Group 7-day waking average?

7.6 today beter then the 10.6/11.39 yesterday.
be thankful it stayed in the nappy (hopefully)
He has a jumperoo - when he poos in that and bounces it is spectacular....
Morning all from a very wet Cornwall. It's always a few degrees warmer than the rest of the country, but boy is it WET!

5.4 this morning. Went to bed on 6.7 at 23:45 after a late meal gone 9pm, it rose gently to 7 during the night and very gently came down after that... not a flatfish, but not bad.

Exciting times... the dishwasher repair man is here (seems like a long time since it went wrong on Xmas eve) and I treated myself to a new Scoville non-stick 5Litre casserole in ASDA sale whilst I was picking up my new glasses. Have been wanting a large casserole that I can use on the stove top and in the oven for a long time. Although there are only 2 of us I usually cook for 6 or 8 when I do stews and things, so I can freeze the surplus in portions for 2.

@ColinUK thx for the link, done and dusted.

@Gwynn and @DuncanLord what's this competition to get up in the middle of the night? I sometimes only go to bed 2 hours before you get up!!!
Bit nippy today. 8.8 for me. Have a good day all. I'm waiting to hear if I'll be evicted and whether the dire Royal London will ever pay up on Mum's insurance or I might have to go round the cem with a shovel. I hates Royal London, she's been with them as United Friendly since she was a toddler. Grrr...
I just like gold stars but there doesn't seem to be one for the first to post. Sigh.

Just a bit of fun.

I have always risen very early. Probably drove my mother nuts as I was not exactly a quiet child. 🙂
@Pattidevans Thank you!

And hope the casserole dish is good - I bought one of their saucepans to use on the temporary induction hob and was impressed but found it heats unevenly. I’ve used it on a standard hob though and it’s a decent pan. Nice and lightweight and a good size so it’s become my staple egg scrambling saucepan now!
I just like gold stars but there doesn't seem to be one for the first to post. Sigh.

Just a bit of fun.

I have always risen very early. Probably drove my mother nuts as I was not exactly a quiet child. 🙂
You are hereby awarded the First Star of the Day award in recognition of your outstanding contributions to this forum!
Yay!!! Thanks. Made my day.

just finished off the shelf thing in the kitchen for the Ninja Foodi. Nackered now (me, not the Ninja)

Aghhhh my wife is attacking everything with the vacuum!!!


I knew that this was going to be a disaster.

Report 1: she reported that the central heating was no longer working. A bit of investigation revealed that she had accidentally switched off the master switch.

Report 2: she managed to remove half the paintwork off the stairs wall. O, it was perhaps a bit damp. But the mess she crwated.

She is still going strong with the vaccuun. Pass the whisky!!! I'm a nervous wreck right now !
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Late posting and late with my reading - had the awful munchies in the night and got an unsurprising 7.9 - ouch.
Late posting and late with my reading - had the awful munchies in the night and got an unsurprising 7.9 - ouch.
Do you wake up in the night feeling hungry or are you a night owl and then craving food because you are awake.
Have you always been prone to wanting food in the night? It's just that I have noticed you mention this before and it is quite unusual if you are waking up hungry and I am wondering if it is your diet which is causing it.... either not enough protein and fat to keep you going through the night or possibly the processed foods like your breakfast biscuits and snack bars making you crave.
Still plenty time for it to wise up, I've not long got off the phone to them about the one that failed last Friday night, replaced again xx
Its got a bit better, only up to 2 out through the day, so hopefully it will start to settle down soon. I'll keep an eye on it though, and if it misbehaves more i shall ring Abbott. Its been a while since i had one go wrong.
Its got a bit better, only up to 2 out through the day, so hopefully it will start to settle down soon. I'll keep an eye on it though, and if it misbehaves more i shall ring Abbott
Hopefully it'll continue to settle in for you, have to say the Diabox app seems to be closer than LibreLink for me at the moment and I haven't even calibrated it yet

Its been a while since i had one go wrong.
Wish I could say that! Lol xx
have to say the Diabox app seems to be closer than LibreLink for me at the moment and I haven't even calibrated it yet
Fingers crossed it stays that way
Morning all 7.7 for me. Will need to leave a touch earlier today as car iced up. Have a good day all x
Morning. A nice round 6. That pleases my OCD, love a round number.

Retinal screening this morning, last one was January 2020. I usually walk, it’s only about a four mile round trip, but it’s icy and very cold again so Mr Eggy driving me. Don’t think I’m ready for that long a walk in the cold yet. Still coughing at times. But he’s promised me a trip to Aldi! Woohoo! I haven’t been shopping since well before Christmas because I’ve not been well enough. Poor Mr Eggy has had to do all the food shopping, and a jolly good job he’s done too, with my detailed instructions!

Have a good day, be careful out there if you’ve ice. 🙂
Good morning everyone!
13.2 today.

Got to waste 3 hours to take daughter into the job centre this morning for her 12 weekly face to face meeting to tell them that
"The hospital paperwork she has submitted to her journal saying once again her appointments have been pushed back were real and that needs to happen before they will put her on the surgical waiting list and no, santa didn't magically perform the knee surgery himself or take away her 24/7 chronic pain as a part of the "National Christmas Miracle Project."
for them to reply with...
"okay see you again in 12 weeks."

So going to be a fun waste of the entire morning and induce unnecessary pain and anxiety for my daughter as it is a reasonable walk to where the job centre is inside the shopping centre.
Going to get her to whack them with her crutch when they ask stupid questions which they inevitably do :D

Anyways need to go get out of PJs and get ready to deal with the outside world. Can I get a super unenthusiastic "yay" o_O