Group 7-day waking average?

@TinaD @SueEK thank you 🙂

6.6 this morning which is slightly disappointing really as I went to bed on a 5.0 but it’s ok nevertheless.

Not back at work today so either another run or maybe a long walk is on the cards.
Morning all, 6.2 here, and no dip into the red all night. The secret is just before bedtime, absent mindedly eat a small bit of Christmas pudding that’s been hanging about in the fridge since New Year’s day, then think, oops, shouldn’t have done that, and whack in a guesstimated two units of insulin.
Daughter took her cat home yesterday, daughter has been flitting back and forth because she worked between Christmas and NY, but the cat came for the duration. She’s a sweet cat, but has a habit of suddenly appearing just behind you as you turn round, then looking affronted when you emergency stop and try not to trip over her.
Morning folks. 7.2, garlic bread! Say no more!

Feeling on the up, sort of, not 100% that’s for certain but on the way. Glad I cancelled the volunteering though. Couldn’t have coped with standing around in the cold all day. Have told them I’ll be back next week. Mr Eggy is pleased as he was going to be on his own with baby Zara, he would have coped he’s had three children and now on his fifth grandchild, as mummy is back at work today after her maternity leave. Gosh, that 10 months has flown in. Friday is going to be our day for having her usually but her other grandparents have gone off on a five week cruise! So we’ve had to take up their Tuesday slot before they’d even started! She’ll be fine though, we might not be, but she will be! Been up since 6.30 making a fish pie for our tea and Zara’s lunch. What a messy job that is, I’ve used every pan in the house I think!

Have a good day, back to normality now. 🙂
Morning all. 🙂 6.4 here.

@Dxxoo great to ‘see’ you again. Hope you had an enjoyable Xmas.

Well, OH has got a hozzie appointment lined up for Friday o_O but hasn’t been contacted about a PCR test yet. Let’s see what today brings...

I’ll deffo sponsor you @ColinUK - go for it!
An unusual (for me) 6.1 this morning. 🙂


8.6 today xx
Morning All
A day off today so up a bit later.
This morning at 8:04 was 6.4.
@Gwynn You are ok about being up first for the time being as on Day shifts at the moment.
Have a good day whatever you are doing.
I may/not be ringing Abbott today. Applied new sensor yesterday and activated it last night at 7pm.

Still plenty time for it to wise up, I've not long got off the phone to them about the one that failed last Friday night, replaced again xx
Morning all.
8.6 for me this morning. Dipped down to 4.0 at 2am so had a couple of JBs which brought me up to a nice 6 but then "Dawn" took over and ruined things. Had an extra 1.5 units of Levemir last night which was maybe half a unit too much.
Injected 6 units of Fiasp this morning over an hour ago and still waiting for it to bring me down into the 5s to eat. Looks like it has levelled out at 6.3 over the last 15 mins. Tempted to shoot myself another couple of units and eat, but will give it another 10 mins.

@TinaD Congrats on your House Special yesterday.

@Dxxoo and @adrian1der Great to see you both back.

@Northerner An impressive true flatfish just skimming the ocean floor. Can't decide if it is all the more impressive that your body did that itself rather than it being achieved with the help of basal insulin or not. Love it regardless! I want one!! Did you sleep particularly well?

@Michael12421 Hope your levels came back up quickly and you are OK. Have you got your heating sorted yet? Hope so.
Good morning all. Lovely blue sky here altho' a bit chilly on the legs as I delivered Peachy's breakfast in my dressing gown - running late and only just avoided presenting the bin men with the sight. FBG 5.3, which while winning no prizes is a relief after having a carb laden tea. After 4 hours pressure washing I needed it. The dog's conservatory smells and looks 100% better, dog looks anxious but it is too cold for him to be forcibly bathed.
Morning All
16.3 :(
Need to get the xmas stuff down and away today. I hate how empty the place feels after you do it.

@ColinUK should put the just giving link on your signature with some info so it doesn't get buried in posts 🙂
Gotta laugh DuncanLord. It just tickles me to be first up (well at least for now).


7.0 this morning, so a big improvement on the last few weeks, just need to improve it a bit more. Back to work today, well logging onto work's laptop as still working at home for the next few weeks at least.

Wet and miserable here.
Didn't post early but was up before you @Gwynn after the baby filled his nappy. A 5.8 for me at 03:53. Got back to bed around 04:30 then up again at 05:30 for another full nappy. Back to bed just after 7. Just had a third pooey nappy. How can something so small produce so much poo!
Morning All
16.3 :(
Need to get the xmas stuff down and away today. I hate how empty the place feels after you do it.

@ColinUK should put the just giving link on your signature with some info so it doesn't get buried in posts 🙂
That’s a great idea! And thank you for your donation too!