Group 7-day waking average?

Congrats @rebrascora and @Pattidevans on your HS

Well, Abbott have agreed to replace the faulty sensor and atm i am stuck at work waiting for BS to go up so i can drive home.
Good morning All
A 5.0 this morning at 05:30
Does it count as posting first, debatable as @Michael12421 posted slightly earlier but Spain is an hour ahead of Uk. Lol. Lol.
Have a great day.
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Good morning everyone.
6.0 on the nose this morning. Not that I tested blood from my nose as that would just be silly.
Morning all!
5.6 for me this morning with 2 dips into the red overnight and appropriate Fizzy worms to treat, despite a 5.5 unit Levemir reduction last night ie. No evening Levemir. Did some fairly major walking yesterday afternoon! Half expected a strong DP or FOTF but it hasn't happened yet.
Hope everyone has a good day. I need to get to the shops today. First shopping trip since before Christmas apart from the odd essential ie packet of pork scratchings 🙄 , milk and yoghurt from the village shop.
10.2 for me this morning 🙂

Job centre yesterday was pretty much as I guessed it would be, they asked daughters surgery schedule and we were sat down for all of 3 mins for the meeting.
The guy did say that he will just do the next one via phonecall as its pointless us going in 🙂

How you all have a wonderful day
I need to get to the shops today. First shopping trip since before Christmas apart from the odd essential ie packet of pork scratchings 🙄 , milk and yoghurt from the village shop.
I have tesco delivering later on and I did the order half asleep yesterday. Should really check to see what I actually clicked on and hope there is a weeks worth of food for everyone :confused:
Morning all, 7.2 this morning, but that was after getting a message on my reader 'Your sensor has stopped working' and traipsing downstairs for a finger strip and my bodger. (I don’t do mornings until I’ve had a cup of tea in bed!) Sensor had 18 hours to go. Debating whether it’s worth a phone call to Abbott or not.
Just for variety I woke up late at 7am this morning! BG 4.7

I am going to try cutting down on the tea and coffe I drink each day as the cost of calories and carbs is too high.

Just sorting out the kitchen stuff to do today.
I’m ok with coffees. Instant black with no sugar or sweetener gives 2 Cals and nothing else.
I haven’t dared try the posh lattes or fancy ones yet.
Morning all from a very wet Cornwall. It's always a few degrees warmer than the rest of the country, but boy is it WET!

5.4 this morning. Went to bed on 6.7 at 23:45 after a late meal gone 9pm, it rose gently to 7 during the night and very gently came down after that... not a flatfish, but not bad.

Exciting times... the dishwasher repair man is here (seems like a long time since it went wrong on Xmas eve) and I treated myself to a new Scoville non-stick 5Litre casserole in ASDA sale whilst I was picking up my new glasses. Have been wanting a large casserole that I can use on the stove top and in the oven for a long time. Although there are only 2 of us I usually cook for 6 or 8 when I do stews and things, so I can freeze the surplus in portions for 2.

@ColinUK thx for the link, done and dusted.

@Gwynn and @DuncanLord what's this competition to get up in the middle of the night? I sometimes only go to bed 2 hours before you get up!!!
It’s due to working silly hours with National Distress.
You know the transport industry is stupid!
Good morning - a bit nippy round the nethers this a.,m. as I nipped to the stables. BG 5.3 Off to do a click and collect at local Tescos - 18 miles away. Very relieved to get car back from garage at 10 past 10 last night as have eaten all the tasty things and am reduced to meat/milk (freezer) and cabbages/leeks and celeriac (garden). So ho for the asparagus/cheese nuts etc.
7.9 before backfast today. I went to bed on 10.4. I went out for meal and got it wrong which ill probelly say more about in another theard.
Morning folks on this milder day, ie it’s 1 degrees! Snow forecast though. 6.8 for me after the best night’s sleep I’ve had for a while. Starting to feel more like the old Eggy, at last! Eye screening went well, they said everything looked fine but I’ll get an official letter. Popped for some shopping, then did some washing, then had a nana nap! Busy day! :D

Today’s plans include doing a bit of cooking, make chicken stock, leek and potato soup, ratatouille for tea and chicken and lentil casserole for baby Zara’s lunch tomorrow. Tomorrow I’m going to have a walk if it kills me, depending how today goes of course.

Congratulations to @rebrascora and @Pattidevans for yesterday’s HSs.
Have a good day all. 🙂

7.4 today

We didn't get any of the snow that was forecast for yesterday but there's more forecast for today so we'll see if anything comes of it xx