby again as the medicalert bracelet he had bought me for Xmas (to replace the one I had lost) had caught in the embroidery on the pillowcase and I couldn't get free. Finally got to sleep again. Woke again for the toilet at 4:47 to discover I was 8.6, so turned off the temp basal. FINALLY got some sleep until 9:30. Feel awfully guilty abut my shenanagans waking hubby all the time!

@Gruers so sorry to hear your news. Hope all goes well from now on.

@rebrascora - your night antics are as bad as mine! {{{{HUGS}}}}

@ColinUK well done on the runs.

@eggyg TAKE IT EASY!
@rebrascora - your night antics are as bad as mine! {{{{HUGS}}}}
Sorry to hear you had a bit of a rough night too. It was the first night in ages that I slept with Ian.... I went up to his to watch "Downton" with him .... but as always he slept right through totally oblivious to my antics!
I love Libre for enabling me to scan without putting a light on or even sitting up and I always have hypo treatments on the bedside table easily within reach all portioned out so I don't have to think, just open chew and sleep. The problem seems to be that it is too easy and I barely wake up to do it, so I drop straight back off to sleep without my 15 min check and then get caught out by a double dip or in this case a total failure to respond to the first hypo treatment..... Definitely took it because I checked the pots before I got into bed and both were full and they were both empty when I got up!
Good morning all. Running a bit late this a.m. after a long night mostly awake - at 05.30, as is the way, no sooner had I decided that I was bored with lying there and that my e-book was a bit dull I fell asleep. So dog and pony had rather late breakfasts. FBG was 5.4 so yesterday's abstinence wasn't wasted altho' at 03.00 hrs I could have eaten the pony if she were covered in marzipan...Weird how cravings go up and down and happy to report carb lust gone this a.m. Weather dry, grey and nippy with brisk breeze so breathing quite good - can't hack the high humidity we have had for the last few days. Only woggly in the grease is the CH - cannot wait to get fingers round throat of electrician!
Good morning all. Running a bit late this a.m. after a long night mostly awake - at 05.30, as is the way, no sooner had I decided that I was bored with lying there and that my e-book was a bit dull I fell asleep. So dog and pony had rather late breakfasts. FBG was 5.4 so yesterday's abstinence wasn't wasted altho' at 03.00 hrs I could have eaten the pony if she were covered in marzipan...Weird how cravings go up and down and happy to report carb lust gone this a.m. Weather dry, grey and nippy with brisk breeze so breathing quite good - can't hack the high humidity we have had for the last few days. Only woggly in the grease is the CH - cannot wait to get fingers round throat of electrician!
Hi all,

First time joining in with the waking average thread but thought I’d actually remember to join in today!

6.9 for me today, not my best but equally not my worst so fairly pleased with that 🙂
6.8 this morning (late), but did have half a pizza that son cooked for me last night, being unwell, so a fair few carbs from that. Head not so giddy today, so hopefully on the mend now. Anyway, must be doing something right as lost another pound after being stagnant for ages. Onwards and upwards (downwards sounds better here lol) .... hope to get back on the exercise bike soon, before it disappears under a layer of dust again....
Afternoon everyone! 14.4 after sleep part 1 and 14.9 after sleep part 2.
Feeling a lot better but coughing a lot at night which is waking me up and playing havoc with my sleep pattern (which is always a struggle at the best of times).

Anyway heading up to my sis in laws for a coffee, have barely seen her this past week and I need a sanity break heh :D
Enjoy what's left of the day everyone <3

@sg295 welcome on in x
Good morning. 8.4 for me this morning. Despite dialing my evening Levemir back by 3 units to account for a long walk yesterday afternoon and going to bed on 8.3 and no evening bolus insulin, I had a naughty hypo at 2am which took two treatments to fix. First attempt I woke up on what Libre said was 3.2. Didn't double check it it with a finger prick but probably about 4 in reality. Took my hypo treatment and dropped straight back off to sleep (not that I properly woke up anyway) and slept through the reminder to recheck, so 45mins later I woke up again sweating this time on what Libre said was 2.3! Oops! Doubt it was anywhere near that low but very definitely still hypo. Another hypo treatment and this time checked it was coming up before I zonked again. Nice steady 6.6 at 4.45am but then "Dawn" must have started to kick in which is pretty unusual for me. Anyway, another 2 units knocked off my morning Levemir as well.

