Group 7-day waking average?

Morning everyone. 16.3.
Its so snowy and pretty out today. Only saying that because I don't need to go out in it.

Think I am going to be calling GPs today and see if I can speak to someone again. Metformin (slow release) is causing bloating and cramping (but not as severe as the normal one). Its stopping me from wanting to go anywhere and I'm just feeling more and more miserable.
Going to need a lot of coffee and sanity to deal with them today. 🙄
I'll mention meter readings again but they seem to only want to focus on hba1c numbers (due in 2-3 weeks).

Have a great day whatever you all have planned 🙂
Good morning everybody a shocking 10.1 for me this morning 😱
I overdid things a bit yesterday evening eating food of the food of the devil (Bread)

Yesterday having finally managed to get to speak to a GP
plus later on spoke to the Community Diabetes Nurse
(obviously both on the phone)
both were saying how well I’ve been managing things..

arrangements have been made to get Hba1c done (it’s overdue)
see how it comes back when I can get a blood test at the hospital
I will try to phone them today

hope everybody has a great day whatever your doing 😎
Good morning! 6.1
What is in the air today I wonder?
7.2 for me this morning.
Odd seeing lots of others higher than usual too.

May be a result of the 6 mile run yesterday afternoon as BG climbed slowly but steadily all day after that. Went to bed on a 7.0.

@Gruers Is there anything you need from us lot which would make your stay in hospital better?
Morning all. 6.7 after a high and half the usual correction overnight. Glad its friday, its been a very long week for a short one, though its been very full on.

Have a good day everyone.
7.7 today for me. Not sure what I’m doing today other than collecting grandson from school and dropping him home straight after.
Have a good day whatever you’re doing x
Thought it a little chilly. No heating or hot water! #Joy
Morning all, 5.8 here. It’s above freezing here, an improvement on yesterday. I have to venture out to post my passport off. Ever the optimist, I’m renewing it in the hope that I might get some use out of it soon. Trotted off to Timpsons yesterday to get a photo done, rather than faffing about trying to get OH to take one, (worth the money for the sake of my marriage). It was tipping down and blowing a gale yesterday, so the result is the usual axe-murderer look with a bit of drowned rat thrown in.
Well done on that ‘impossible reading ‘. There aren’t many meters which are capable of displaying that figure on the screen.
Good morning everyone. Ahh cancel that, looking outside. Cold, dark, wet, gailing, hailing. No way am I going out for a walk in that!

My B G is 5.3
Pulse will do at 62
Oxy great at 98
BP licked at (115/) 76
Temp sooo fine at 36.5

Ok, so the rhyming fails. Fun with health readings... not. I must be bored. Actually I am really stressed out with all the impending cost rises being screamed at us all in the news.

Have a great day whatever you manage to do, or avoid 🙂
Morning all. Another high score on the door, is it something in the water today? 7.2. Much prefer the 5.9 I had at 5.15 when I got up for a wee! 😉

Baby Zara today, coming very soon. So already been showered, dressed and had breakfast. The plan today is to go for a walk after lunch. We’ve sleet forecast for this morning, although yesterday’s snow didn’t materialise. Still coughing, but not as much, let’s see what being out in the cold does to me. 🙄

Congratulations @Bloden on the lesser spotted HS.
Have a great day and TGIF. 🙂

8.8 here

Still no sign of snow yesterday but another warning out for it today xx
Good morning to all.
I see I am in good company on the 5.8 step this morning. Didn't do as much walking yesterday so increased my evening basal by 3.5 units and got it absolutely spot on although I did also jab a 1.5 correction at bedtime for a rising 7.6 due to some salmon starting to release glucose from it's protein. Must confess that was a bit of a gamble but also worked perfectly. Really finding this diabetes lark more of a dark art than a precise science. There is a lot of intuition (read "guess work") involved.

Our snow got washed away by rain showers yesterday evening. :(

@Bloden Many congrats on your House Special achievement this morning. I love the fact that we can now award gold stars for this.

@ColinUK Hope you manage to get your heating problem sorted pronto and that you have an auxiliary heater that you can use in the mean time.

7 on the dot for me this morning so that is a slight improvement.

@Bloden - congratulations on you HS today

@Gruers - what hospital are you in now? If it is still Basildon let me know if you need anything as it is only about 15mins drive from my house, if you want some knitting brought down I have plenty of wool and could grab you a pair of needles.

Have a good day everyone, trying to decide if I want to go out for a run, in training for the same 1/2 marathon as @ColinUK, or whether to do a leg workout indoors, I did sign up for a 50mile challenge in January and still got 40 to do.