Group 7-day waking average?

Good morning. Another very dark, blowing a gale morning.

BG 4.7. Happy with that

Nothing planned except staying in the warm (should get out and exercise). Winter can be very dull.
Good morning 5.3 today

Have a great New Years Bank Holiday everybody 😎
Morning Everyone!

10.2 when I got up in the wee small hours with this coughing. Didn't manage to get back to sleep so going to be a long day. I don't function well on 4 hours sleep o_O.

Quiet day today, just a wee bit of shopping to go and get and waiting on amazon packages (nothing exciting in them). Will try and get out for a walk too before it snows later on (only a little forecast thankfully).

Hope you all have a fantastic day today whatever you get up to 🙂
Good Morning All
Wake up at 07:00. BG 6.0
Breakfast porridge and slice toast plus 4 units NovoRapid
Test 08:00 for driving 9.0
I knew yesterday I’d put the curse of staying totally in the 5 to 8 target zone. Lol
Have a great day
6.9 this morning. DIL back home and taking it easy. SIL has Covid but feeling ok. Am testing every couple of days as back to work tomorrow. Need to do cleaning today as took decs down, was supposed to do it yesterday but had a nana nap instead!!
Have a good day everyone xx
Morning guys

9.7 here xx
4.0 for me earlier. 🙂

03:00 BS 5.0 🙂

A Very early Very Good Morning to you all & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

I’ve been missing for a couple/few days: too early to work it out; brain not quite in gear yet! 🙄:D😉 And it’s been a bit testing, pun fully intended,& there were a few 4’s along the way but, thankfully 4 was the lowest so, no technical hypos!o_O BUT, cycle is definitely over now & I did move tresiba back round to 11:30 today, 4am then 7:30 & 1 last delay later, & back up to the 4 I reduced by in one go! Tresiba & cycles has been a steep learning curve the last few cycles but, I think I have a handle on it now & will try & put what I’ve learnt into practice next cycle & see how it pans out! I have to anticipate the dose changes & do it in slightly bigger jumps, 2 being too small & will try 4 next time, & hopefully do without the hypos & lows: probably still need to tweak the NR to get it bang on; still a bit higher BS is safer, less hair raising, than going low!😱:confused:

I’ve had a sneaking suspicion that’s growing on me that I may need another womb oblation as I had been informed at the time but, only time will tell on THAT front & things ARE stopping for now & controllable: any signs of it going on longer & heavier; I’ll see GP to see if I need another op? :confused:

PS Have to remember to put dates as 22, 21 is past now: always that little bit of adjustment every new year until it becomes second nature! :D🙄😉
I don't know your circumstances but would a hysterectomy not be a better option for you as you are having so much trouble in that area.
I had one when 32 as I had a precancerous ovarian cyst, I don't think they would have done that these days.
Morning all. 6.6 for me. Got to take the tree down and clean round this morning as back at work tomorrow. May make soup as well.

@SueEK i hope your DIL and SIL are ok.
Good morning folks. 6.8, exactly what I retired on, had a ginger nut and was rewarded with an almost flatfish.

The good news is, I only woke at 4 for a loo break, and have hardly coughed, dozed on and off until 8.45. Only got up as I had a headache as I could have slept on. I felt like I turned the corner yesterday, so another day of just pootling about, no leaving the house. Looks like the antibiotics are doing their job, one days worth left to take. Thank blooming goodness.

Have a Happy Monday, back to normal tomorrow I believe. 🙂
Morning all!
7.3 here. Had a funny day yesterday. I was either high or low all day. Felt dodgy(hypo) twice whilst I was out riding but both readings were in the 9s, then got back and injected a single correction unit at 9.7 because I had been in the 9s for hours and an hour later Libre had me at 2.6 with a vertical downward arrow. Of course because I had felt hypo twice before and was high when I tested, I ignored it this time until it was blatantly obvious I really was low. Ended up with 4 red marks on my graph for the day and quite a bit above range as well. I have reduced my morning Levemir by another 2 units but have a sneaky feeling I will have to work hard to keep levels down and I needed 3units again last night but compared to the previous night, not a hint of a hypo overnight this time. Just no consistency!! Arrgh!
5.8 this morning.

Reading training plans for the half marathon in April. Suddenly it all seems so incredibly daunting. I mean 13.1 miles is a long long way and I don’t even do Park Run without stopping for breath.
Need to find my inner steely resolve and just pick one plan and get on with it.

8.4 this morning.

@ColinUK - feeling the same, most I have managed recently is 10k, when I originally signed up for this 1/2 marathon to run it in 2020, I could run 18k with no issues, I am taking the view this time that if I have to walk some of it I will still get the medal and money will still be raised, however I would like to be able to run the whole way.

@SueEK - hope DIL continues to improve and SIL symptoms stay mild.

Mums PCR test is supposed to arrive today so I will have to sort out getting that back once she has done it, so far just the craggy throat that she has had for a few days now.

8.4 this morning.

@ColinUK - feeling the same, most I have managed recently is 10k, when I originally signed up for this 1/2 marathon to run it in 2020, I could run 18k with no issues, I am taking the view this time that if I have to walk some of it I will still get the medal and money will still be raised, however I would like to be able to run the whole way.

@SueEK - hope DIL continues to improve and SIL symptoms stay mild.

Mums PCR test is supposed to arrive today so I will have to sort out getting that back once she has done it, so far just the craggy throat that she has had for a few days now.
We both have this.

Dispassionately I have to say that even doing the park runs regularly is a huge positive for me. I’d never run for anything before.
I don’t doubt I’ll be running the entire 13.1 miles as walking to engage with the onlookers is all going to be part of the fun I think 🙂
5.2 - House special this morning after another night of being awake between 0100-0500hrs. A non-diabetic friend who has the same problem solves it with a large gin, a cold a depressing solution. I could go for a straight malt with honey, lemon and hot water but suspect that even "the water of life" wouldn't be conducive to a low FBG.