@Gruers Really disappointed that they weren't able to fix you up as simply as expected. Not quite sure how to interpret your post but hoping it isn't indicating that you have had a stoke and will be keeping fingers crossed for bypass surgery as soon as they can fit you in for it. Best of luck.


Done too much?.... DEFINITELY!!
Please take it a bit easier. You are pushing your body too hard. It needs time to rest and recover. And walking in "clarts" is so much harder than solid ground.
Yes mam! 😛 I am so stubborn and absolutely rubbish at doing nothing. I’ve learnt my lesson though. I’ve even cancelled my volunteer slot on Tuesday as I just know I couldn’t do it. I’ve already missed two weeks and feel so bad. Mr Eggy says I’m daft, I don’t have a contract and I definitely don’t get paid. I hate letting people down. But I’m being a good girl today, sort of, I did a wee bit ironing when Mr Eggy nipped to his mother’s.🙄
I’m going to catch up with some telly now, Christmas/New Year Sewing Bee, just the thing to make me feel inadequate! But I love it. 🙂
Just for you Barbara, an “arty” shot of yesterday’s clarts.


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I love Libre for enabling me to scan without putting a light on or even sitting up and I always have hypo treatments on the bedside table easily within reach all portioned out so I don't have to think, just open chew and sleep. The problem seems to be that it is too easy and I barely wake up to do it, so I drop straight back off to sleep without my 15 min check and then get caught out by a double dip or in this case a total failure to respond to the first hypo treatment..... Definitely took it because I checked the pots before I got into bed and both were full and they were both empty when I got up!
Ah... I have hypo remedies by the bed too, but can't do it in the dark in case I knock off the pint of squash that's between them and me!
I’m going to catch up with some telly now, Christmas/New Year Sewing Bee, just the thing to make me feel inadequate! But I love it.
Me too... going to watch whilst I do my nails. Friends who know I can make curtains, including quite elaborate pelmets are always asking me to alter their clothes and I keep saying "It's a different science and I'm useless at it!".
Evening all
Just home from work, which I think suits my body and my bodily visitor.
This morning’s waking figure was 6.8.
But, and I’m going to give it the kiss of death by posting, I’ve managed to stay in a sensible place testing every two hours ( for driving and working purposes).
The spike after yesterdays breakfast was caused by a banana added to my breakfast porridge, to get me through day to lunch and testing quickly afterwards to drive into work.
This morning I missed the banana but had an apple on getting to work.

03:00 BS 5.0 🙂

A Very early Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I’ve been missing for a couple/few days: too early to work it out; brain not quite in gear yet! 🙄:D😉 And it’s been a bit testing, pun fully intended,& there were a few 4’s along the way but, thankfully 4 was the lowest so, no technical hypos!o_O BUT, cycle is definitely over now & I did move tresiba back round to 11:30 today, 4am then 7:30 & 1 last delay later, & back up to the 4 I reduced by in one go! Tresiba & cycles has been a steep learning curve the last few cycles but, I think I have a handle on it now & will try & put what I’ve learnt into practice next cycle & see how it pans out! I have to anticipate the dose changes & do it in slightly bigger jumps, 2 being too small & will try 4 next time, & hopefully do without the hypos & lows: probably still need to tweak the NR to get it bang on; still a bit higher BS is safer, less hair raising, than going low!😱:confused:

I’ve had a sneaking suspicion that’s growing on me that I may need another womb oblation as I had been informed at the time but, only time will tell on THAT front & things ARE stopping for now & controllable: any signs of it going on longer & heavier; I’ll see GP to see if I need another op? :confused:

PS Have to remember to put dates as 22, 21 is past now: always that little bit of adjustment every new year until it becomes second nature! :D🙄😉